Fallout 4: Capital Wasteland


Sonny, I Watched the Vault Bein' Built!
Staff member

Fallout 4: Capital Wasteland is a total conversion mod that brings Fallout 3 onto the Fallout 4 engine and has been in development for some time. They just released a new big update so i thought it would be a good time to create a thread for the project.

Judging by the update this re-creation of Fallout 3 is fairly accurate. Take a look at the pictures in the article for examples.

Had this mod been my project I would have fixed the rubbish story and the broken lore of Fallout 3. But that seems to not be the case here.
Oh great, a half decent story and justified ruined city to fuck around it with Fallout 4's engine. That I will have to green mod the hell out of just to get it looking semi realistic. BUT....if I can use Vault Tec Workshop to restore the Capital Wasteland Vaults to proper settlements, I might actually use the settlement feature. Setting is everything.
Ok, ta. I had the GOTY edition of Fallout3 so all DLC was included. Point Lookout probably the best of the DLC. Are you anywhere near Gavle ?
Is this mod even still going at this point? Because I haven't gotten a single word on how it's doing anywhere on Social Media! And I'm talking about any updates on the main game, I know that the Point Lookout recreation has already been released for quite some time.
Is this mod even still going at this point? Because I haven't gotten a single word on how it's doing anywhere on Social Media! And I'm talking about any updates on the main game, I know that the Point Lookout recreation has already been released for quite some time.

Nah, it's as good as dead. The lead coder got hired to work on 76 and retired from modding, nobody else has admitted it but it's pretty clear the mod is dead in the water without him.
The lead coder got hired to work on 76
Oh god.

And oh no, who could have predicted that another TC mod for any Bethesda game since Morrowind would die and not be finished? That totally isn't what is going to happen with every single one of them.

Seriously, people are still unironically waiting for like Skyblivion (who hasn't gotten an update since march last year) and thinking they are gonna get finished. Really only TC mods to the first two Fallout games even get made because those don't have to deal with 3D enviroments and models.
Oh god.

And oh no, who could have predicted that another TC mod for any Bethesda game since Morrowind would die and not be finished? That totally isn't what is going to happen with every single one of them.

Seriously, people are still unironically waiting for like Skyblivion (who hasn't gotten an update since march last year) and thinking they are gonna get finished. Really only TC mods to the first two Fallout games even get made because those don't have to deal with 3D enviroments and models.
It wouldn't even really be that hard to do expansion sized content, but a lot of what is effecting the current mod community is scope and feature creep. DLC sized has become whole game sized for some reason. We could have had a thousand Dead Moneys or Honest Hearts if devs were willing to make something of a reasonable size, but nope.
So... the lead/ the head— of the mod gets hired away; mod stops, or is in temporary turmoil. Developer works at the company for a while, eventually burns out or leaves in disgust, does not find resuming work on a Bethesda mod to be appealing. Mod stops.

Is this a pattern?
So... the lead/ the head— of the mod gets hired away; mod stops, or is in temporary turmoil. Developer works at the company for a while, eventually burns out or leaves in disgust, does not find resuming work on a Bethesda mod to be appealing. Mod stops.

Is this a pattern?
What other examples are there?
Really only TC mods to the first two Fallout games even get made because those don't have to deal with 3D enviroments and models.
TTW is one of (if not) the only successful TC for 3D Fallout games. And even TTW had plenty of problems keeping a cohesive and hard-working team over the 13 years it's going. The lead developer changed 3 or 4 times. TTW burned out several great modders that had to take a break from modding or quit altogether. And for a while, there were only like 2 people actively working on it (me and another person that I won't name because I don't know if they want to be known).

Yeah, people underestimate how much work and how long stuff like this needs to be finished. If there's not someone keeping it all going smoothly, it will sooner or later crash and die.
Seriously, people are still unironically waiting for like Skyblivion (who hasn't gotten an update since march last year) and thinking they are gonna get finished.
Idk it seems to be doing fine, they dropped this today:


Even if it’s still 2 years away, an official release year and update trailer is a better window than decades of “it’ll release when it’ll release”, I suppose.
Even if it’s still 2 years away
It's no years because it's not gonna get finished. And even if by some miracle it is finished, Bethesda won't allow it because why would they? They make no money off of it and they instead can make money with their version.

Remember AM2R getting fucked by Nintendo because they were making their own remake? Basically the same thing.
I don't understand why Zenimax/Bethesda would allow this. Not only did they always forbid use of game assets between games, but remaking Oblivion in Skyrim would negate any future sales of Oblivion. You couldn't even take the rat from Oblivion to put it in FO3. New Vegas mods got away with asset use because many (most?) of the FO3 assets were available in the New Vegas assets.

I remember years ago some modders wanted to remake Legend of Grimrock in the LoG2 engine, and the devs expressly asked them not to for the mentioned reason above; impaired sales of Grimrock 1.
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It’s allowed legally because they aren’t reusing assets from Oblivion itself. Everything is being remade from scratch, if it’s not assets from Skyrim readily available in the Creation Kit, they make it in blender. Even going as far as re-recording every piece of dialogue because they can’t just copy/paste the voices from Oblivion into their mod. That’s what almost killed the Fallout 3 remake, Bethesda sent them a cease and desist because they wanted to use the voices from Fallout 3 in their remake mod and were told no. Projects like Skyblivion already got the legal approval from Bethesda, otherwise there’d be no point in continuing.
They are still using basically everything from Oblivion from the characters, the architecture, the story, the quests and many other things that are clearly owned by Bethesda.

To bring up AM2R again, that also had its own assets created from scratch, but it didn't stopped Nintendo from shutting it down.

And if Bethesda decides to finally remaster it in the future, you bet Skyblivion and any other fan remake will be shut down.

Projects like Skyblivion already got the legal approval from Bethesda

I found this and it says Bethesda can't legally endorse it. They just gave it their blessing, which honestly probably means nothing.

And forgot that Microsoft owns Bethesda now and i wouldn't be surprised if they become far more protective of the IPs they now own.
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Black Isle once had the policy that they could not endorse, but —so long as they could plausibly deny knowing about it— they were usually okay with mods to their games.

Once you know about it, you have to defend your brand.

Did Skyblivion get this blessing before the sale to Microsoft?

On a side note: Does the mod team offer any asset tutorials?