Fallout 2 mod Fallout: Nevada (extended)

I just did some calculations, and it turns out that if just one person translate 20kb per day(3-4 hours of work) , it will take about 60 days to finish 100% dialog, but since there is more than one translators I think it will be less, anyway I give the project 3 mouth max to finish raw translation
Goddamn! That's a surprise and here I thought the real chunk was gonna be Vegas and Salt Lake
Yeah, man we are actually going to do this, I'm officially hyped, TC1 we can do 10kb per day each, which is a joke really, easy, no burnout, and everyone is happy, what do you say?
10kb *is* easy hell, 20 is doable, and here I thought I was gonna need to cram it to make up for lost time.
No need for that anymore, I know it's a little early to celebrate or anything, but damn!!! We are 2 mouth away from raw translation, with super relaxed pace, I contacted people in other forums, so if something we might get more help on the road, hopefully
Dionis can you upload what you guys have translated so far?
We can, but we had a discussion about the next update and we realized that the translation is far from perfect, we honestly don't want anyone to be disappointed with this game because the devs did truly an amazing job, so it would be better if we let our editor (snikers) do his magic on the texts, please understand that most of us are amateurs at working with dialog, and on top of that we translate to foreign language for us, and since there is about 3 mouths left for finished product, we made a decision to hold on any updates, I'm sorry for texting earlier about the upcoming patch, but we only did want we thought would be best, so please have patience with us, we want to finish this as much as you do, trust me
You guys are doing God's work. I'm totally anticipating this translation. :D
All the best :)
Too true. You guys are amazing for taking this on and breathing life into the mod for us uni lingual plebeians. Patiently awaiting the release. Thank you :)
Hey Guys, I'm back from my weekly "time out". :boy: The reason for my post though is that thanks to this post from @Alray there is a way to quickly check up your translation and file changes ingame without the tedious "Start Game > Load Game > Check it out > Quit Game" cycle.
As you know, Fall load text-data from msg-files. But I saw, that engine load msg files ones per map. If we start game, talk with somebody, then from widows change current msg-file, fall will reload it just next time, when you enter the map. The same with msg from text\english\game folder. If you try work with game from outside (for example we trying write client-server for Fallout) you can import data to game by msg-files. With this small change fall will reload msg-files each time when they calls.
Oh, I hope you understand what I said :))) It's quite difficult to explain :)

original: 000F85A500
new: FF7400EB02
Just fire up the executable in a Hex Editor of your choice and edit adress 0x96F8A to FF7400EB02 and you're good to go, it works like a charm :ok: Don't forget to tell sfall the new CRC though, or else the game won't start. The CRC is set either per the sFall Configurator or directly in ddraw.ini. Search for
and simply add the new CRC (in my case 0xFF7E19BC with the HD version) to the end
Hey Guys, I'm back from my weekly "time out". :boy: The reason for my post though is that thanks to this post from @Alray there is a way to quickly check up your translation and file changes ingame without the tedious "Start Game > Load Game > Check it out > Quit Game" cycle.

Just fire up the executable in a Hex Editor of your choice and edit adress 0x96F8A to FF7400EB02 and you're good to go, it works like a charm :ok: Don't forget to tell sfall the new CRC though, or else the game won't start. The CRC is set either per the sFall Configurator or directly in ddraw.ini. Search for
and simply add the new CRC (in my case 0xFF7E19BC with the HD version) to the end
Thanks for the hint, but I'll stick to old fashioned way, personally I got used to it, and it's super fast for me to manage, but someone else might find it helpful
We can, but we had a discussion about the next update and we realized that the translation is far from perfect, we honestly don't want anyone to be disappointed with this game because the devs did truly an amazing job, so it would be better if we let our editor (snikers) do his magic on the texts, please understand that most of us are amateurs at working with dialog, and on top of that we translate to foreign language for us, and since there is about 3 mouths left for finished product, we made a decision to hold on any updates, I'm sorry for texting earlier about the upcoming patch, but we only did want we thought would be best, so please have patience with us, we want to finish this as much as you do, trust me

I totally respect that and I believe it's the correct decision in the long run.However I'd like to ask you guys a small favor, to provide us with updates, every now and then, about translation progress.Once a week or so should be fine,

Keep up the good work guys.
I totally respect that and I believe it's the correct decision in the long run.However I'd like to ask you guys a small favor, to provide us with updates, every now and then, about translation progress.Once a week or so should be fine,

Keep up the good work guys.
Ok, I'm finishing Bridgeport today(its a small town near Reno), I also have another translator that should translate Uran City (Bluetech), he pm me before new year about him finishing it, so im still waiting for him to show up and drop the files, hopefuly he didnt forgot about us, some of us are still editing Reno, but we are quickly moving to Vegas, if TC1 gets free and comes back to the translation we will have the raw translation in 2 months
I am, indeed, free(ish) now and am getting back to working on my share of the files.

Here's all that's left ^
Bridgeport have been translated, moving to Vegas
snikers is finishing his Lovelock editing
Owing is translating Wind of War
TC1 and ghostman are editing Reno
...still waiting for Bluetech to show up and drop complete Uranium City translation, we will leave it for now