Fallout: New Vegas Honest Hearts Reviews Round-up #2


But best title ever!
Reviews for Honest Hearts keep coming out at a steady pace, though the reception itself is very mixed.

IGN thinks narrative and enemy variety could have used some work but overall is pleased, 7.5<blockquote> Some quick notes before you hit the road: you need to travel light. This means no companions (you'll have to tell them to go away yourself, they don't automatically leave you like they do in Dead Money) and 75 lbs of stuff on your back. There are ways to raise the poundage up to 100, but you'll need specific perks or skills to do so. If you're like me and prefer to have some backup, you'll be happy to know that you receive temporary companions during your stay at Zion.

The national park is a beautiful place filled with red cliffs, radiation-free water, plenty of plants to pick and stunning hand-painted murals on the bedrock. Although my feelings would differ if this happened in real life, I was pleasantly surprised when I got caught in a rainstorm. The addition of weather patterns is a really nice touch and at night the sky is bursting with stars. These details make Zion a really fun place to wander around in. Fast travel is also back (it wasn't possible in Dead Money) and that made me very happy. </blockquote>The Controller Online, 3<blockquote> There are a few new weapons and perks offered with Honest Hearts but they don’t make up for the lack of story and short amount of time you’ll spend in Zion. To top it all off, the quest line can be, very easily, irrevocably broken. There is one character near the start of the journey whom, if you kill, will send the whole DLC into a strange state where no quests are offered but the one to retrieve the map and leave. I wasn’t out to break the game, he actually starts off shooting you, then realizes you aren’t of the enemy tribe and backs off, but if you fire back, as you should, the whole DLC fails. I can confirm this isn’t by design as the closing narrative makes absolutely no sense and gives details about factions whom you’ve simply never crossed paths with, but the narrator explains how you have affected them.</blockquote>Big Shiny Robot goes scoreless (thanks Bewitched)<blockquote> Any hardcore fan that just can’t wait should get it but if I were not that hardcore I’d wait until they all come out before getting this one. It like all the rest are 800 Microsoft points on the XBOX. If you are a lower level and don’t have a lot of the best weapons and armor I’d say give it a try. But with the other two coming out within the next two months for most people I’d say wait for all of them and then start over from the beginning. </blockquote>
Well "Controller Online" sounds p. dumb. Your standard "shoot first, pay no attention to anything later" player maybe? Besides, I don't remember Chalk shooting at you (Maybe he did and I looked away) I remember a White-Leg shooting, then Chalk killing HIM, but not much other shooting.
Yeah Follow's Chalk doesn't shoot you. He kills the White Leg, looks at you, puts his weapon away, jumps down, then talks to you. Maybe yours was bugged?
Courier said:
Yeah Follow's Chalk doesn't shoot you. He kills the White Leg, looks at you, puts his weapon away, jumps down, then talks to you. Maybe yours was bugged?

I almost made the same mistake as that reviewer, as the White Legs show up on my compass as friendly - even in the end missions. Not sure if this was deliberate.

Just had a thought. I wonder if there were ever any plans for there to be a third, evil ending, i.e. join the White Legs?

Edit: Gonna start a new thread on this
If you kill any main character during the course of the main quest then you're essentially siding with the White Legs. After that you become an enemy of everyone and none of the quests are available, it instead becomes a race to kill everybody and get out of Zion.
sampson70 said:
Thanks a lot , did u guys forget how to used the spoiler button! :evil:

Wow, what did you expect going into a topic about rewievs, of course something is going to spoil something...
sampson70 said:
Thanks a lot , did u guys forget how to used the spoiler button! :evil:

It's not a spoiler, if you kill any main characters then you can't do any of the quests and there is literally no plot.
I'm a little puzzled by The Controller Online's review because I popped Follows-Chalk twice with my hunting rifle when he appeared and nothing happened to him
RoseKilla said:
sampson70 said:
Thanks a lot , did u guys forget how to used the spoiler button! :evil:

Wow, what did you expect going into a topic about rewievs, of course something is going to spoil something...
I'll live,but usually when I come here for review links,I don't expect to hear things like the compass showing certain characters as friendly or hostile.
sampson70 said:
I'll live,but usually when I come here for review links,I don't expect to hear things like the compass showing characters as friendly or hostile.

Sorry I don't quite get you? That's what the game always does, red marks hostile, default HUD colour equals friendly.

I was only remarking on how for some reason enemies were showing up as friendly instead of being red.
Gametrailers have a review pod up. Get it if you like Fallout, don't get get if you uh... don't like Fallout I think.
Apparently some journalists have the impression that Point Lookout actually had more quests than Honest Hearts.

That wasn't my impression during the game and checking up on the Vault Wiki confirmed my suspicion.

While HH in general is shorter than DM, mainly because of quick travel at some point, I found the region more interesting than that of Point Lookout as it was used in a far more interesting way.
I liked those swamps and the atmosphere there, actually. :oops:
Honest Hearts just didn't deliver for me, unfortunately. 's also because Dead Money was so good and hopes were high..
Surf Solar said:
I liked those swamps and the atmosphere there, actually. :oops:
Honest Hearts just didn't deliver for me, unfortunately. 's also because Dead Money was so good and hopes were high..

Nothing wrong with the swamps, but barely anything was done with it other than just wandering around pointlessly and discovering 'interesting' places like trash heaps.
The only quest I really thought was interesting in Point Lookout was the one about the Chinese Spy. Other than that they weren't much more exciting than most of Honest Heart's quests.
oihrebwe said:
I'm a little puzzled by The Controller Online's review because I popped Follows-Chalk twice with my hunting rifle when he appeared and nothing happened to him

I hit him with a direct hit from a grenade laucher and nothing happened too. :roll:

One thing Obsidian could've done was making possible to save some members of your caravan, like Stella and Jed.
This could possibly lead to a more elaborate plot, with conflicts between you and your party.

Don't get me wrong I liked HH and the DLC provided a very good fun time, but it was short.
brfritos said:
oihrebwe said:
I'm a little puzzled by The Controller Online's review because I popped Follows-Chalk twice with my hunting rifle when he appeared and nothing happened to him

I hit him with a direct hit from a grenade laucher and nothing happened too. :roll:

One thing Obsidian could've done was making possible to save some members of your caravan, like Stella and Jed.
This could possibly lead to a more elaborate plot, with conflicts between you and your party.

Don't get me wrong I liked HH and the DLC provided a very good fun time, but it was short.
I killed him the first time, too.
I also saved Jed, I'm not sure about Stella. Just be quick about it.
But yeah, didn't matter, you never do anything with them.