Fallout 2 mod Fallout Sonora 1.14 and Sonora Dayglow 1.14 Vanilla Translation


Been in and out of the vault a few times

Fallout Sonora 1.14 and Dayglow 1.14 Vanilla Translation

  • This translation will serve to provide an option for players to play the original, vanilla version of Fallout Sonora 1.14 in English. This is the version available from the original author site here, and the Dayglow DLC available here.
  • This translation will also allow users of Fallout 2 CE (Community Edition) to enjoy the game in English without issues raised by the use of sfall in 'Extended' versions.
  • This translation has been started completely from scratch. All text, graphics, and sound files are new.
  • The final aim of this translation is to be a 'complete' and faithful translation of Fallout Sonora into English.
  • The first pass of the translation is using Google translate, DeepL Translate, Reverso and other translation services. Translations will be compared and combined by hand.
  • The first pass is complete.
  • Second pass will be a dialogue by dialogue cleaning and enhancement. Additionally general passes on naming conventions, styles/word use from Fallout 1/2, etc. will be done here. Overall a 'hand polishing' of every dialogue.
  • The second pass is complete.
  • A third pass is being worked on now. This pass is synchronizing terms, names, and references that diverged during translation. Additionally attention is being paid to individual dialogues to ensure smooth flow, as well as overall consistency with previous Fallouts (1&2). Line by line passage through dialogue trees is being done on a location by location basis. This is also accompanying play-throughs.
  • The third pass is in progress.
  • All required 'English' graphics will be created, and are as close to original Sonora's style as possible. An 800px wide iFace version of the Sonora iFace is also included.
  • Graphics are complete.
  • English voice overs/narrations are being created for all endings and deaths, as well as the intro movie. Voice overs will be in the Ron Perlman style.
  • Death and End Narrations are complete.
  • Intro Movie is complete

Translations are released and can be found at the Fallout Sonora website here: Fallout Sonora

Screen Shot 2024-07-05 at 7.15.15.png quick_help.png world_map.png combat_taunts.png character_screen.png
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Why not help those guys? Why is it that every other guy has to start their own translation from scratch?
I like to work on my own, and create my own things. I didn't see much activity in their project. Further, as mentioned, I want to make a translation of the original, vanilla release.
Minus the Dayglow expansion stuff I take it? Nevertheless, it is always nice to start with a pure source.
@Lexx give this guy some breathing space will Ya?

smaller or even 1 man teams have a better chance of succes because they rely less on others, and don't go the way ".. fuck that i'll just let others do this for me.."
this is how the initial team fell apart, it probably caught up with radmuravteam as well..

So now this guy says he'll take a jab at it.. let him do his stuff.. we'll se how far he goes.. it's not that you have to lay him a hand does it? so quit complaining...
This is like the 3rd or 4th attempt at a Sonora translation. At this pace it'll never get done.
I have faith in this guy, basically the closer to the end of Fo:Sonora's lifecycle ( in update terms) the translattion comes out the better chances it has to stay accurate..

all past translations suffered from the same sin once they released an up to date translation they went Fuck Yeah we're done with it and everyone quits at this point, after that updates come and the translation is outdated and unusable ( current situation of radmuravteam).. The original team did everything by hand and didn't even manage to release a stable version before next game update, the situation kept repeating itself and the project leader went MIA.. so everyone quit.. this guy on the other hand works alone, so he knows that if it's not for him, it ain't gonna happen.. this gives him an advantage over the other teams, though he'll probably quit as well once he'll manage to spit out a stabile release, and won't care to update once needed, but fuck it, at lease we'll get an updated translation.. still beter than nothing... and you won't have to put effort yourself.. so why complain?! I know the guy is not doing stuff how You would want it to be done, however don't expect him to, if you don't heavily contribute to his work...
updates come and the translation is outdated and unusable
I hope you know that updating a translation is easier than starting from scratch. You take the strings of the current russian version, compare them with the version that was used for the initial translation, and then sort through everything that has changed. There's tools for that. Obviously this needs someone who has the motivation to do it, but that's required for everything mod related in the first place.

I'm not complaining about what he does, I'm questioning the logic behind it. So what if a new Sonora version comes out next year -- do you want someone to start the translation from scratch again? It's stupid and a waste of time.

He already uses a raw google translation as base... same thing all the other people did as well... why not use the work of others as a base instead? It was already cleaned up to some extend.

I have faith in this guy
We'll see in a month or two. Shame we can't put a reminder on threads. :D
Yes. But users will put it on the original anyway.

I'll probably translate the expansion, from scratch, next. A couple of days work at best. Best to start fresh. Yep.

First Sonora though. I sense some worry around here, but, never fear! It is quite, quite close to being finished, right now. I spent the afternoon combing every line with regex strings to ensure that there was exact parity between the original Russian and my translation. That's because the second pass on the translation is done.

The translation work is now tapering off, though I do want to spot check a few critical dialogues. Next up is the rest of the generation of ending narration files. Getting the right tone for each line is not easy, and takes a bit of time. I am under the gun here as my subscription to the voice cloning service before the end of the month.

Then I have to extract the original intro movie, strip the subtitles (I think they are baked in?), then re-encode it to .mve with my new audio.

Then package it up I guess. Not sure the best format for that.
He already uses a raw google translation as base... same thing all the other people did as well... why not use the work of others as a base instead? It was already cleaned up to some extend.

Sometimes people get sensitive about that.

We'll see in a month or two. Shame we can't put a reminder on threads. :D

That's all we can ever do, right? It's done when its done.
I'll probably translate the expansion, from scratch, next. A couple of days work at best. Best to start fresh. Yep.

First Sonora though. I sense some worry around here, but, never fear! It is quite, quite close to being finished, right now. I spent the afternoon combing every line with regex strings to ensure that there was exact parity between the original Russian and my translation. That's because the second pass on the translation is done.

The translation work is now tapering off, though I do want to spot check a few critical dialogues. Next up is the rest of the generation of ending narration files. Getting the right tone for each line is not easy, and takes a bit of time. I am under the gun here as my subscription to the voice cloning service before the end of the month.

Then I have to extract the original intro movie, strip the subtitles (I think they are baked in?), then re-encode it to .mve with my new audio.

Then package it up I guess. Not sure the best format for that.

as for the CREDITS.MVE too much work 4U.. already done.. You're entitled to use stuff from my ftp same as RadMurav and any other teams..

I don't have access to Ron P.'s AI however I've found a decent Voiced over intro with Ron P.'s voice on YT, and used that as input to my video shenanignas, it's used both for my upscaled 720p and for 640x480 MVE, I only had to match the audio line length stripped from YT rip with the original video as the YTrip was sped up by around 4 seconds in comparison to original. so i streched the audio while maintaining orignal pitch by ffmpeg, then converted the audio to a format accepted by avi2mve tool, and proceeded with the video conversion to mve.. though the video quality is not 100% of original as I don't know how to create an MVE with same quality as the original, it always comes out a bit more pixelated than the original no matter what i do, however the audio is more or less in line with the translated subtitles..

And You're wrong subtitles are not baked-in they are in a file called <movie name>.SVE in FoSonora\data\text\russian\CUTS
as for the CREDITS.MVE too much work 4U.. already done.. You're entitled to use stuff from my ftp same as RadMurav and any other teams..

And You're wrong subtitles are not baked-in they are in a file called <movie name>.SVE in FoSonora\data\text\russian\CUTS

Cool. I may have a hiccup here as I am on Mac, and the avi2mve, and mve back to avi exes don't seem to work in my wine wrapper. Not having to strip the subtitles is a bonus though, which I also just noticed on my own system to be the case.

I would like the Ron voice to match between the credits and end stuff, so still looking in to this. I saw that video on Youtube previously, and was impressed. Pretty good. I think I might be able to do better, but it was good nonetheless. My translation is slightly different too...

I am not sure how this forum works, but am I able to send files privately? Zipped, multi-meg files? Because I can send along the full translation to you shortly.
Cool. I may have a hiccup here as I am on Mac, and the avi2mve, and mve back to avi exes don't seem to work in my wine wrapper. Not having to strip the subtitles is a bonus though, which I also just noticed on my own system to be the case.

I would like the Ron voice to match between the credits and end stuff, so still looking in to this. I saw that video on Youtube previously, and was impressed. Pretty good. I think I might be able to do better, but it was good nonetheless. My translation is slightly different too...

I am not sure how this forum works, but am I able to send files privately? Zipped, multi-meg files? Because I can send along the full translation to you shortly.

don't count on the forum allowingyou to upload anything.. i had to make my own ftp to host my stuff, cause the damn forum didn't want to hold all of the videos, so i guess you need to find a hosting at least a temprary one, once the translation is final i can upload it to my ftp. still have space left on that drive
Bruh, those videos are GB size. Who do you expect is supposed to pay for that? :D Just put it on google drive or whatever.
don't count on the forum allowingyou to upload anything.. i had to make my own ftp to host my stuff, cause the damn forum didn't want to hold all of the videos, so i guess you need to find a hosting at least a temprary one, once the translation is final i can upload it to my ftp. still have space left on that drive

No worries. I will roll my own repository for all the files, and probably make a permanent website for the final release.

I can send you links later. If you have a github account I can set up a bug tracker there, but it is just as easy to do it in this thread.
I configured a work-path for video conversion that outputs perfect .mve video (well, the same as the original Sonora), so that hurdle has been overcome. Of course, I am only producing originally scaled, 640x480 video. Like the original.

I also have a repository with the english files (dialog/game/cuts) ready to go.
I configured a work-path for video conversion that outputs perfect .mve video (well, the same as the original Sonora), so that hurdle has been overcome. Of course, I am only producing originally scaled, 640x480 video. Like the original.

I also have a repository with the english files (dialog/game/cuts) ready to go.

Could You share the workpath for video conversion?

i usually go VirtualDub2 and full video processing>> uncompressed video and pixel format XRGB1555 for the video and:

ffmpeg -i input.m4a -codec:a libmp3lame -ar 44100 -b:a 96k output.mp3

ffmpeg -y -i input.mp3 -acodec pcm_s16le -ac 2 -ar 22050 output.wav


avi2mve input.avi output.mve -w input.wav -old -rate

the "rate" parameter is calculated by right clicking the input video looking up the video bitrate and /8 to get the KB number ( as in the rightclick menu you get Kb) and add 705/8 to that ( the constant audio bitrate of PCM_s16le codec in KB =88.125 ~~89KB/s).

So what's your secret?
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