Does Planescape Torment work well on Windows Vista?

It tends to crash whenever you close it, but other than that it runs fine. If the fog of war turns into large black squares, tabbing in and out will fix it.
Or pressing escape.

It's also common to see character animations running backwards, turn on software mirroring to under graphics options to fix this.
It ran fine here (Vista Ultimate), except for fps drops on crowded places because I had to turn on software mirroring (got the backwards animations Tycn mentioned) and software transparency (had black boxes around items/spell animations).
I had problem with some magic visuals, that resulted in crashing to windows. I ran it in compatibility mode plus fixed resolution/colours to avoid this. Back then i had Acer laptop vista home premium.
It's fine with vista, but has troubles with some of the newer nVidia cards. The solution is disabling some of the gfx acceleration in the card driver option. If you don't do that, the game will crash randomly on casting some spells, and there'll be various gfx glitches.