Fallout 1 and Windows XP


First time out of the vault
Wait a minute--I'm not asking for help here. I know that most people can't install FO1 on XP and thus need to manually copy the .DATs in order to play.

But I don't. Just the other day, I installed FO1 from the CD on my Win XP machine, humungous install, with no trouble whatsoever. The autorun ran fine, too. So does anyone have any idea why it might work for me and not for most others?
Spazmo said:
But I don't. Just the other day, I installed FO1 from the CD on my Win XP machine, humungous install, with no trouble whatsoever. The autorun ran fine, too. So does anyone have any idea why it might work for me and not for most others?

That's the way it works on my machine.
that's the way it worked with me... then it just stopped responding one day. I went into properties, enabled Compatibility mode, placed that select box on Windows 2000 and it worked fine...

Well Fallout 1 works perfectly fine but my illegal copied Fallout 2 doesn't but that one does work one my other pc so problem solved ;)

Grtz, Fire Sprite
:shock: What are you MONKEYS talking about ?!

FO1 does not work with my comp with win xp! What did you guys do differently?I am NOT a FREAK! Im just a dude with a problem.
"sorry this version of windows is not supported by this product" is what i always get.... any ideas? Thanx in advance. ill calm down now. :?
Fallout 1 ran perfect on my Pc (that has XP)...But when i tried fallout 2 i got a "you need more space" message...But i temporarily solved this by changing the compability to Windows NT 4. But when i tried to start the game up today, i got the message again! And now it doesn`t seem to matter if i change the compability...
Change the compatibility to W95. Reboot your computer. Load FO2 again. If it doesn`t work the first time reboot again, and load it again.
no need to do that...I downloaded a patch to fix it...(its no special patch, it`s one i found here on NMA)
Yeah I did it myself just now. Just enable compatability mode for an older OS. Like 95 or 98. Works like a charm.
fallout1 + winXP install


I've never been able to install fallout 1 the way stated in the descriptions in the internet (the game just exited after showing the loading screen a view sec).
So i tryed to start the setup itselfes in compatibility mode (win95) and :D --> normal setup and game works fine.

maybe helpful for somebody.