Are you using the latest revision (at least r615)?
Just tested it and can't find any issues. Pre-hire he has his usual Shady Sands dialog and after hiring him, the dialog switches to the default party member dialog options. He also follows me without issues and ai settings are working too.
I have changed all party dialog options to the Fo2 system, primarily because the old Fo1 options mostly didn't work anymore anyway since we're using Fo2's party mechanics. However, I did take over all unique dialog lines from Fo1. In case of Ian, I've additionally given him the option to ask about Shady Sands while you're still there (I'm guessing you are referring to that?). Other than that everything should be pretty much the same.

As for the version i was using at that time it was rev.633 it also contains commitments from a person with nick 'Ghosthack' and 'wipe'.
EDIT: Playing from start at rev.643.
Ian works fine.
Dogmeat has problems with 'custom' combat control settings. Still doesn't remember, some are wrong, and in some 'Error' is in place of an option.
Noticed one revision had bugfix preventing caps to spawn on npc's on map load. Unfortuneatly this is still not fixed for Junktown casino patrons.
Some gambling table dealers in Junktown don't have the option to gamble with, instead they just drop a float text above head. (probably treated as casino patrons since they also get $ on map load.
If stealing the dice and planting them back dice gambler behaves as if she had no dice (saying somebody tampered) in Fo2 if dice is put back one could play agin.
In fact they're sepose to use loaded dice, as word says on the 'streets of junktown' games are rigged. To increase winning chance one is sepose to steal loaded dice and plant normal dice to have normal chance of winning, instead of loosing everytime even at gambling 200% when gambling table uses loaded dice. normal dice could be added to bookshelves of some empty buildings or in Gizmo's locked room.
After klling the Skullz (by asisting junktown guards) Vinnie's corpse still has a Leather Jacket even if armor-destroy-mod is enabled.
I've noticed that Vad's Fo12 editor doesn't work anymore (save.dat issue) is it intended in the anti-cheat option?
Further more I've figured that if player has the balls to take out Garl one-on-one in the ring then player deserves Garl's Metal Armor that early. I no longer treat Metal Armor from beating Garl in ring fight a bug, when using armor-destroy-mod. After all player beat Garl with bare hands and feet so there is no possible way of damaging the armor.
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