Fallout: New Vegas screenshots

MW looked good? :lol:

Did I play a different game or something? If MW didn't have mods, most characters looked like they were hit over the head with Jabberwack/fugly stick! The character animation were also fairly subpar, and let's not talk about how most characters looked like they had leather for skin before mods were released...

As for the screenies..., I really can't get myself to like this fugly thing. I really hope the gameplay/rpg elements can make up for it.

Btw, is it possible to create a female PC and would that change the outcomes of quests?
Brother None said:
Several previews also had artwork. That'll be released too eventually, but apparently it was not sent to Dac. Or they're holding out :P

Nope, didn't get any of the concept art - just the screen shots :(
I think the problem here with their engine is that they should put shadows that cast over objects and characters, and self-shadowing. Most games nowadays implements it, and gives it a much better feel IMO.

I love how inconsistent the new hi-res content looks with the fudgy old textures. :lol:
MrBumble said:
Back in 2002, yes, Morrowind looked GREAT.

Yeah, but it had its weak points. Much like Oblivon, looked great in some departments, but not in all.

King of Creation said:
Nope, didn't get any of the concept art - just the screen shots :(

Screenshots are more important anyway, and besides, Bethesda'll release it all eventually. They like to double up on PR value of these kind of shots.
When i look at the characters in the screenshots, i automatically keep imagining them being voiced by the same voice actors as in F3, with the same stupid dialogue lines. That just kills it for me, if there will be even a glimpse of "bethesdan" idiocity with the voice acting and the writing, i will give up hope on it then and there.

Concerning the graphical aspects, the absence of dynamic lightning is just unforgivable in 2010. In fact i can't even recall a decent big budget game released in the past few years, that wouldn't have dynamic lightning, or maybe i just don't play alot of games nowadays.
It's incredible that Bethesda have managed to get away with using this engine for so long.

Then again I remember loading Oblivion onto my computer maybe 4 years back and thinking it looked incredible. Then I saw a wide faced green tinged elf staring at me with unblinking eye's and it killed it.

Fallout 3 managed to get past a lot of that just because I found the setting interesting (maybe if I had played Fallout 1 before then I wouldn't have, who knows) but it's still rediculous that they're using this engine. Valve can get away with it simply because Soarce engine is incredible, even today. Gamebryo not so much.

Honestly won't care if the enviroments, atmpsphere and characters draw me in enough.
Brother None said:
Gotta love the Courier there with his shoulder clipping through his armour.

You also noticed it, I pointed it out to someone when I was looking at the magazine pages.
UnidentifiedFlyingTard said:
Oblivion looks better then Fallout 3 in terms of visuals, I think its Fallout 3's green tint and crappy textures that really made it look like shit.

Didn't mind it so much with Fallout 3 though. It's the post apocalyptia, it's going to look like shit.

That was also why I didn't mind the lack of colour that I usually hate in modern games. Concrete grey and dogshit brown felt like the perfect colour pallat for the wasteland.

It probably should be noted that when your creating enviroments as big as Oblivion or Fallout 3 there's going to have to be some sort of graphical compremise. Open world enviroments just don't look as good as linear first person shooters or the like.
SomeBritishDude said:
UnidentifiedFlyingTard said:
Oblivion looks better then Fallout 3 in terms of visuals, I think its Fallout 3's green tint and crappy textures that really made it look like shit.

Didn't mind it so much with Fallout 3 though. It's the post apocalyptia, it's going to look like shit.

That was also why I didn't mind the lack of colour that I usually hate in modern games. Concrete grey and dogshit brown felt like the perfect colour pallat for the wasteland.

The pallet makes no sense, there is no reason it should be tinted green, all it did was make everything look ugly in a bad way, though this is just my opinion.
UnidentifiedFlyingTard said:
SomeBritishDude said:
UnidentifiedFlyingTard said:
Oblivion looks better then Fallout 3 in terms of visuals, I think its Fallout 3's green tint and crappy textures that really made it look like shit.

Didn't mind it so much with Fallout 3 though. It's the post apocalyptia, it's going to look like shit.

That was also why I didn't mind the lack of colour that I usually hate in modern games. Concrete grey and dogshit brown felt like the perfect colour pallat for the wasteland.

The pallet makes no sense, there is no reason it should be tinted green, all it did was make everything look ugly in a bad way, though this is just my opinion.

Never noticed this "green tint" to be honest *shrug*.
SomeBritishDude said:
It probably should be noted that when your creating enviroments as big as Oblivion or Fallout 3 there's going to have to be some sort of graphical compremise. Open world enviroments just don't look as good as linear first person shooters or the like.

Brother None said:
SomeBritishDude said:
It probably should be noted that when your creating enviroments as big as Oblivion or Fallout 3 there's going to have to be some sort of graphical compremise. Open world enviroments just don't look as good as linear first person shooters or the like.


Point :wink:
Aside from the green tint, there is not much I would fault Fallout 3 for in the environmental sense. Some of the vistas really tickled that post-apoc nerve for me and generally speaking, I think they did a good job of the whole 50s of the future thing.

The characters and models are a real weakpoint though. But overall, the visuals would probably be the last thing I'd complain about in regards of Fallout 3.

Not expecting much new stuff for New Vegas in that regard. It looks like they're going for a warmer color palette which I like. While I'm sure stiff animations will bother me a bit, it's a non-issue for me overall. There are many more important things to worry about.
I'm not saying I didn't have fun exploring, in fact, that was the only part of the game I liked, there was enough there to be entertaining for a bit, I bet Fallout 3 would look A LOT better without the green tint.


Ausir said:
This is the site that actually released the screenshots first (probably where DAC got them from):

Perhaps indirectly, since a user sent them to them.

*shrugs* DaC notified us first, so they get the credit. It's how it works. Curious to see if your pouting will stretch to linking to ScrawlFX in a the Vault newspost rather than DaC. Curious.
I'm not saying you shouldn't link to DAC, just saying what the source probably is - I wouldn't be surprised if ScrawlFX now was told by Bethesda to take these down if they released them before Bethesda's magazine embargo was over (given that OXM US hasn't even hit the shelves yet).

As for me, I was actually sent a link to ScrawlFX by a Vault user before KoC sent me a link to DAC, so why wouldn't I link there?