"Fallout 4 Settlements are the series' best RPG system."


So Old I'm Losing Radiation Signs
Fallout 4 settlements are the series' best RPG system.png

Found this glittering gem of wisdom on Reddit.
I really need to get round to playing tactics.

Tactics is great untill a bit before the end.. Worst 2 enemy types in a row... Zzzz

But on another note. I would love to see F1 and 2 remade into the same way tactics is. I loved the looks of this game.
"Really helps me get into 'my' character"

It's not your character though, it's Bethesda's. Which is kind of what we mean by missing the RPG elements.

It's a sad state of affairs when people think RPG just means linear shooter with an exp system and 'progression' (blech...)
The settlement building?

The one which adds nothing to the game but grinding, scrapping everything in sight to build more stuff, and makes no sense in the lore of Fallout?...

Oh yeah, because someone from pre-war, who we already know everything about, can totally build entire cities larger than everyone elses, with his bare hands, no tools at all, and no help.

Might explain why everyone is so stupidly tanky, he just piledrives those giant metal walls into the ground with his hands.

Eugh, a pathetic addition to fallout.

Oh yeah, right.

That giant deathtower with a bazzilion miniguns can't withstand the attack of a single raider without the protagonist being near it.
I'll just leave this old classic here: http://www.uesp.net/wiki/Oblivion:Roleplaying

For more, look here: http://www.uesp.net/wiki/Category:User_Content-Oblivion-Roleplaying
Example: http://www.uesp.net/wiki/User:Ersc/Roleplaying_Ideas#Guard
Feel free to gouge your own eyes out if you made it this far.
(I know Oblivion had its own set of issues but to actually create a guide to teach people to role-play... Shouldn't an RPG have no need for such things?)
You know, this kinda reminds me.

I ain't much of a roleplayer in games, to be honest, i mostly do text RP with some people, nothing too serious.

But at the same time, I feel as though I could really 'make a character' in say, Fallout 1-2-NV, and even 3 to a degree (its stupid ou can get an 'old' 18 year old).

Oblivion kinda didn't appeal to me, because the level scaling forces a handful of useful builds, and everything else is 'meh'.
Settlement Building isn't even that good, making houses and placing them in certain precise areas are a pain because Bethesda like making their system so flawed.
The settlement system is kinda funny.

Its like Bethesda was like "Hey...Why make these giant sprawling cities which the older fallouts had? When we can just let the PLAYER do all the work!"

Seriously, Fallout 4 seems like 'let modders and players make the game for us'.
I almost feel like these posts on reddit are just shill accounts made by Pete Hines and his damage control division. The amount of mental gymnastics required to believe that a settlement system is a good replacement for skill checks and other RPG mechanics is inconceivable to me.

Going forward...is this the sort of retarded consumer that's going to be picking up a Bethesda game and heralding it as the second coming?