Fallout: New Vegas PC Gamer preview scans

i actually kind of like the wig and glasses...its silly sure, but it kind of attaches some humanness to them.
Grimhound said:
Wow. That's a nice Fallout 3 mod. Where can I download that?

I don't want to be overly defensive of Obsidian, but seeing as its just an expansion to FO3 (in the works for, what, 1 year?), and developed under the eye of Bethesda, isn't it basically supposed to be an expanded mod?

Plus, its a bit hard and unfair - but that's up to you - to judge the new content on the basis of a few offhand screenshots. That said, the look of FO3 remains a major point of bummage for me (though by no means the biggest one).

Off topic: when did screen shot captions get so dumb?
Jabu said:
Grimhound said:
Wow. That's a nice Fallout 3 mod. Where can I download that?

I don't want to be overly defensive of Obsidian, but seeing as its just an expansion to FO3 (in the works for, what, 1 year?), and developed under the eye of Bethesda, isn't it basically supposed to be an expanded mod?

Plus, its a bit hard and unfair - but that's up to you - to judge the new content on the basis of a few offhand screenshots. That said, the look of FO3 remains a major point of bummage for me (though by no means the biggest one).

Off topic: when did screen shot captions get so dumb?

I see New Vegas as a series of many steps in the right direction. In some cases, baby steps. But they are steps that exist.

shit i just got done writing a paper for class and i can't get out of that writing style, help.

Off topic: when did screen shot captions get so dumb?

Have you ever read a gaming magazine before? Captions today are so much better than the 90s where it would be a caption of say a flamethrower and it says "This flame thrower will really HEAT THINGS UP when you get your hands on it!"
new vagas

this looks like its going to be a lot better than fallout 3 and it looks like they bought stuff from the the original fallouts and put them in new vegas
bhlaab said:
Have you ever read a gaming magazine before? Captions today are so much better than the 90s where it would be a caption of say a flamethrower and it says "This flame thrower will really HEAT THINGS UP when you get your hands on it!"

Well, looking at those screens, I'd say things haven't progressed all that much.

I never read American/British magazines. Lived most of my youth in a country whose language I could never quite get myself to properly learn.
I don't mind the idea of the super mutant with the wig and glasses, but its the fact that these features look like a regular fan fooling around with modding just tacked them onto the model so haphazardly. And a game like this relies on good visuals, I don't care what anyone says. In Fallout you would just click on the mutant and get the description and you generate what it would look like in your head and it would for the most part probably work (although, this character would probably have a talking head). But games today have really taken out the text descriptions, so visuals are relied upon, and if the visual provided by the game is done rather crappy, for lack of a better word, it distracts from the experience. To me, this super mutant is distracting.

And I hope this Doctor that saves you is a ghoul or something...

PS: Geckos! :D (Need more color.... haha, just kiddin', they look fine. Although...)
If you ask me, the biggest mistake was releasing the "G.E.C.K." with all these naked people stuff, or "lolz0r!boners everywhere!" or "lol, I got ma plazma atomizer, I pwn planetz with those!!111" etc. It could have been accessible bye people who know their work, not just those shitheads who could integrate sailor moon and all this crap into our beloved universe.
I was hoping Obsidian would at least make new animations and character models (maybe Bethesda wouldn't allow them to?) I wasn't expecting to see the exact same super mutants from FO3 and to be honest it's kind of disappointing.
randir14 said:
I was hoping Obsidian would at least make new animations and character models (maybe Bethesda wouldn't allow them to?) I wasn't expecting to see the exact same super mutants from FO3 and to be honest it's kind of disappointing.
With the time they had it's a bit unrealistic to expect them to make that much new content. Honestly, I was hoping that they'd spend as much time as possible on getting the mechanics right, writing good dialogue, making good quest structures, and making good level design. They had enough to work on without remodeling and reanimating beth's mediocre work.
Him being born before the war is most likely just a mistake on the part of the previewer.
I hope so, but the previewer does seem to directly quote what Doc Mitchell says: "I used to live in one of them vaults before the war," he drawls.
Or maybe he is talking about another war that ihappened in the region... Some local civil war maybe....

Am I wishing too hard?.....
It's likely either a misquote or he's a ghoul. Obsidian devs wouldn't make such an obvious mistake.
Cronicler, I'd say that could be plausible. :shrug: It does seem unlikely Obsidian would make such an obvious mistake.
cronicler said:
Or maybe he is talking about another war that ihappened in the region... Some local civil war maybe....

Am I wishing too hard?.....
Could be the war between the NCR and the locals.
Informative article, that. All that about being dead instead L4D didn't sound metaphorically though. Maybe Doc Mitchell runs some clunky Lazarus project on the side and also gives you one of them baggy East Coast Vault suits?

Super Mutants are cringeworthy to look upon, however it's clear from the article that Obsidian is trying to nuance them back, so I'm all for it, even if it involves strapping wig onto their constipated Orcgre physique.

And it looks like googie will be back in force. Yey!
Myron Rolle said:
Do you guys have stronger arguments to bring forth than "you look like you have OCD" (hello offensive) and "it might not be as bad as it looks!" Neither is in any way a valid defense of the bewiggactled supermutant there.


It's a huge improvement over the supermutants in fallout 3.
Supermutants are mutated humans, not animals, and however ridiculus Tabitha may look like, the haircut and the glasses add to her human personality, a trait which fallout 3's bald, dumb, mute, cookiecutter supermutants blatantly lacked.

Even in the case of Fawkes who was supposedly sentient, him looking exactly like all others didn't help much in identifying him as an individual person instead of some green ape.

This time around supermutants have factions, with her as a leader, and according to Josh's comments in the article you can even use diplomacy to deal with them. Generally the article makes me feel like they're fixing virtually everything that was wrong with fallout 3.

I would aggree that they should have used a new model for the mutant leader instead of chopping a wig and glasses to the normal supermutant model, but it's better than her being bald. Hair is important for personality no matter how ridiculus the hair or the personality may be.

Also, i'd hit it. (see my avatar)