Alien Speculation in NV

Todd Howard's #1 Fan

First time out of the vault
So we all know extraterrestrial life plays a crucial role in the Fallout franchise. In FO 1-3 there are three to four distinct encounters where you could acquire the alien blaster (two of which you actually see an alien + spaceship). The Mothership Zeta DLC answers some question, but raises others. In Mothership Zeta we discover most aliens are quite hostile and run genetic experiments on abductees. We also discover in record log 17 the aliens used mind control to initiate the great war.

So all this begs the questions: Why would alien lifeforms devastate Earth BEFORE draining it of resources? Maybe they're still in the process of extracting resources? Experimenting on humanity's survival perhaps? How many alien ships orbit the planet now that 2 have been dealt with?

Hopefully NV will tie any loose ends regarding aliens.
Sure, as long as we also see some banjo-playing sasquatches, Supermutant Elvis clones and Frank Sinatra's mummified body.
New Vegas shouldnt clear up everything, as it should be saved for Fallout 4 and maybe 5. In later games, it then could be possible to include the alien life form as kind of bigger enemy, just like the super mutants in Fallout 1 have been or the Enclave in Fallout 2. In the later parts of the canon timeline, it could be possible, that other motherships will finally come to the earth, after many years of travelling (maybe 100 to 200 years, then it could be made that the existing space ship was a kind of scout). This could then introduce the final war between humans, mutants and aliens.
Yeah, but Lexx. Think of all the aliens and research at Area 51 which is in the New Vegas area. Fallout: New Vegas would do a great job of tying up the alien side-story!

I want to see a big queen Alien thing, and maybe have a teleporter trip to their planet or something! That would be cool. 8-)
I cant belive someone realy belives that Aliens have a place in the Fallout seting. They fit into it as good as King Ghidorah or lightsabers.
Im not the type of guy that loves to argue here... but I suggest you play through Mothership Zeta one more time. There are clues that the aliens may have started the war.
Todd Howard's #1 Fan said:
Im not the type of guy to loves to argue here... but I suggest you play through Mothership Zeta one more time. There are clues that the aliens may have started the war.
Oh realy ? This makes it better of course. It contradicts the whole spirit of man made self destruction but ok. So I played X- Com into the wasteland all the time and didnt knew it ? So even without that resource crisis there would have been a nuclear war ?
I tell you what, some fool at Beth thought " hey wouldnt it be cooll if aliens started this " and thats it.
I don't see the problem with adding aliens to the mix. Sure it may contradict with the 'flaws of humanity' theme but why not make humans the good guys in FO? Also adding an alien faction will increase the depth of the story.
Todd Howard's #1 Fan said:
I don't see the problem with adding aliens to the mix. Sure it may contradict with the 'flaws of humanity' theme but why not make humans the good guys in FO? Also adding an alien faction will increase the depth of the story.
Yeah, good humans vs evil aliens adds so much depth :roll: and its so original that it justifys screwing the whole theme up.
Todd Howard's #1 Fan said:
I fail to see the connection here..

Oh, how about this? Take....

Todd Howard's #1 Fan said:
I don't see the problem with adding aliens to the mix. Sure it may contradict with the 'flaws of humanity' theme but why not make humans the good guys in FO? Also adding an alien faction will increase the depth of the story.

Now, replace"aliens" with:
1) Banjo-playing sasquatches,
2) Supermutant Elvis clones
3) Frank Sinatra's mummified body

Adding those 3 makes as much sence to me as Aliens in Fallout3.
Todd Howard's #1 Fan said:
We also discover in record log 17 the aliens used mind control to initiate the great war.
Well, we don't know that. The recording shows the aliens trying to get the launch codes from the Americans. If they actually succeeded though, that contradicts Fallout 2. President Richardson said that China launched their nukes first, and America barely had time to retaliate. The Enclave aren't known for their honesty, but he didn't lie about anything else, and ACE also said that the war was probably started by a bored computer.
The aliens in FO1 and 2 were meant to be easter eggs, nothing more, Bethesda just decided they wanted to screw around and make it a full blown DLC just because they could. Obsidian might have an easter egg about aliens in New Vegas, but I highly doubt there will be anything full scale involving aliens or area 51
Lexx said:
New Vegas shouldnt clear up everything, as it should be saved for Fallout 4 and maybe 5. In later games, it then could be possible to include the alien life form as kind of bigger enemy, just like the super mutants in Fallout 1 have been or the Enclave in Fallout 2.

You lack vision Lexx! Why do that when we could PLAY as one. Start with alien death rays! That way we don't have to bother with that moronic, monotonous "Survival" and "Harsh reality" crap you have to deal with otherwise in the fallout games.
Hey, didn't some rumour say that there might be vehicles in the game? Maybe we can hijack a flying saucer from Area 51 and fly to the Mothership and fly around the galaxy dominating different planets? To me, that's what Fallout is all about! I mean, evil people? How cliche. Evil ALIANZ?! Now we're talking! :roll: :roll: :roll:


Anyone here playing Age of Mythology? The Norse TROLL fighters are pretty useless. That is all.
Takashi said:
The aliens in FO1 and 2 were meant to be easter eggs, nothing more.
Yeah, right. Next you'll tell me the same thing about the encounter with the TARDIS, and how Fallout isn't really a part of Doctor Who canon.
Haha, these #1fans posts and topics are pretty hilarious! Maybe it's just how bad trolling he produces or maybe it's just the avatar with Todd Howard in moronic sunglasses... Any ideas?
Meat Axe said:
Takashi said:
The aliens in FO1 and 2 were meant to be easter eggs, nothing more.
Yeah, right. Next you'll tell me the same thing about the encounter with the TARDIS, and how Fallout isn't really a part of Doctor Who canon.

It's not. It's part of the Monty Python canon.