DForge's Encounter Mod


Look, Ma! Two Heads!
THIS IS FOR KILLAP's RP 2.1.2. Won't work on regular Fallout 2 of any version.

DForge's Encounter Mod

This brings more challenge and fun to random encounters. On higher levels, most of them will grow in size, replacing the easier ones for the "tough" places (like San Fran, EPA surroundings), and also include new enemies with powerful weaponry. For players wanting to test their powerbuild's potential, there are also special Enclave Encounters that require you to destroy the Enclave to encounter. If you want to be brutalized, try the Executioner Squad Encounter at level 50, and be proud if you beat it! (hint: mass HP is your friend.)

I had to remove some lesser encounters sometimes to make room for the new since there's a limit of 40 encounters per table, above which the game will crash on start, but nobody will miss an extra farmer encounter or two, I think.

Thanks to Darek for everything.
Not a big error really, just a lot of them. :)
Take a look at this line:
enc_32=Chance:2%, Special, Enc:(1-2) Leg_Deathclaw AMBUSH Player, If(Player(Level) >= 27)
Apparently you can't have a space in front of "special" and in front of "Enc". So that line should be:
enc_32=Chance:2%,Special,Enc:(1-2) Leg_Deathclaw AMBUSH Player, If(Player(Level) >= 27)
So yeah, you just have a lot of spaces to remove.
How about the alien encounters, for example? I look at them, they seem fine, yet, I still get nothing on the map :(
DForge said:
How about the alien encounters, for example? I look at them, they seem fine, yet, I still get nothing on the map :(
They all have a space (space key) in front of Enc. Remove that space!

Chance:12%, Enc:(8-10)
should be
it's up, and it works. Indeed, with Space, it just refuses to work!

There might be some bugs and typos inside, but from what I tested so far, it's good.
sorry for another post but I realize that without a bump like that nobody will read this.

"enc_39=chance:2%,Enc:(22-24) Raider_Horde AMBUSH Player,If(Player(Level) >= 21)"

is anything wrong here? I get encounters like these below the set level. Is there an extra space again or something?
If someone would do special maps only for those particular encounters, would you include them? Or rather, I am not so familiar with FO2 modding, could they be spawned only on those particular maps, or must it be chosen from the normal random encounter map pool? So that they are not just "spawn in map, face many enemies" ? I am thinking of some different terrain levels, warfare in some bombed out building, clever spawning of PC/NPC etc...

The mod is a good idea, but IMO it could be improved upon this. ;)
right now I need to figure out what's wrong with the syntax and why does the if(player(level)) doesn't work. :P What you ask for is obviously way beyond that. Although, sure! with Timeslip fixing the 40+ encounters crash, we have 10 extra spaces (at least, most tables aren't that crowded) to expand upon.

A map like that, complete with extra scripts and new protos, is a lot of work though.

edit: perhaps it's because I used ">=" and "<=". Perhaps I should use ">" and "<" as used everywhere else in worldmap.txt
I was actually wondering the same as you, though it does state that >= is proper.
You don't have to write it that way anyway.
>= 21 can just be written as > 20 instead, and <= 15 as < 16.

Also, you never said if you had trouble with all your encounters or just Raider_Horde
The documentation in worldmapt.txt is wrong in many ways. The only conditional operators that get parsed are ==, !=, <and>.
The encounters are challenging and fun but it can be hard to keep NPCs alive in the furious combats that result.

Also, some of the enemies you fight give absurdly low exp. I mean, you already have to be tough-as-nails to take them easily but still, more than a trifle would be good. (Like how little you get for taking the legendary deathclaw).
I'll boost the exp for legendary deathclaw then:)

So far I fixed a couple bugs, however I noticed that using generic scripts doesn't always work. Even though the mutants have the same script as "remnants of master's army", they refuse to attack on sight. Mutant marauders don't use their flamers and rocket launchers, going after you with fists instead.

Not sure what's wrong here, guess the scripts are more specific and adding them to a ordinary mutant won't really work. I'm surprised that they don't, though.

perhaps "no attack on sight" is welcome for some of those encounters, as the most rare of them are relentlessly difficult.

I'll reduce the number of some of those. I'm also thinking about assigning a "attack the strongest" to most of the creatures in ai.txt, which should make the critters go after you mostly and not the NPCs, reducing the frustration factor a bit...
Your encounter "Smut_Mara" tries to use "ECRogMut.int" (506), problem is that it don't exist. Assign some other script instead.
that's weird. The vanilla mutant encounters use the same Script:762 but they work.

Ah, nvm. I fixed what I can, and the rest, well, if someone wishes to expand upon this, feel free to do so. The mod is finished so far, I don't have more time to work on it :)

Final version: here. Also updated the masterpost's link.
What I'm talking about is this in your worldmap.txt:
[Encounter: Smut_Mara]
type_00=ratio:60%, pid:16777336, Item:235(wielded), Item(10-20)38, Script:506		
type_01=ratio:25%, pid:16777336, Item:11(wielded), Item(10-20)32, Script:506
type_02=ratio:15%, pid:16777336, Item:13(wielded), Item(2-5)14, 
position=Surrounding, Spacing:2
You are assigning script 506 in that encounter, not 762.

Script 506 is defined below:
{606}{}{Super Mutant}                   # ECRogMut.int    ; Random Encounter Rogue Super Mutants
Now, that script don't actually exist. Maybe it did at some point and got cut before the game was released or then it was never made. Who knows. :shrug:
DForge said:
In the latest version it's 762 - but still doesn't work :)
Not the latest you put up for download anyway.
Anyway, I got it to work with script 726 and adding a : here


Without that they didn't seem to want to attack, plus they didn't get any extra ammo. The numbers for ammo are a bit off too. 1 of energy cells = 40 so with 10 to 20 you end up with 400 - 800.
Major, MAJOR problem with your .95. I don't know if you have fixed this in your newer version. When you run into a horde of runaway robots, the floaty ones with the extended Robo Melee Weapon is for some reason named "Cameron". Which, you might surmise, is a major problem.

After this encounter, if you kill "Cameron" or any of his brothers then you will be marked as an enemy of Arroyo, get a vision from Hakunin along the lines of "We all died, useless" and GAME OVER. Ba boom!

Thanks to the Fallout 2 Save Editor, which works awesomely well, I was able to browse the GVARS and figure out what the problem was. At first I reset the clock, thinking that was the problem. Sigh.

Otherwise an awesome mod.