
  1. Edw590

    Fallout 1 mod F1DP (Fallout 1 DOS Patcher)

    Hi everyone. As I can't publish a resource for some reason (no permissions?), I've decided to make a normal thread for it. Maybe some other time I can create a resource(?). This program patches the engine of the MS-DOS executable of Fallout 1 v1.2 with patches from TeamX, Fallout Fixt, and...
  2. T

    Fallout 1 mod Fallout Fixt in Dosbox?

    Hi, I haven't found anything useful on this when I searched. I'm trying to run Fallout 1 with Fallout Fixt in Dosbox (because I'm on a non-standard platform that doesn't have Wine). Fixt runs, and I can see the changes in the title screen and the credits. When starting a new game, the original...
  3. T


    Didn't know if this was the right place, but I have no where else to look for a solution. I have been playing Fallout 1 on dosbox for Mac. However it is very unstable and when I try to leave an area it freezes. I can't do anything but move and when I do it shows the previous image of my...