critter.lst FRMs question - SOLVED


Look, Ma! Two Heads!
Hi guys.

in art\critter.lst the list looks like this

What are the numbers after the FRM name? and why somtimes there's a "1" after? I know it has something to do with FRM choice in-game. I added megamod's super mutant FRM to the list to be "maarde,21", like the other super mutants, and the game switches between hit and miss animations. if i change it to "maarde,187" it dosent display any animation while being hit, but still switches the "hit" animation.
Not 100% sure what the first number is, but I think it has something to do with the aiming screen. Don't know where it takes the data from, though. 11 are humanoids.
1 means the critter can run.

Do u happen to know how to switch between "being hit" animation and "evaded" animation? I tried locating the "evaded" animation in the art folder, but couldn't find it. Only found the "being hit" animation(s).
Not 100% sure what the first number is, but I think it has something to do with the aiming screen. Don't know where it takes the data from, though. 11 are humanoids.
1 means the critter can run.
The first number is just the number of the rows in critter list file. As in first row is 0, second row is 1, third is 2 etc.
But if the critter doesn't have a *NA.FRM you can write a row number for a different critter, and it will take the aiming screen picture from there. hmjmpsna.fra that all human critters use is on row 11 for example.
Rewrite the animation names? What you want to do will not work this way, though.
Which animation names exactly? I can't find the "evade" animations.
Can u explain why wouldn't it work?
Wouldn't it be better to find out why the animations get switched? Or are they simply misnamed?
According to this link the dodge frames are *AN.
Thanks!!! That is exactly what I wanted. This was indeed the problem btw, AN instead of AO and vice versa. Thank u very much
The first number is just the number of the rows in critter list file. As in first row is 0, second row is 1, third is 2 etc.
Sorry, could you clarify - which file is it exactly? And did you mean to say "index" instead of "number"?
Sorry, could you clarify - which file is it exactly? And did you mean to say "index" instead of "number"?
не знаю что он там такое страшное написал, первое число это наследование, номер/индекс строки от какого криттера будет браться анимации смертей, таких как: сжигание, "огненный танец", анимации электрической смерти (если таковых нет в текущем наборе у криттера - тут не уверен, может все же переопределяется без проверок), и картинка для интерфейса прицеливания (тут точно берется без проверки есть/нет, так как ранее у меня были трудности с добавлением своего NA.frm с наследованием).
Бред какой-то. Ну вот вторая строка "hapowr,21,1". Она говорит "идем на 21 строку". Идем. Там написано "mamtn2,21". Ну и как это связано с анимацией сжигания и электрической смерти.
(google translate)
Nonsense. Well here is the second line of "hapowr, 21.1". She says "go to line 21". Come on. It says "mamtn2.21". Well, and how does this relate to the animation of burning and electric death
The first line in critter.list is "reserv". that line is considered 0 not 1. So line 21 is "mamtnt,21" and not "mamtn2.21".
I don't have the game installed at the moment so I haven't checked, but "hapowr" or power armor is big so it would make perfect sense if it shares electric- and burning death animations with supermutants. If I remember correctly, you don't actually see the original critter, just a charred body or a pile of ash in those animations. So then the same animations should work for both super mutants and power armor.
Ну вот вторая строка "hapowr,21,1". Она говорит "идем на 21 строку". Идем. Там написано "mamtn2,21".
Life Hacking: Временно удаляешь строку "reserv" и получаешь правильную нумерацию.
The first line in critter.list is "reserv". that line is considered 0 not 1. So line 21 is "mamtnt,21" and not "mamtn2.21".
I don't have the game installed at the moment so I haven't checked, but "hapowr" or power armor is big so it would make perfect sense if it shares electric- and burning death animations with supermutants. If I remember correctly, you don't actually see the original critter, just a charred body or a pile of ash in those animations. So then the same animations should work for both super mutants and power armor.
Ok, this is a mind baffling system. Why would "mamtnt" refer to itself then? But I guess that's fallout for you. Thanks for clarifying.
I suppose the alternative would be to simply copy the corresponding animation files to the other sets.
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Why would "mamtnt" refer to itself then?
Очевидно же, что ему ненужно наследование.

I suppose the alternative would be to simply copy the corresponding animation files to the other sets.
Зачем?! эти анимации одинаковы для всех.
Hi guys.

in art\critter.lst the list looks like this

What are the numbers after the FRM name? and why somtimes there's a "1" after? I know it has something to do with FRM choice in-game. I added megamod's super mutant FRM to the list to be "maarde,21", like the other super mutants, and the game switches between hit and miss animations. if i change it to "maarde,187" it dosent display any animation while being hit, but still switches the "hit" animation.

First number is stored in the 'int anon_alias[] array', and the second one is stored in 'int artCritterFidShouldRunData[]' array. Arrays are loaded in the art_init() function.