
Author of FOT mod THE SUM
Playing with perks and traits in FOT, I found a few informations I tought I should share with you. If I am wrong, PLEASE contradict me.

1. I think there is NO way to add/modify/remove caracters perks or traits with ITEMS or SCRIPS. BAD.:falloutonline:
2. You can assign ANY perk from ANY race to a prefab caracter! I used it already to assign perks like "Rabid" or "techWizard" to my prefab.
3. As you can change the NAME/TEXT/PICTURE of all the TRAITS/PERKS, I started creating my own "joke perks and traits" using the ones that do not work at all (Break The Rules and Bend The Rules). It can be used to give more personnality to some prefabs!

Bonus Question : Someone knows what is the use of the check boxes named after the races (HUMAN, GHOUL, ROBOT, DEATHCLAW, DOG) just below the traits in FOT Entity editor?

Super bonus Question : There are a lot of BLANK perks in FOT Entity editor. Are they used in some ways IN the game?
First question: There unused perks, no NPCs use them, I'll do a little testing to see if they have any effects.

Second question: Most are cancelled or useless but some still have effects.
Thanks for the link!

What I've found on the Wiki is that BendTheRules and BreakTheRules are "Broken" and "Unavailable" ( I think they do nothing at all. It may be different with the "Twitch gamer" perk, looks like it do something but I didn't test it yet... (

I think modders should change the original text or title to perks like LONER that do not work properly, but still have an effect that can be described, like : "Caracter always get + 10% on all rolls". That way, it looks less like a bug!
Hum... ! Thanks! So this is some kind of inversion of the trait "Beta software" that, besides the extra tag, sometimes cancel an action and you lose your action points. This too put a text above your head.