Any mentions of Harold?


First time out of the vault
So is there any reference to Harold anywhere in New Vegas? It'd be a shame to see him go after all this time. I know that his death was probably the canon ending, so I don't expect to see him, but still. And didn't he also say Bob had spread his seeds across the wasteland?
He's currently rooted to the ground in the wasteland so you probably won't see him outside that. I'm guessing the canon ending will be that he lives, so he can appear in future games.
It's not the fourth MAJOR game and no, Harold is not mentioned.
NicolasExposition said:
But wouldn't that explanation lead to him being in New Vegas, as it's the fourth MAJOR game?

No, because he's in Washington and New Vegas is in Vegas... him being rooted means he isn't mobile, unless someone digs him up and throws him in the back of a brahmin cart.
I miss Harold, it would have been great if he had not been ruined by Bethesda, turning him into a tree.

[spoiler:be92419aff]Imagine if we had met him at REPCONN, trying to help the Ghouls with the Space Program. Perhaps something could have been done to connect Bob to Vault 22, the playing having to find a cure for a disease Bob is suffering from.[/spoiler:be92419aff]
I like thinking Harold somehow got out of the tree and is now free of Bob. :D
But I haven't heard anything Harold-related in NV.
I've said it before and I'll say it again...Bethesda teleported Harold into Washington and planted him in the fucking ground, neutralizing his chances of being brought back into the game. obisidian game at least. Bethesda could turn him into a fly..say that aliens used their technology to transfer his thoughts into a fly. Or an enclave officer. Or a yellow supermutant behemoth.
Empty09 said:
neutralizing his chances of being brought back into the game
Harold can became ent. He will destroy Oasis, kick several Behemoth's asses and return west. To the home. :)