Carsten Strehse of SSE talks about the Fall and Fallout 3

Brother None

This ghoul has seen it all
In German. One of Germany's biggest online gaming magazines had an interview with Carsten Strehse, lead designer of The Fall. Here's the translated bit about Fallout 3:

<blockquote>The RPG fan may hope further. We are in discussions with Interplay and hope to have a positive press release on this theme shortly.</blockquote>

Which isn't really saying a lot. On the thread on the subject Mr. Teatime pointed out that Tim Cain stated that Interplay stated they're not selling the Fallout 3 license. Thoughts?
Here is the Tim Cain email, from cain&st=60:

"I wish Troika has the kind of money to make a serious bid for the Fallout license. However, despite rumors to the contrary, Interplay is NOT selling the Fallout license right now. I have spoken with them personally, and I have talked to other people who have made them offers. They have rebuffed all offers made to them to date.

It looks like they are holding onto the license for now. Let's see what the future holds...


So either IPLY have been lying to Tim, or there are lots of miscommunications.
Can't be worse than what the shitty developers at Interplay are doing to Fallout right now.
No, I wouldn't wanna see FO3 in the hands of Silver Style either. They have yet to prove their skills. I'd prefer seeing the license being sold to a more experienced developer, such as Troika. Maybe Bioware could get their hands on it. Also, Obsidian has some BIS guys, so maybe, even though they too are a little unexperienced.
There's a very good reason why what Strehsen says sounds so dubious: he's full of shit. There's no way his company is actually going to buy Fallout. This whole thing is just a publicity stunt to get disappointed Fallout fans to buy his game The Fall. So next time you see Carsten Strehse in the street, punch him in the back of the head.
Why Not

Why Not

Why not have Vivendi buy the license and extrude "FO The Movie"?

At least there would be eng-lich subtitles, so we would know what the talking heads are swearing.

Vivendi could create a multiple entry product placement vehicle. an MEPPV, and include all those trendy heavy metal prancers, NUK'ING the MTV types with fast rotation exposure. The payola alone would be "lucritive." "Lucritive" is a big magic buzz word in the land of 'smart money''; the investors will "hump up" the stock price in real time-baby!

The ''movie's'' oral presentations could be "leaked" to the web and
featured as high hit hooks on all the porn sites.

Oh, maybe they could bundle the movie DVD with demo's of FO:BOS and no one would know which was the action movie or the action game. ... ..

Unless they count the frequency that the Mr.T wanna bee says sh't.

FO3 could be "FO Th' e-M'mm-Tee-Video"!

I've asked Carsten Strehse about the Mail of Tim Cain!
He said:
"Tim ist sicherlich ein netter Kerl, aber hier irrt er sich."

Translate: "Tim is shure a nice guy, but he errs here"
Or better translation: "Tim is probably a nice guy, but he is mistaken on this"..
Yup, he posted on the English boards too:
> They have rebuffed all offers made to them to date.

With deepest respect to Tim, but here he's under a misapprehension.
Silver Style Entertainment

Carsten Strehse
Lead Designer

and then later:

All I can say is that we will inform the community right after we got an acceptance or a refusal from IPLY.
Silver Style Entertainment

Carsten Strehse
Lead Designer
Saint_Proverbius said:
Off the top of my head? A really shitty developer getting it and making a game with it.
Well, it still can't get worse IMO. Present Interplay is as low as you get, so there can only be progress. Now I haven't tried SoA, but I hear it's quite good. So I think it's better that Silver Style gets it than that Interplay keeps it.

I do agree with Spazmo however, it is very much possible that this is just a publicity stunt. Unlike him though, I hope not, and I have nothing against Carsten.
SoA?? Anyway, Fallout is one of the, if not the, greatest game ever made. A more experienced developer should have it (although nothing EA) simply because the series deserve no less.
Baboon said:
SoA?? Anyway, Fallout is one of the, if not the, greatest game ever made. A more experienced developer should have it (although nothing EA) simply because the series deserve no less.
Sorry, Soldiers of Anarchy :). Review list here.

As for Fallout, I want the best for it too, agree with you there. But I fear more that some huge beast get their hands into it and make "Sims: The Fallout version" than that Silver Style get it.
Saint_Proverbius said:
Baboon said:
Maybe Bioware could get their hands on it.

Ugh. No. Hell no.

Also, Obsidian has some BIS guys, so maybe, even though they too are a little unexperienced.

Ummm.. No.
Well why not? I haven't seen anything wrong with bioware games so far, and Obsidian did recruit some BIS staff, right? But Troika might be the best for this.
I think it, in a nice world, it woudl be great if Troika, or Obsidian, of even Bioware got the Fallout license. Also, in a perfect world, Silverstyle would NEVER get the license. No offense to them, I'm sure The Fall is a nice game, but, frankly, I want the Fallout license in the hands of capable, skilled, creative individuals, like the people at Troika, Obsidian, and Bioware. The day that Silver Style aquires the Fallout license is the day that I write an essay in l33t about why my life is terrible, and post it on these boards.

by the way, i hate l33t more than possible anything, with the exception of the 11 and 12 year olds who popularize it. I would possibly rather shit on myself than write an essay in l33t.