Fallout: New Vegas PSM3 scans

Brother None

This ghoul has seen it all
With 6 previews coming out at about the same time world-wide (and yet each uses the word "exclusive" in its PR), you can expect similar but slightly different reads, since they're all looking at the same presentation, and Bethesda gave each of them the same screenshots. That's no reason for us with high interest in New Vegas not to keep on trecking though, which is why No Mutants Allowed brings you the PSM3 (UK) preview:

What's new?<ul>[*]It shows the command wheel for followers, with 8 commands: toggle melee/ranged, open inventory, toggle stay close/keep distance, back up, toggle aggressive/passive AI, use stimpack, toggle wait here/follow me, return to normal dialogue.[*]Scripting is wittier, characters more distinct. Example from vigour test word association: mother-human shield.[*]Opening inventory consists of a kit from the doc, adapted to your starting stats (like Fallout 1).[*]The Nevada area is less affected by the nuclear war, so it has plant life, relatively unspoiled houses, and in visual presentation has saturated colours and a bright sky.[*]There's a tutorial (led by a character named Sunny who looks a lot like Moira Brown), but unlike Fallout 3, it's optional, so you can hit the open game in 5 minutes from starting.[*]NCR and Caesar's Legion are the confirmed faction, article assumes Brotherhood of Steel will be in but they weren't not mentioned in the presentation.[*]"In New Vegas it's all about the player examining the ideologies of the various groups that are controlling the area and supporting one over the others," explains Sawyer. "Each of the ideologies will have something good that you can relate to, but will also have massive flaws."[*]When asked about PS3's Fallout 3 being inferior to the others and if New Vegas will do better, Obsidian devs make no promises but indicate it was a learning process and they're working with all 3 platforms and all have problems.[*]The New Vegas strip is still in construction but will have gambling, variety shows and concerts.[*]Electrical power is key in the faction struggle.[*]Radiation is still a problem, there's a nuclear test site to explore north of New Vegas.[*]The soundtrack will blend "Rat Pack style tunes with more Western numbers".[*]New Vegas doesn't tell a single-player story, but weaves decision into the gameworld and gives you greater power to influence things than Fallout 3 did.[*]On top of adding back in geckos, New Vegas has a whole new type of animal: mutated mountain rams called Big Horners.[/list]
Huh, so Doc Mitchell isn't a ghoul... I never realized that one of Fallout's trademarks is 'incredible vistas'. Obsidian's changes to the karma system sound good. Also nice to see that the factions aren't going to be black and white on the morality scale.
Well BN,

It seems you were right (as if you couldn't be in this case), already several mentions of why the setup system and conversation seems wittier and how Obsidian feels more comfortable behind the keyboard than the developers of FO3 and before that Oblivion.
I'd say that a lot of the stuff highlighted in there sounds quite good. Seems like we will get the choice between NCR and Caesar's Legion and that hopefully it won't be a very simple good vs evil choice. Also lots of talking on choices and consequences which is great.

I still hope there will be lots of tweaking to the SPECIAL system. It won't be redesigned obviously but hopefully it can be made to make each character feel a bit more special at least. Also, doctors bag needed to heal broken limbs seem to be confirmed for hardcore mode.

And this is such a small thing, but thank the fucking lord for being able to skip the tutorial.
"In New Vegas it's all about the player examining the ideologies of the various groups that are controlling the area and supporting one over the others," explains Sawyer. "Each of the ideologies will have something good that you can relate to, but will also have massive flaws."
This sounds awesome.

The New Vegas strip is still in construction but will have gambling, variety shows and concerts.
This, and other comments, makes it feel like New Reno 2.0, exactly what many of us feared.
Personalised version of orbital laser sounds like a new mini-nike launcher to me.

I also find the very idea of orbital laser somewhat stupid and out-of-place.
Well, if and when BoS appears I hope their power armors will make them tower over other wastedwellers like venerable paladins they are. No more east coast scrapyard mechanic's take on it, please.
13pm said:
Personalised version of orbital laser sounds like a new mini-nike launcher to me.

I also find the very idea of orbital laser somewhat stupid and out-of-place.

I think it mostly looks and sounds out of place, because it feels like it's just too easy to get access to it. I mean.. Van Buren got a B.O.M.B.001 satellite too, but to bomb something with it, a lot was needed to be done...
Lexx said:
Van Buren got a B.O.M.B.001 satellite too, but to bomb something with it, a lot was needed to be done...

yeah, I thought of it, and I do think the idea of B.O.M.B.001 is transformed into this orbital laser thingy. But I'm not a fan of that Van Buren satellite idea either.
Personally I rather liked B.O.M.B.001's concept, but I wouldn't want something like that to appear in every Fallout game, just in Van Buren.

13pm, I think they are confused with Archimedes II, HELIOS' built in weapon system.

It isn't an orbital weapon but a big laser placed in the solar farm.
Unless they are talking about some orbital mirror, I do not see the laser being a threat to the world outside its surrounding region.
uho said:
Well, if and when BoS appears I hope their power armors will make them tower over other wastedwellers like venerable paladins they are. No more east coast scrapyard mechanic's take on it, please.

I hope they don't appear at all. PSM3's assumption that they will is typical.

Or if they do, more Steel Plague less Fallout 3-shiny-goodnicks please.

UnidentifiedFlyingTard said:
well I guess that MiniGrenade Gun/Flamer is actually just a minigun.

So it says, but it really doesn't look like one. Might just be a mess-up on the mag's end.
Ausir said:
I think they might, but in a minor role like in FO2.

Obviously fair wishing on my side, but I would like to see the BOS either as described in Van Buren (having a conflict with the NCR about 'lesser people having advanced technology' ).

Or as an technology development house as mentioned in the good ending of Fallout 1, one that is determined to stay out of the affairs of people of the wasteland.
More interested in their own survival and the gathering of technology than playing knights of the wasteland.

The only reason they would come into is if they should be threatened or someone steals their stuff.
This is sounding better and better. Although, the New Vegas strip sounds like New Reno, but I hope that the people of Obsidian who worked on Fallout 2 have been listening to the complaints about New Reno and make the strip better. Buuut... didn't Chris Avellone design New Reno? :|
Well, Chris himself said that Reno was cool, but didn't really fit into the Fallout setting (in the way it was made up). So I guess it will be somehow different this time.
pretty much only good news here.

I wouldn't mind seeing BoS appearing once again, but only if they are they were they were in FO1 and 2. actually, I'd prefer if they had a smaller role, like in FO2. more for the sake of being there than a means to further the story. and no knight in shining armor crap, I feel sick just thinking about FO3's BoS.