Recent content by Zero Pike

  1. Z

    BioShock in for a bumpy release

    Well I knew about the couple games that required 3.0 and the only way I found out about it was by this little wonder of an event of hitting the 2K forums and reading other peoples posts defending the 2.0 PS problem. So don't give me that bs line of 'educate yourself more' when you honestly have...
  2. Z

    BioShock in for a bumpy release

    No, I have every reason to feel burned. Whenever I bought a game it ran, ether it ran choppy or it looked ugly, or it hardly ran at all. If my system did not meet the specs it requires. At no time have I ever seen a game which did not give me a software mode or some sort of comprimise for...
  3. Z

    BioShock in for a bumpy release

    Well I can chim in here. Having bought the game and not being able to run it. Theres an issue with older graphics cards, to where the game runs, but the texture's are missing. As such with mine. Turns out my Graphics card an aging but still crankin ATi X700, does not support Pixel shader 3.0...
  4. Z

    Fallout 3 Gamestar preview

    I however think there going to use the Subway tunnel deal, up and down. It'll be just like Oblivion's caves, or better example is Oblivion's Imperial city sewers, Enter door A Exit at door B or C. Which both of those then end up into there own network of doors but on a larger scale. Its...
  5. Z

    Fallout 3 Gamestar preview

    I hate to say it but its probably true. based on there reliance on the subways for transporting the player... I belive there isn't going to be much of a travesable top world. I would not be suprised if they limited you to city/streets/combat areas and to leave them you had to go to the subway...
  6. Z

    Fallout 3 Gamestar preview

    The Nuclear engine issuse rears its ugly head again. :cry: I friggin give up. Mini mushroom clouds. ohh yay its like Duke Nuke'm but with modern graphics and an actually attempt at a story plot. The only way you can enjoy this game is if you toss everything you learned about fallout...
  7. Z

    SeanMike on Fallout 3 as a sequel

    I'm still buying it. As much as I hate it. I hate it as a Fallout fan, because of what I think it should be. But as a gamer in whole, I'm going to give it a shot. I'm going to give them a shot and pretend I never played Fallout before. Plus theres not much comming out that remotely hits...
  8. Z

    CAD can't wait for Fallout

    The way to think of release dates as written by online shops, or any shop for that matter. Don't even count on'em. The people who write those dates really know LESS then we do on when it will ship. Its done when Bethesda says its done, not a day before,
  9. Z

    Fallout 3 at E3 - Firing Squad/Grrlgamer

    I think the robotic "Tickets Please" moment, might have been a peusdo Indy Jones moment. But I think its real reason is far more sinistar. They really can't figure out how to imploy the science/computer skills immersivly. Basically they said... "hmm how can use robots here Todd? Todd...
  10. Z

    Ron Burke answers Fallout 3 questions

    The rediculous-ness of whats being said I don't know why they just don't make Fallout the Side Scrolling shooter.
  11. Z

    Fallout 3 intro text

    Thanks guys I appreciate it :)
  12. Z

    Superplay Fallout 3 preview

    Buy your own partially rebuiilt shack for 3000 Bottlecaps, or whatever the hell its going to be. No its goning to be Oblivion in a different setting. In fallout you need at most a chest or two, or Fallout 2's car to store your stuff. There going to mod Oblivion into Fallout its really no...
  13. Z

    Fallout 3 intro text

    "Game Development. Game development never changes. EA waged war to gather titles and franchies. Blizzard built an empire from its lust for monthly fees and goldfarmers. Rockstar shaped a battered Grand Theft Auto 1 into a console selling superpower. But Game Development never changes...
  14. Z

    Superplay Fallout 3 preview

    Well as a Half Life FPS'er it answers my base combat questions. But well buying a house? that means In-game currency so maybe its not so much a straight FPS... but yeah Oblivion with guns. I think honestly is just as true now as it was when it was first assumed. Call this game Dues Ex meets...
  15. Z

    Fallout 3 at E3 - more plaudits

    So if I make a new website and claim Fallout 3 Best of show at E3 I get a link posted on potentially large traffic site, in the hopes I can get some of that hot visitor action to my site? Wow what a way to make your own games site and populate it. Just come up with a semi hip name... lets...