college sucks and this is why

That guy is not even 13 years old or lost his milk teeth, how can he drive a car or have been to college?
Anyway, no, college is not generally a rip-off or brainwashing institution. It's a pointless waste of money if you go for a degree in something exotic and highly academic because it won't help you get a job outside academia, but for the natural sciences a college (or rather, university) education is simply necessary.
Can't really imagine starting life after college with crushing debt, though, that kinda sucks.
That guy is not even 13 years old or lost his milk teeth, how can he drive a car or have been to college?
Anyway, no, college is not generally a rip-off or brainwashing institution. It's a pointless waste of money if you go for a degree in something exotic and highly academic because it won't help you get a job outside academia, but for the natural sciences a college (or rather, university) education is simply necessary.
Can't really imagine starting life after college with crushing debt, though, that kinda sucks.

He's 20, I don't see why you think he's young. That's mean, man
I look at it that people should do what they enjoy.
I go Uni (UK guy here btw) and I'm doing Games Technology. It's pretty fun and somewhat helpful, but it has allowed me to make some useful contacts.
It really depends on what you go to school for. Guys that get engineering, hard science, or math degrees tend to do better than the ones who want a degree in women's studies or try to roll their own degree for transgender Portuguese poetry. There is a significant indoctrination effort in a lot of schools to enforce politically correct thinking in new students.
College is great for people who take it seriously and major in something that will get them PAID, usually the hard sciences or something in legal.

Anything else and it is usually money thrown away into a burning trashcan.
College/uni education is a good thing to have. If you don't have a vocational degree for a really high paying job or you're just rich to begin with. If you're really rich you can just say "fug it" to all education. Well even then it's good to know about investment and economy and stuff. Maybe accounting. So yea. Go there.