Fallout 1 mod Fallout Fixt - next release will be some time in Jan 2020

Sduibek said:
Well technically you DO win if you get a KO, that's the purpose of fighting him.

Graphically glitch at the end, are you talking about during the endgame slideshows? Make sure Sound Acceleration (dxdiag) is set to Standard and see if it still happens.

Either way thanks for the details and saves :)
Of course, that's the point. What I was trying to say was that the knockout itself didn't suffice in the case of the savegame I gave you :p

OK, I'll try with Sound Acceleration set to standard in a while.

EDIT: I think it might be because I ended battle before he gets up. If you wait a few turns it probably ends by itself.

EDIT2: With standard acceleration it keeps happening.
Wait, graphics glitch are you still referring to the UI issues (buttons blacking out and can't be clicked) or is this something else? Because the buttons issue will NOT be fixed until Alpha 5, unfortunately we just gotta live with that for now (glitches begin after 12-13 pipboy Disk entries)

Some day we'll either see Fo1 put into the Fo2 engine or sfall's higher functions in Fo1, but those are both a long way off. I plan on doing the latter but that's not until I learn a lot more C++ and ASM)

Until then, workarounds, baby! :dance: :revolution: In Soviet Russia, Code Debugs You!
Sduibek said:
Wait, graphics glitch are you still referring to the UI issues (buttons blacking out and can't be clicked) or is this something else? Because the buttons issue will NOT be fixed until Alpha 5, unfortunately we just gotta live with that for now (glitches begin after 12-13 pipboy Disk entries)

Some day we'll either see Fo1 put into the Fo2 engine or sfall's higher functions in Fo1, but those are both a long way off. I plan on doing the latter but that's not until I learn a lot more C++ and ASM)

Until then, workarounds, baby! :dance: :revolution: In Soviet Russia, Code Debugs You!
No, I mean the glitch which makes pieces of the dialogue interface to keep above the final video and slides (the one which pops up to ask if you want to finish the game or to continue).
I'm planning on learning to code too, but I'm too lazy to foresee it in the near future. But one day will come when you can ask me to do the janitorial work of your fixes :P
Sduibek said:
Oppen said:
Hi, I think I forgot to report a few bugs I had at the begining of the game. When I defy Darion to a HtH fight and I win, he disappears from game, after releasing Tandi every Khan becomes instantly hostile and somehow I get everything he has got in his inventory. I might try to get there again to give you a savegame, but the original one was overwritten a long time ago. Also, I want to remark a similar bug I already reported (but got obscured by the more severe holodisks corrupting the interface in the same post) with the Master, after convincing him that he's wrong he initiates dialog twice again, first to tell me "You must be joking" (I don't know which is the correct way to trigger that dialog, but it already is triggered by pressing 0 in dialog, followed by the "You think you can destroy me" and hostility) and then to say "You think you can destroy me" and becaome hostile.
Okay, thanks for letting me know.

I think I know what's happening with The Master, the one with Garl is strange though, I'll have to look in to that.

For those of you who are stuck at the Master's conversation: changing into power armor just before the Master starts speaking (there's about 5 seconds of nothing) solved it. While making your way back to the top floor none of the NPC's will actually notice you're not wearing the robe anymore.

P.S. Awesome job!
@Oppen -- Ohhhh, okay. Thanks!

@Mrrr -- That is odd behavior but very helpful. Thanks for that and the compliment :)
Mrrr said:
For those of you who are stuck at the Master's conversation: changing into power armor just before the Master starts speaking (there's about 5 seconds of nothing) solved it. While making your way back to the top floor none of the NPC's will actually notice you're not wearing the robe anymore.

But I am already wearing the PA, I had to kill everyone because I went with my followers, so I changed to PA to survive, since I'm still in a low level (somehow, avoiding random encounters turned to be stupid :P). Well, I'm not actually sure if that was the cause, I mean, at first I was able to convince mutants and a COC that I was with them with the robes, but Master's pets attacked me, I had to kill them and then everyone hates me :P

Maybe changing armor itself? I'll check in a while, I'll let you know if that works.

EDIT: It still fails.
Hey, I'm actually having the same problem someone reported before in an earlier version, despite installing the latest version of FIXT (in which I overwrote the old FIXT files following the instructions). The problem: Vault 13 automatically throws me out when trying to re-enter, as you briefly appear in the destination you select, then the screen fades to black and you are outside in the cave again. The "Thanks for saving us" message also appears, despite at the point in my game, where I'm supposed to re-enter as I have the Water Chip. As this is close to the end, I really don't want to start again, lol.

PS. First post, long-time lurker, since drooling over the Van Buren pics after its cancellation. Your project is awesome btw.
Chuman said:
Hey, I'm actually having the same problem someone reported before in an earlier version, despite installing the latest version of FIXT (in which I overwrote the old FIXT files following the instructions). The problem: Vault 13 automatically throws me out when trying to re-enter, as you briefly appear in the destination you select, then the screen fades to black and you are outside in the cave again. The "Thanks for saving us" message also appears, despite at the point in my game, where I'm supposed to re-enter as I have the Water Chip. As this is close to the end, I really don't want to start again, lol.

PS. First post, long-time lurker, since drooling over the Van Buren pics after its cancellation. Your project is awesome btw.

And yeah, if you started a game on the messed up version, the messed up global variables will carry over. Not to fret, though, the script in this version should still have the reset code. Do an examine on yourself (Binoculars) and you should see in the messages box:

"EndGame Mod variables reset. Please try to enter Vault 13 again."

Try again after that :D

EDIT: Could require to leave and reenter the map, but shouldn't.
Sduibek said:
Do an examine on yourself (Binoculars) and you should see in the messages box:

"EndGame Mod variables reset. Please try to enter Vault 13 again."

Try again after that :D

EDIT: Could require to leave and reenter the map, but shouldn't.

You know, I actually forgot to try that with my ending problems.
I think it could help to the lock up when I chose to continue.
Also, I remember some time I accidentally examined myself and that resetted Ian to level 2 (I got the message of him leveling up and his level 2 stats). Is it suppossed to be one of the resetted variables, or there might be a number mismatch?
Oppen said:
Sduibek said:
Do an examine on yourself (Binoculars) and you should see in the messages box:

"EndGame Mod variables reset. Please try to enter Vault 13 again."

Try again after that :D

EDIT: Could require to leave and reenter the map, but shouldn't.

You know, I actually forgot to try that with my ending problems.
I think it could help to the lock up when I chose to continue.
Also, I remember some time I accidentally examined myself and that resetted Ian to level 2 (I got the message of him leveling up and his level 2 stats). Is it suppossed to be one of the resetted variables, or there might be a number mismatch?
Yeah that's normal, the global variable mismatch was the bug and affects Ian's variables (well, one or two related to levelling anyway)
Glitch following destruction of Master

My apologies if this topics already been addressed, but at the end of the game, when you're given a choice to continue playing or end the game, the Fallout freezes when I choose to continue. This is at the end of the FIXT 4.1 build. Is this a known issue, and is there a fix?
Re: Glitch following destruction of Master

Mr_Harmless said:
My apologies if this topics already been addressed, but at the end of the game, when you're given a choice to continue playing or end the game, the Fallout freezes when I choose to continue. This is at the end of the FIXT 4.1 build. Is this a known issue, and is there a fix?
If the game doesn't lock up, but just doesn't answer to commands, then yes, it's a known issue, at least I reported it some days ago, I don't know if it was reported before, but it's likely it was.
Sduibek said:
What about pressing 1, 2, or 0 in that dialog, does that also not work?
I think he's reporting the same problem I did. If that's the case, the dialog has no problem to end. The problem is after it closes and the Overseer goes (or doesn't, it may vary) away. Then, the game continues (you can see your character and followers idle animation) but you can't tell them to do anything else.

EDIT: I just checked resetting the end-game mod's variables and it didn't work. Also, that dialog doesn't answer to keyboard input, just mouse clicks.
I checked also the keyboard's interface controls, and it didn't answer to that either. You can scroll the map and watch idle animations, and that's it.
Also, is there a way I can help with the variables mismatch in when you examine your character? At least to remove Ian's level reset to level 2.

EDIT 2: Sorry, I forgot to tell the text display informed me about some things (likely, debug info), I'll try to get it in a debug.log and paste it later.

EDIT 3: Here is the debug data. This
Called by fixed_param==5: add_timer_event(dude_obj, 1, 6);
Called by fixed_param==5: add_timer_event(dude_obj, 1, 9);
Called by Node999: add_timer_event(dude_obj, 1, 6);
is what the text interface said,
and this (http://www.mediafire.com/?wybyg8n2mk3px8y) is the full debug.log.
Finally I managed to spend some time playing Fixt 4.1, I've just finished it.

I've installed it onto clean english version installed, with weapon drop mod installed and the "slowest" possible version of mutants' invasion. I encountered some bugs, glitches, whatever. :P

1) Same problem as Oppen describes two posts above.

2) Prisoner at Khans - even after I've killed all raiders he didn't realized it and just stay in his opened prison cell, and there was no specific dialogue option to tell him he's free.

3) Super Mutants in Watershed - after I killed them all game didn't realized that (both Seth [no proper dialogue option] and Pipboy [quest weren't crossed out]).

4) Ghoul Manager at Hotel in Necropolis still talked only errors. :P

5) Adytum - something is wrong with Blades/Regulators conflict and their final fight in Adytum. I've tried many times to accomplished quest and finally I managed to, but I think still something went wrong. What I've done: talked to Zimmerman - talked to Razor, get holodisk - killed deathclaws for Gun Runners, told them "friends needs weapons blah blah" - talked to Razor - and now:
a) see Zimmerman before attack - first attempt - Zimmerman killed, regulators started slaughter, Blades appeared (only one time they appeared, unfortunately Miles got killed so I have to reload); second attempt - Zimmerman killed, slaughter, no Blades. Soon I/Miles/Smitty got killed - reload. And so on. If I try to escape from slaughter and tell Blades what happened, there was no Razor - she disappeared.
so I managed to complete the quest b) without bringing holodisk from Razor to Zimmerman, only if I decided to take part in Blades' attack just after they got their stuff from Gun Runners.

6) In various number of places, while fight, game told me that I can't shoot because line is blocked blah blah even in such weird situations like my character standing eye to eye with an enemy.

Anyway, great work Sduibek, great as usual. ;)
Panzerkampfwagen said:
I've installed it onto clean english version installed, with weapon drop mod installed and the "slowest" possible version of mutants' invasion. I encountered some bugs, glitches, whatever. :P
Same config as me :p

Panzerkampfwagen said:
2) Prisoner at Khans - even after I've killed all raiders he didn't realized it and just stay in his opened prison cell, and there was no specific dialogue option to tell him he's free.
Is that a misbehavior? I thought it was normal. Well, then I can add that if I free him before killing the Khans (I don't know after, tried it just one time) he fights their side instead of mine.
Panzerkampfwagen said:
3) Super Mutants in Watershed - after I killed them all game didn't realized that (both Seth [no proper dialogue option] and Pipboy [quest weren't crossed out]).
Same here, but Sduibek said it's already fixed for the next version (the whole map was rewritten if I understood it right).
Panzerkampfwagen said:
5) Adytum - something is wrong with Blades/Regulators conflict and their final fight in Adytum. I've tried many times to accomplished quest and finally I managed to, but I think still something went wrong. What I've done: talked to Zimmerman - talked to Razor, get holodisk - killed deathclaws for Gun Runners, told them "friends needs weapons blah blah" - talked to Razor - and now:
a) see Zimmerman before attack - first attempt - Zimmerman killed, regulators started slaughter, Blades appeared (only one time they appeared, unfortunately Miles got killed so I have to reload); second attempt - Zimmerman killed, slaughter, no Blades. Soon I/Miles/Smitty got killed - reload. And so on. If I try to escape from slaughter and tell Blades what happened, there was no Razor - she disappeared.
so I managed to complete the quest b) without bringing holodisk from Razor to Zimmerman, only if I decided to take part in Blades' attack just after they got their stuff from Gun Runners.
I always thought Blades wouldn't come to fight if I asked them to wait until I speak to Zimmerman. Also, the Fallout's wiki seems to support that statement (it says that if you ask Razor to wait, she will disappear until you kill the Regulators by yourself).
Oppen said:
Is that a misbehavior? I thought it was normal. Well, then I can add that if I free him before killing the Khans (I don't know after, tried it just one time) he fights their side instead of mine.

Stockholm Syndrome LOL
Anyway, I thought that there is a quest or something about freeing him. :P

Oppen said:
I always thought Blades wouldn't come to fight if I asked them to wait until I speak to Zimmerman. Also, the Fallout's wiki seems to support that statement (it says that if you ask Razor to wait, she will disappear until you kill the Regulators by yourself).

Hmmmmmm but it is written in Per's Walkthrough: "(...) If you show him [Zimmerman] the holodisk he'll be killed as before, the eight armed Blades will appear, and you fight as normal and get the 2000 xp afterwards. (...)".
Panzerkampfwagen said:
Hmmmmmm but it is written in Per's Walkthrough: "(...) If you show him [Zimmerman] the holodisk he'll be killed as before, the eight armed Blades will appear, and you fight as normal and get the 2000 xp afterwards. (...)".
Well, then I can confirm the bug. And someone should correct the wiki :p