Modder prefix list
(see description below):
This is intended for mod authors who:
Infinity Engine modders started a modding prefix list over a decade ago to tackle this exact problem. The simple idea is that you pick a 2-3 (ascii) character prefix, and use it to create your own, private namespace inside the global one.
My suggestion is to do the same. For example, if you pick prefix “a_”, your script could be named, and might look like this:
So, if you want to ensure (to some degree) that another mod doesn’t overwrite your scripts, doesn’t mess with your global variables, and that debug messages coming from your scripts can be distinguished easily, pick a prefix, post it here, and use it for:
Of course, you can just as well not do that... but then don't say I didn't warn you.
My personal prefix is "g_", and I'm using it for quite a while already.
Edit: In addition to the above, there are other resources should be used sparingly and with caution to avoid conflicts (listing the mods I'm aware of, post to add things):
Box bars
("LEVEL", "ADDICT", etc).
(see description below):
- g_ - burn
- p_ - pelicano (used in Party Orders)
- k_ - (reserved by me for) killap's mods: RP, UP
- cr_ - Cyrus
- v_ - Velizar
This is intended for mod authors who:
- Use scripts - global scripts, in particular.
- Care about mod compatibility.
Infinity Engine modders started a modding prefix list over a decade ago to tackle this exact problem. The simple idea is that you pick a 2-3 (ascii) character prefix, and use it to create your own, private namespace inside the global one.
My suggestion is to do the same. For example, if you pick prefix “a_”, your script could be named, and might look like this:
#define S_NAME "gl_a_myscript"
#define ndebug(message) debug_msg(S_NAME + ": " + message + "\n")
procedure start begin
if game_loaded then begin
set_sfall_global("a_myvar", 1000);
So, if you want to ensure (to some degree) that another mod doesn’t overwrite your scripts, doesn’t mess with your global variables, and that debug messages coming from your scripts can be distinguished easily, pick a prefix, post it here, and use it for:
- global script names
- global variable names and saved array names
- debug messages
- new message files (can be loaded with add_extra_msg_file)
Of course, you can just as well not do that... but then don't say I didn't warn you.
My personal prefix is "g_", and I'm using it for quite a while already.
Edit: In addition to the above, there are other resources should be used sparingly and with caution to avoid conflicts (listing the mods I'm aware of, post to add things):
Box bars
("LEVEL", "ADDICT", etc).
- Vanilla engine reserves 3 and 4.
- Restoration Project reserves numbers 5 and 6.
- FO2tweaks reserves number 9.
- Vanilla engine:
A, B, C, I, M, N, O, P, S, Z
1-8, Enter, Esc, Space, Tab, Home, +, -, ?, <, >
F1-F7, F10
Ctrl-L, Ctrl-P, Ctrl-S, Ctrl-X
- Party Orders: D, F, G, H, R, X, T, 0, Ctrl-B, Ctrl-W.
- FO2tweaks: J, V, W, Y, F5, F8, F9 (F's are remapped, so no clash with vanilla).
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