Fallout: New Vegas PC Updates


But best title ever!
As you've probably noted if you have the game on Steam, Fallout: New Vegas has received its promised incremental update for PC. Here's the changelog:<blockquote>- Companions now show up as waypoints on the map
- Companions will always fast travel with you, unless told to wait or sent away
- Crafting menu should filter valid (bright) recipes to the top of the list
- Fix: DLC error/save corruption
- Fix: Stuttering with water effects
- Fix: Severe performance issues with DirectX.
- Fix: Controls temporarily disabled after reloading Cowboy Repeater while crouched
- Fixed crash using the Euclid C-Finder while having the Heave Ho perk
- Fix: Entering the strip after Debt Collector causes crash and autosave corruption
- Fix: Using Mojave Express dropbox can cause DLC warnings
- Fixed crash when buying duplicate caravan cards from a vendor in a single transaction
- Fix: Sitting down while looking down a weapon's ironsights leaves player control locked
- Fix: If a companion is knocked uncon. with broken limbs they stay broken on respawn
- Fix for varmint night scope effect persisting in kill cam.
- Fix for giving companions armor that adds STR does not increase their carry weight
- Fix NPC Repair menu displays DAM as DPS
- Having NPC repair service rifle with forged receiver decreases CND.</blockquote> It should be noted that a proper patch for all three versions of the game is still coming.
Best thing? Polish versions are apparently not eligible for a patch, so NVSE is not going to work.

Fuck that.
1C / Cenega always fail. Not only Polish have problems with patch. But Russian and Czech also. For Beth/Steam Eastern Europe is some kind thrid world.

BTW Funny was last patch. Most enemies are immortal hehehe. Same day they relase hotfix for this gamebreaker

@Sicblades ;p
The cowboy repeater no longer disables controls when crouched and reloading, now it causes my character to no longer be able to open anything, fire or even move his legs in third person.
Tagaziel said:
Best thing? Polish versions are apparently not eligible for a patch, so NVSE is not going to work.

Fuck that.

Same here, Steam RU/PL/CZ/EN version. Playing in English, but that doesn't help.
Steam doesn't even recognize me as an owner of the game. I sent in a support ticket asking them to FEEX EET.
The update fixed it a bit for me...

Now the game performs more or less like with the d3d9fix. The water = massive frameskip still exists for me though so I still need to turn all water options off to have it run buttersmooth...
Hooray! I set my detail levels to "High", loaded the game, and the horrible performance issue with NPCs is fixed!

Granted, there are still plenty of subtle bugs, but the basic game is now playable! ... well, I can't really say it was unplayable before, considering that I've logged close to 60 hours in-game. You know what I mean.
I really hope they fix the companions ignoring their setting for either "Aggressive" or "Passive". My companions will just run off and fight whatever they feel like in any indoor area.
Tagaziel said:
Best thing? Polish versions are apparently not eligible for a patch, so NVSE is not going to work.


Alphadrop said:
The cowboy repeater no longer disables controls when crouched and reloading, now it causes my character to no longer be able to open anything, fire or even move his legs in third person.


Lazlo said:
As of the latest patch my game crashes on startup. HIGH FIVES ALL AROUND.


I wonder how many more patches we're actually going to see. A point will be reached, and beyond that any remaining bugs are stuck with us.
Oh it re-downloaded the patch and I can now reload while crouching with the CR, it's not smooth though and there is still some animation hitching so it's still best to reload standing up if you want to be able fire immediatly.
Why does that happen anyway. I never saw such a bug in Fallout 3.
Tagaziel said:
Best thing? Polish versions are apparently not eligible for a patch, so NVSE is not going to work.

Fuck that.
I found this in one of the comments on some gaming site. I think this massage is shown when you install the game (I don't remember). Since it was in Polish I translated it:

"In Poland, Slovakia, Hungary, Romania and Czech Republic, Fallout New Vegas for the PC will be treated as a separate game from the version intended for the Western Europe and USA. In terms of content and functionality, they will be identical. However, Steam will see them as separate products and comparing achievements will be possible only within the users owning the same version. Patches and DLC will be realised separately for both versions, but it's content will be identical."

So my question is why did they complicate it so much? If they are identical, why bother with segregation.

PS. Here is the original massage in Polish:

"W Polsce, na Słowacji, Węgrzech, Rumunii i w Czechach Fallout New Vegas na PC będzie traktowany jako oddzielna gra od wersji przeznaczonej na rynki Europy zachodniej i USA. Pod kątem zawartości i funkcjonalności, będą one identyczne. Jednakże, Steam będzie widział je jako oddzielne produkty i porównywanie osiągnięć będzie możliwe tylko w obrębie użytkowników posiadających te same edycje. Aktualizacje i DLC będą wypuszczane oddzielnie dla obu wersji, aczkolwiek ich zawartość będzie identyczna."
my guess is local laws or infrastructure requirements or else how steam is setup for those localities
I also had a couple of weird bugs in a row since the patch, and I am still not sure it was my PC or the game that conflicted.
Now I am scared to even allow my steam to update, as there is no way to re-roll, if something bad happens.