Fallout: New Vegas companions revealed


But best title ever!
Playstation Blog took their time to write a blog post about the eight companions that you can find in Fallout : New Vegas, including screenshots and a look at the bonus perks they give you. Be warned, it contains spoilers.

Here's a snippet about Arcade Gannon:


<blockquote> * Full Name: Arcade Israel Gannon
* Sex: Male
* Race: Human
* Ethnicity: Caucasian
* Age: 35
* Profession: Doctor, Followers of the Apocalypse New Vegas Chapter
* Perk: Better Healing – While Arcade is a companion, the player regains more health from all sources.
* Description: Arcade is highly ethical and moral, but he understands the post apocalyptic world is one in which sometimes, people just have to be shot in the head. Most of Arcade’s concerns about the world around him have to do with large-scale issues rather than the needs of individuals. While he appreciates what individual people go through, he firmly believes that it’s more important to affect large-scale societal change than fix problems little by little.</blockquote>

Also, on related news, Bethesda inform us through their Bethblog that they are seeking questions for the Bethesda Podcast, New Vegas-related questions included, and has opened a thread on their forums for you to post them. Want to know if cars will still explode in New Vegas? Look no further!
Boss sauce. None of them seem like tanks, they're all what they should be; highly specialized support characters.
I'm a bit disappointed actually. I had some sort of nostalgic hope that Marcus would reprise his role as a follower.
I'm glad Marcus and Joshua Graham are out as companions. we've had our fair share of combat focused tanks (Fallout 3), now we have something a little more balanced. Also, having Marcus playing a big role again would just be fanservice, having him in the periphery makes a lot more sense.
The model of Cass is the first female face that doesn't look like complete shit. :D
I really like the backgrounds for these people.
Perk: Whiskey Rose – While Cass is a companion, she and the player gain Damage Threshold when they drink Whiskey. Additionally, the player does not suffer intelligence loss from consuming alcohol and ignores the negative effects of alcohol addiction.

Per said:
Perk: Whiskey Rose – While Cass is a companion, she and the player gain Damage Threshold when they drink Whiskey. Additionally, the player does not suffer intelligence loss from consuming alcohol and ignores the negative effects of alcohol addiction.


Was my initial reaction to that as well. A bit silly... But on the other hand, having a drinking buddy in the party has its appeal as well, hehe.

The Mutant feels like it could be over the top... But if done well it could also be one of the most interesting companions.

But I'm very happy with these overall. The perks are a nice idea and the companions themselves seem quite interesting.
Per said:
Perk: Whiskey Rose – While Cass is a companion, she and the player gain Damage Threshold when they drink Whiskey. Additionally, the player does not suffer intelligence loss from consuming alcohol and ignores the negative effects of alcohol addiction.


Hey, good drinking buddy can be Magic!
The dog is looking just great. Except for the brain :)
I liked the look of the most companions except that supermutant. Looks a bit over-the-top.

I really like the backgrounds. Now you can consider me hyped. I want to buy this game. Thank you Obsidian.