Anyway to change what your sidekick weapon is using ?

I'm not sure how it works, but I'd guess npcs will use the weapon they can deal the most damage with.
That would be awesome, as I think NPCs make much more damage with the Gatling laser than I do.
Think its the same with Armor you give him.
Wenn giving him a bad Power Armor he not wear it.
Kill him to see the damage from his Combat Shotgun :)
meh, I changed to Fawkes, but still, everybody's dead before he finished putting his gatling laser out.. :P
The Overseer said:
That would be awesome, as I think NPCs make much more damage with the Gatling laser than I do.
Damage depends on the respective skill, I guess it's the same with NPCs. My character deals more damage with the 10mm smg than with a Minigun.
The game itself is a portable godmode. I got Dogmeat and Jericho in Outcast Power Armour (I wonder where he got the training) and it's a piece of cake. And I receive 200% damage in vats.
Kinda sucks you can only have one follower, though. Or is there a way to change this?
Companions will use the best weapon available that they have ammo for, not always taking into consideration weather they are actually good with the weapon.
I cant imagine why you would want to give Charon anything else though. His Combat Shotgun is ridiculous.

The Overseer said:
Kinda sucks you can only have one follower, though. Or is there a way to change this?

You can open up another slot in your party by killing Dogmeat. :twisted:
You can switch your NPCs melee weapon rather easily, since most followers dont come with one.

The Overseer said:
Fawkes unbalances the game... He's just a portable godmode.


I discovered Fawkes and hit level 20 at around the same time.

The game just got *extremely* boring from there.

To bad you cant make Fawkes wear armor/clothes. I really wanted to see him in a party hat.
The Overseer said:
Kinda sucks you can only have one follower, though. Or is there a way to change this?

You can grab some quest related people while you already have one follower:

Having Charon I talked to Cross when I first got to BOS, because I had +karma she offers to join me in a dialogue that is scripted i think for her to always join. So then I had both her and charon at the same time.

Then I got dogmeat

Then I picked up the two NPCs from Big Town and just ignored their quest.

I dunno how long you can get them to stay with you but I had 4 people for a bit, all with Power armor and serious guns.

Maybe you can go get the kid from little lamplight after that and just decline to ever go back to big town... dunno.


Charon, Cross, Red, Shorty, whatshisface from Lamplight< dogmeat.

Those are the ones you can get with positive karma.
I used the immense karma hit I got from slaughtering Tenpenny tower to recruit Jericho. Now I'm back to being a hero in shiny armour and he will make some remarks at times but he doesn't leave. The karma system is a damn joke.
And I don't know why one would want so many party members. It's too easy already.

Calgone said:
Companions will use the best weapon available that they have ammo for
NPCs don't need ammo.

Calgone said:
You can open up another slot in your party by killing Dogmeat. :twisted:
Really? I thought dogmeat didn't count as a party member.
kohan69 said:
You can switch your NPCs melee weapon rather easily, since most followers dont come with one.
They all have melee weapons, its just most of them are Rubbish.

Buxbaum666 said:
NPCs don't need ammo.
They need ammo for any gun other than their standard weapon.

Buxbaum666 said:
Really? I thought dogmeat didn't count as a party member.
Really. Im not sure why but it does. I have Charon & Jericho with me at the moment because of doing this.
Cool. But I could never kill dogmeat. He is about the only one in this game whose dialogue doesn't annoy me to death.

I gave Jericho a Flamer without amunition and he is using it, alright! Or did I accidentally give him the fuel, as well? Nah, I'm pretty sure I sold all that.
Buxbaum666 said:
I gave Jericho a Flamer without amunition and he is using it, alright! Or did I accidentally give him the fuel, as well? Nah, I'm pretty sure I sold all that.

Its strange, i haven't been able to get Companions to use any weapons other than their basic gear without giving them ammo.

They do loot ammo themselves which may be the cause.
I use Jericho and don't give him any other weapon because the micromanagement of ammunition is not really worth it, consindering he has a Powerarmor (I'm almost level 8) and his chinese rifle does enough damage. Most of the time he can't even shoot with the minigun because I'm all done before he has even drawed it. Just freed the rangers from the hotel roof. Jesus what a silly grindquest, I think I killed more muties then I did in F2.