new fallout

  1. TheKingofVault14

    Would Anyone Be Up For a New Isometric Styled Fallout Game Made By InXile?

    You know I'm surprised that this hasn't had it's own thread/discussion on this forum yet, well that's about to change! ;) So yeah what do guys think? With Bethesda being busy with Starfield and Elder Scrolls 6, alongside their slow development cycle, plus the Microsoft Layoffs affecting said...
  2. Mikael Segedi

    Dust - A Post Apocalyptic Role Playing Game

    Hey, guys I just released a Fallout inspired Android and Web game. At the moment it's in Beta. Don't tell me that I didn't warned you, the enemies in the game are a bit hard, but that makes it all more risky. You can find the link to the games here: - Android...
  3. Dullahan 451

    Fallout Dustbowl: basically Mad Max with lasers

    Okay, calling it "Mad Max with lasers" is selling it a bit short. This is an idea that I've had for a while, inspired by the dustbowl phenomenon of the great depression in the 20s (look it up to see what I mean). The premise for the game map and some of the core mechanics is that the bombs...
  4. Twicklerm

    Obsidian developed game based on Bethesda's current screw ups?

    Do you think that a future fallout game written by Obsidian, the world created by Obsidian with complete creative control of Obsidian feel like and work as a Fallout game like NV did even with all of the things left over from FO4? Things like: The incredibly dumbed down perk and leveling...
  5. Ragemage

    The Legion Returning?

    So let's say that, hypothetically, Bethesda let Obsidian make a new Fallout game. Would you like to see the game set in Legion territory, such as Arizona, or maybe somewhere being encroached by the Legion like Nevada was, such as Utah? Considering Obsidian was planning to give a LOT more...