TwinkieGorilla said:
Also: anybody know how to add cards to your deck or what any strategies for buying cards, using cards, arranging decks might be? This part is still over my head.
If you stack deck with same suit and kings and/or 10's and 6's. Same suit = play card anywhere, 6 -> 10 -> K on ten = 26
(while accumulating same suits and 6's and 10s, buy up all 7's, 8's and 5's (the 2 numbers next to 6 (5 and 7) and the 8's ill explain) and 9's (number next highest to 10s). Using the same basic strategy of 6+10+king on ten, you can do 5+10+king on 10 to get 25... 6+9+K9 to get 24... 10+8+k8 to get 26, lots of combos of 7 8 9 10 that get close to 26
10+8+8= 26, 9+9+8= 26 10+9+7 = 26, and so on)
Aces, and 2, can be pretty good to add to a 25 or 24... this will change the suit of that row, but should be last card you add anyway, and if that row is all the same suit you can play the ace as an ascending number.
So, exclude 3,4, J, Q, Joker to start, then improve your deck from there.
(Eventually you can narrow it down to only using 3 suits, then 2 then 1 to make the ultimate deck, where any card can play anywhere, and you wont have to follow the ascending and descending part of the rules)
I am still unclear sometimes why the game ends, but i win bc i have high caravan #'s. So why does game in fast and sometimes long? aka what ends the game?