Fallout: New Vegas TV ad


But best title ever!
Gamespot is hosting the (to my knowledge) first TV ad for New Vegas. It has some new gameplay footage, including what appears to be a battle with the Caesar's Legion at Hoover Dam.

Spotted on the Obsidian Entertainment boards
It's funny that in the Hoover Dam scene is written "footage from pc version" but nowhere else, as if it's something special. Maybe it looks different (worse) on console?

Also, Hoover Dam top looks pretty empty and as if there never has been anything else. So I'll guess the Van Buren NCR town there has never been in New Vegas.

I've made some stills once again, but the quality is pretty bad:

Not bad, not bad... gotta say though, for all it's faults, FO3 had a kickass trailer. There's no real oomph to these trasilers. They're just a nice little pre-rendered cut, and then alot of combat. And you can't forget the assplosions at the end for kicks.
Faceless_Stranger said:
Not bad, not bad... gotta say though, for all it's faults, FO3 had a kickass trailer. There's no real oomph to these trasilers. They're just a nice little pre-rendered cut, and then alot of combat. And you can't forget the assplosions at the end for kicks.
I agree with you about FO3'S trailer..also the clothes look some much better this time in NV. :clap:
sea said:
This New Vegas trailer gets it right in that they're showing most people what they care about: Vegas, the new weapons, new factions, new monsters, the more upbeat style, and so on. It doesn't lie in order to sell the game, or bank on vague emotional appeal, and I have to respect that to some degree. As much as I would have loved to see something much more atmospheric or story-heavy... I understand that this video isn't for me, and that's okay.

That's the smartest thing I've ever heard anyone say ever.
NCR helmet still looks like shit.

Great trailer though, the sky was awesome and I saw me some green trees.
Hauptmann said:
Not that I'm a graphics bitch, but wow...the textures look reeeeeeealy bad now.

Right, honestly quit yer bitchin'.
You say that now, but when it comes out you won't even notice.
Scowllyface said:
Hauptmann said:
Not that I'm a graphics bitch, but wow...the textures look reeeeeeealy bad now.

Right, honestly quit yer bitchin'.
You say that now, but when it comes out you won't even notice.
Just like lack of environmental shadows. I swear I didn't even notoce they were missing until one of you guys pointed it out a while back.
From everything I've gathered, I have learned that I will like this game more than Fallout 3, but for the TV ad... eh, I don't like it.

But like Sea said, I'm not the commercial's target audience. It's sort of like the Dragon Age trailers with "This is the new shit!" just showing swords and blood n funnnnn! When in reality it was a well designed game underneath bad ad music and gore. I much rather have the general Fallout 3 audience led by bright blinky lights to a better game experience. Maybe that market will appreciate the better design and continue to persuade the industry to make more wholesome games.

If the mom and pop joint that makes good burgers advertises like McDonald's does then maybe some day people will look at the shit they consume and compare it to something better. ...Or maybe I'm just missing the point in marketing. :wink:
Fallout 3 bunkers and wasteland, now on vegas with few trees, NCR and big party city with handful of npc's. The story's better be good.
Mr Fish said:
NCR helmet still looks like shit.

Wonder why they have them wearing brodie helmets, M1 helmets would suit the whole retro future thingy much better than a British helmet they stopped using in '45.