Fallout 2 mod Changing critter name


First time out of the vault
Hello fellow dwellers!
I managed to put the the RP Fruit fly critter into wasteland encounters. Therefore I and want to change its name into Giant wasp (because the way it looks and due to the fact it has a sting) but no matter what I do, it still refers to "Fruit fly" in the message window.
Somehow the name is connected to the script attached (here epac18.int), but totally unrelated to its content, as it changes with another script (f.e. into bandit with ecbandit.int) but not when changing the scripts content.
Just an example is Nagor with its ACNagor.int script. The mapper shows the name but I cannot find any reference for that.

Changing look_at_p_proc and description_p_proc does just change mouse looks.
Changing pro_crit.msg does not have any effect when there is a script attached.

I'd like to keep the script (epac18) as it's part of the orig RP but if I need to create a new script I'd also like to know where to find the connection between script and name.

So, simply, how do you define a critters name via script?
Also, how to define whether it is referred to "he" or "it" in the message window? ("he has ... hps")

PS: Maybe unrelated, maybe not: What went wrong when I get the debug message "Error: Failed to parse character" on game load?

Also: It appears that the critter has no sound. Is there a way to give it an attack sound or dying sound from lets say Giant ants?

Thanks in advance falloutboys:girls
scrname.msg in the /game/ folder determines the name of the critter. It's based on the script ID.

"he" or "it" is the proto gender flag. You either have to change the proto, or use Sfall scripts to change the proto gender data ingame.
Great thanks! Man you are quick.

That helped for the name. But how to set neutral proto gender flag? Proto Manager just lets me change male or female..
Don't remember how this works. Might be related to the critter type (robot, etc). Not sure.