Can't Choose Race in Fallout 2 RP


First time out of the vault

For some reason I can't select a different race with the Restoration Project.
As you can see, there are no arrows to select a different race. I've searched Google for an hour, and found nothing about this issue. I have the latest version of the RP, and I also have Sfall version 3.3 installed.

Am I missing something or do I need to change anything? Any help would be appreciated!
Sorry if I ended up missing some key detail here.
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I haven't played the Restoration Project for a while, but I think the race change wasn't implemented when last I played.

So I am assuming it is still not implemented? Is there any information about it be available in the RP?
I am curious now. :nod:
I haven't played the Restoration Project for a while, but I think the race change wasn't implemented when last I played.

So I am assuming it is still not implemented? Is there any information about it be available in the RP?
I am curious now. :nod:
Well I know it wasn't implemented in 2.3.2, but I could have sworn I read somewhere that it was implemented in 2.3.3 in the notes that came with it. I could be mistaken, but I'll try to look through them again and see.

Edit: After checking the notes, it doesn't seem like it was. I must've been mistaken and read that somewhere else. My bad.
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The truth is this - I'm lazy...

Actually I was going to build a proper Black character, not just adjust the colours in Photoshop and batch all of the files - all 50,000 of them. In the past someone batched the white dude critter and it turned out awful. All of the bright colours were darkened (like the skin colour), but that effected the gun flashes on the metal armor, it looked bad. The best way to do it is to go through each image and adjust the face and hands individually. There is a thread about it here on the modding forum...
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The truth is this - I'm lazy...

Actually I was going to build a proper Black character, not just adjust the colours in Photoshop and batch all of the files - all 50,000 of them. In the past someone batched the white dude critter and it turned out awful. All of the bright colours were darkened (like the skin colour), but that effected the gun flashes on the metal armor, it looked bad. The best way to do it is to go through each image and adjust the face and hands individually. There is a thread about it here on the modding forum...
I never meddled in Fallout and Fallout 2 modding, but I could take a look and see if I could understand how it is done.
What would I need to be able to edit those graphics? Would Photoshop work? (I only have Photoshop CS5 since I have no money to get more recent ones :P).
That's weird, I'm 100% sure last time I played I could change the race to bold or long hair dude.
Did you install sfall yourself?
Normally I just have a fallout2 folder anywhere in my drive with only : fallout2.exe, critter.dat, master.dat and the data/sound/music folder in it...
Then I use the RP 2.3.3 installer on it and it's done
That's weird, I'm 100% sure last time I played I could change the race to bold or long hair dude.
Did you install sfall yourself?
Normally I just have a fallout2 folder anywhere in my drive with only : fallout2.exe, critter.dat, master.dat and the data/sound/music folder in it...
Then I use the RP 2.3.3 installer on it and it's done

Long hair and bald are some of the styles, not races. :P