Fallout 2 mod Fallout et tu - Release v1.10

Yeh, my debug files slipped in, that's why it is 1 right now (it won't be on release).

You don't have to do anything with the master.dat file after updating. The important files are already there.
Hello again. Great mod so far, I'm enjoying it.

I have a question. What's Agatha purpose in Shady Sands? When I ask her to tell a story, nothing happens. I know she is a cut character from the original game. It seems that Fixt has restored her dialogues and stories. It's true? Do I have to activate something in the settings?
If you see her in Shady Sands, then that's what Fixt added. I didn't touch her dialog (didn't really look at her script at all, tbh).

As with all these cut NPCs, they have barely any dialog, and the dialog they have is usually badly written. ... And with the little bits of dialog she has, it is no surprise she was cut from the game in the first place.

Nobody wants to hear or believe it, but the remains of cut content in Fo1 are *very* sparse... there is not much to restore.

/Edit: To add to Agatha ... Based on the dialog bits, I think she was supposed to tell you stories every x time. However, there actually are no stories, and right now it will just advance the time. I guess this would be a nice place for a mini-mod of sorts. Like, if someone would want to write various stories, they could be added in (I won't write any).
Just saying.
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Thanks. Makes sense. Since she is an cut NPC, her dialogues were never finished. It's amazing how much richer this game would have been if the developers had more time to work on it. It would be very interesting if someone wrote several dialogues and stories for her.
Unique Dogmeat critter? any got a screenshot of that?
Does Dogmeat have also lv ups in Et Tu, I take he doesnt have armor and get some damage res upon leveling?
He's pretty much behaving like the Fo2 dog companions. That means, he will get more hitpoints and unarmed skill with each levelup. /Edit: Just checked the protos. On his last level he is gaining +1 SPECIAL stats to some, same as the other party members.

About the graphics:
It's really just the red dog from back in the days when we were all a lot more motivated and productive (pre-FNV if I remember right. Fo2 modding was at an all time height. Good old days).

Personally I'd rather play with the robodog variant. :p


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Hey there, I have another question.
When I played the mod, I noticed that Kajta attacks me if I attack the Followers (Like Tycho if I attack Junktown). Does Ian goes agressive on me if I attack Shady Sands when he is in my party? I know that he does in Vanilla and FIXT, but only if you take him out of your party and them talk with him again, but in Et Tu, I would like to know if he attacks me on the spot for doing this like the other companions do.
He will.

   if (self_can_see_dude) and global_var(GVAR_ENEMY_SHADY_SANDS) then begin
      tmp_hostile := 1;
Hey man, LOVE your work. So far I have only encountered one bug. Any time I enter a dialogue screen, talking or text, the background around the window is blacked out. I am a bit of an amateur when it comes to modding the classics, so I apologize if this is a trivial issue. Any help would be appreciated.
Hey man, LOVE your work. So far I have only encountered one bug. Any time I enter a dialogue screen, talking or text, the background around the window is blacked out.
It's not a bug but the setting from the high resolution patch. Set DIALOG_SCRN_BACKGROUND=0 in f2_res.ini to see the map and interface bar.
I have two quick ones.

Are perks from F1 or F2?

There is 10mm p90. Are there any others weapons imported from F2? Like magnum (with and without spped load), scoped hunting rifle, magneto-laser pistol, what about hk family: caws and g11?
Katja can't join me because I have too many party members?
Currently traveling with Ian and Dogmeat
Fallout 2 style CHA based Party Member checks are activated per defaults!
README said:
Main mod configuration can be found in config/fo1_settings.ini. It is recommended to tweak settingsin this file before starting a new game. Changing settings mid-game have a chance to corruptsavegames or introduce undefined behavior.
However, the party members setting can be changed at any time without it causing issues.
Few things happened since last month, so with the latest Sfall release it felt ok to release ettu v1.5 now as well.


Sfall has been updated to version 4.2.9
  • Added: Dogmeat can now be turned into a red dog (alternative skin, new setting in the fo1_settings.ini file, doesn't change anything else).
  • Added: Party members will float random text if they have a crippled limb (inspired by Fo2 Unofficial Patch / Restoration Project).
  • Added: Setting off the trap on Hightower's strongbox will now trigger his guard to investigate.
  • Added: Trying to destroy a force field emitter but failing to do so will now show up accordingly in the message log.
  • Added: The Mariposa force field emitter will now be visually "destroyed" once the Mr. Handy robot crashes into it.
  • Added: If the player takes the Gun Runner guns as reward, Razor would not react to it accordingly.
  • Fixed: Brotherhood Paladins in encounter maps would not recognize the player as an Initiate.
  • Fixed: The Broterhood lower levels would not correctly disable after mutants invaded the location (it was possible to enter the maps via Town/World button).
  • Fixed: Darrel at the Brotherhood now correctly shows his secondary "look at"-description text.
  • Fixed: Hightower's strongbox was missing a blocking hex.
  • Fixed: In a city encounter map it was possible for random encounter mobs to spawn inside objects (big vehicles etc).
  • Fixed: Lou had a wrong dialog line in the torture sequence.
  • Fixed: Main door in the Raiders map had a blocker missing (could still walk through a closed door).
  • Fixed: The Radio item proto didn't have the radio-script attached, thus only very few (map placed) radios in the game could be used in Mariposa.
  • Fixed: Talking to Calder at the Cathedral entrance while having the Childkiller-reputation would show the wrong dialog node.
  • Fixed: Dialog with the guard to the Master's Lair could crash the game.
  • Fixed: The 2nd guard to the Master's Lair was spawning an "ERROR" dialog.
  • Fixed: The Master's Lair terminal that would mark Mariposa on the worldmap would sometimes not mark the location on the worldmap.
  • Fixed: The Light Step perk wasn't working on mines.
  • Fixed: The Skilled trait will now correctly give +10% to every skill and no additional skill points per levelup (as it was in Fo1).
  • Fixed: The Skum Pitt and Vault 13 armory door would reset when loading a savegame.
  • Fixed: The Watershed mutants would not leave the map on the correct path. Also added a check to remove them from the map if the player leaves before they walked off-screen.
  • Fixed: The dynamite-exploit won't work on crucial NPCs anymore (Beth, Jacob, Zack, Razor, ...)
  • Fixed: The relationship dialog between Trish and Saul has been fixed up and somewhat polished (old restored cut content).
  • Tweaked: The "Tougher Mutants"-setting works as a multiplier now. 0 is vanilla Fo1, 1 is the preferred setting, 2 is still okay, but everything above slowly moves into some serious OVERKILL-territory.
  • Tweaked: There is now a low chance for cavern encounters to not spawn any mobs at all.
  • Tweaked: Ian, Tycho, and Dogmeat are more likely to try called shots now (closer to vanilla Fo1).
  • Tweaked: Reduced the amount of radiation in the Glow zones on the worldmap.
  • Tweaked: When captured by mutants and brought to Mariposa, party members will now temporarily get removed from the players party and moved into their own cell.
  • Tweaked: When walking through the "revulse tunnel" in the Master's Lair, the party member damage information will now show before the players to not spam the message log so much.
  • Tweaked: A new caps modifier has been added to reduce the amount of currency on the merchants by 50%.

Find the latest release here.

As you can see it's mostly bugfixes. Found some *really* old Fo1 bugs at random, which made me kinda happy in a way. Especially because they were super easy to fix. :>

Biggest change is probably the new Sfall feature to assign targets to your party members. Read more about it here. Note that the feature is disabled by default.
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