Fallout 2 mod Fallout: Sonora

I do have it all. I even checked the file sizes, and they do match with the ones from the translation, so it's either mods_order.txt or beats me, the only difference is that i'm using DeKRuS F2MiniModsRework, but i remove it from mods_order.txt and still nothing. can you show me a screenshot of your mods order.txt? perhaps I'm doing something wrong?
which Foxx's version were you testing? the one from 14.09?

Solved by @neptunehs
in another thread
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How can I adjust the screen resolution?

There is no screen settings in the menu and no draw.ini in the game folder.
well @pipboy84

It actually depends where from You've downloaded the game, there are two sources of the game:
-Official, from Nevada Band's website ( this one does not have the option to change resolution as it comes without sfall/HRP)

-Foxx's release from rutracker.org comes as a magnet file type and requies bittorent client to download. This release has Sfall/HRP and You're able to change resolution.

Given You claim You have no screen settings, nor ddraw.ini I think You've downlaoded the former. You must download and install the Foxx's release in order to have sfall/HRP.

or if You know how to do it, add them yourself, but since You ask here, you probably don't have the know how, so stick to Foxx's release.
Just finished the main story and had an absolute blast with Sonora!

Without spoilering too much this is my favorite take on one of the main Fallout factions so far that have been portrayed very differently (and one-sided) in the series.

I still have some questions around it and wondered if anybody else found out or they just didn't make it to the game.

- Why do the BOS want a nuke in the first place?
The (BOS plant) overseer in the Follower's vault wouldn't tell me and it's hinted from terminal entries in the terminal right next to him that they are keeping the real purpose of the bomb hidden

- Is the Mexican Army storyline unfinished?
It really looks like it because they don't serve a purpose other than a quick scout quest (+ 1 fetch quest and the follower obviously) for the BOS and that's about it. Bit of a bummer too because i took the bloody mess perk which gives your character spanish speaking skills, but it's not used whatsoever in the game aside from less than 10 lines of dialogue.

The story itself was much better than Nevada's IMO. Much less convoluted and there's actual factions to align with, which are morally gray-ish (some less than others!)
Weird bug, when I equip 10mm pistol, my character disappeares and if I try to move, then the game will crash.

Edit: Same bug with the pistol using .44 rounds but no problem with one using 0.22 rounds which I had found in the Villa. This is happening in Garage City by the way.
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It looks like someone had cut out Pistol animations for your currently worn armor/ or naked dude. the 0.22 SMG You've found in Villa's well, uses SMG animation type which is a different set of animations than the pistol ones. try to check if it works without the translation ( i.e switch to old untranslated files) or check with a fresh install, either they have been not implenented in the translation by accident, or (which is more probable) Your system did an oopsie when copying the files.. that usually means Your PC is faulty and may break itself soon. Like faulty RAM or faulty SSD.
It looks like someone had cut out Pistol animations for your currently worn armor/ or naked dude. the 0.22 SMG You've found in Villa's well, uses SMG animation type which is a different set of animations than the pistol ones. try to check if it works without the translation ( i.e switch to old untranslated files) or check with a fresh install, either they have been not implenented in the translation by accident, or (which is more probable) Your system did an oopsie when copying the files.. that usually means Your PC is faulty and may break itself soon. Like faulty RAM or faulty SSD.

Which town can I get better weapons such as rifles?
Which town can I get better weapons such as rifles?

I'd suggest to stick with the plot at the begining, Villa=>Garage City=>Flagpool/Flagstaff+Wynon Camp=> Phoniex=> TwoSun/Tuscon=>Puerto

that's the reliable and quick way to get powerfull equipment.

Flagstaff in Slavemaster's quarters there is a hunting rifle
Phoniex "Crazy Gun" shop has you covered mostly starting from upgrade to your eq and bullets, you can also buy several weapons 10mm smg or if you expand his inventory Assault rifle +mag upgrade
TwoSun has loads of gear including a minigun if you have the skill to fix it, shop is decent too
Puerto Has the Go To shop, not only it serves the best armor in the game (excluding Power Armor), but it has your final weapon upgrades. after that going to places like Rangers or San Brahmin feels like a boring breeze toughness and weapons wise.

In Sonora rifles are not nessecarily better weapons.. You see.. In Sonora all two handed guns except energy rifles are big guns (or as the old soviet clasification "short firearms" and "long/heavy" firearms instead of us "small guns" and "big guns" soviet classifcation always had rifles as long arms. pistols revolvers and submachineguns were short firearms. since there was no slot for heavy firearms Miniguns flamers rocket launchers and such got molded together with long firearms).
Long firearms tend to take significantly more action points to shoot 7/8 ap for a rifle exactly, so you could take upt to two unaimed shots provided you have: 10AG plus 2x "Action Boy" and "Bonus Rate of Fire" takensince it would go down to 6/7. up to two bursts are possible only with "fast shot" triat plus the above. then it would be 5/6 ap for rifles.
while at the same time pistols and smgs take far less action points to use. with the above end game setup with Fast Shot you could shoot six times with most pistols and all SMGs per round. the 0,22 pistol would yeald 12 shots with this setup. short firearms have a bit shorter range, but it's enaugh to just shoot while standing most of the time for any random encounter, as the enemies are close enaugh anyways. your only worries is toughness HP and damage resistance, as theese values won't go high easily.
On the other hand if you configure your sfall correctly a single burst from an smg can take down almost anything, provided you hit with at least few bullets.
Gentlemen I have a problem with the Dayglow add-on, and actually one mission. I've tried many ways but apparently I don't know how to deal with it hence this post.
I'm having a problem with the mission about starting the power plant. It keeps showing me that there is a short circuit/circuit and therefore I am not able to start the second turbine - you have to turn the valve, I did it but it still shows "need a lot of force". When I use explosives still this message occurs.
How do I solve this? We don't happen to have some guide on the forum regarding this add-on?
Hey, can somone do me a huge solid and post a picture of their sonora directory? I'm relatively new to classic fallout mods. Only really used the nevada installer.
Gentlemen I have a problem with the Dayglow add-on, and actually one mission. I've tried many ways but apparently I don't know how to deal with it hence this post.
I'm having a problem with the mission about starting the power plant. It keeps showing me that there is a short circuit/circuit and therefore I am not able to start the second turbine - you have to turn the valve, I did it but it still shows "need a lot of force". When I use explosives still this message occurs.
How do I solve this? We don't happen to have some guide on the forum regarding this add-on?

If I remeber correctly, their should be a bundle of wires sticking out of the wall in the power plant. If you use the repair skill, you could fix the short circuit.
Hey all, im running through dayglow. I think I'm near the end, but I am stuck. I was told to go to the pier. I'm there, but no one is here to pick me up. Any advice?
Hey all, I managed to finally reach the Dayglow part.

Just wanted to inform everyone, if You are wandering. I wanted to know if sfall option to limit carry weight count to equipped items only, will work on the dayglow limit.

It does. although you can't enter fully equipped in power armor and a heavy big gun, with this option enabled you simply need to put the power armor into your inventory, and equip items not to exceed 20lbs, all the rest of the items can be in your inventory. disband any party members, and you can enter the dayglow with full inventory. when local tinkerer allows us to upgrade weapons the first thing i did was to upgrade two plain plasma rifles to turboplasmas for my companions (playing with fallout mechanicsminirework and boosted my party's weapon skills.) since Jack naturally has full weapon animation set, boosting his energy weapons he can use plasma rifle for the most benefit.

My current setup is Barkley and Jack with Plasma Rifles ( will switch to turboplasmas post DLC), and Diana and Arthur Carrington with .50cal pistol ( the mod fixed companinon weapon skill issues, though Diana has smg animations, submachineguns in this game are generally weak. 50cal. pistol uses 14mm pistol sprite, but pistol animations instead of the usual smg animations, It's damage is good, and ammo stats rock. thanks to it beeing pistol animations Arthur Carrington can utilize it too ( he's locked to pistols only).

What i noticed is when running with full party you get more enemies in encounters. when running alone you get 1 or 2 radscorpions in encounter when running with 4 companions you usually encounter 3 or 4 radscorpions per encounter. more enemies = more exp = faster leveling.
I'm at the endgame after destroying the Cultists and the Brotherhood base. Now the Villa wants me to destroy the mines in Flag Staff and the machinery in Garage City. Any alternatives to this on both situations?
Hey all, im running through dayglow. I think I'm near the end, but I am stuck. I was told to go to the pier. I'm there, but no one is here to pick me up. Any advice?


The Pier is a costal area the one where you find the ghoul corpse that later is turned into a brainbot.
Old City leader does not show up at the pier in order for anyone to show up you need to talk to Gustavo in san isidro about this.

I lost a good 10 minutes on progressing after talking to gustavo at the pier. but it turns out there is a boat in a hangar there, and you just need to use it ( hand icon)

Be prepared though the island is not for the meek, if you don't have a good amor, good gun, and high hp you will most likely die there.
I'm at the endgame after destroying the Cultists and the Brotherhood base. Now the Villa wants me to destroy the mines in Flag Staff and the machinery in Garage City. Any alternatives to this on both situations?

You choose not to side with the Brotherhood.. so when you say "A" You also have to say "B" when going one route of the plot you have to be consquent, so if you chose either the fate of slavery to the Rangres who also milk Villa dry for protection but provide no technological support like the BoS, or if You decided for villa to be independet, Flagpool slavers, with their uranium mine, and Garage City which flocks around Watts Electronics factory, are also a threat, and are underling parts of BoS faction.

However depending on the decisions made in garage city you can persuade with Garage City leader to trade food for weapons manufactured at watts elecronics factory, as for the Flagpool mines there may be a chance to speak with Roy Faber about this, if you fixed the digging machine faber says that he does not need that much slaves anymore since the mine is machinized. if you have those options you can present them to villa elder.
You choose not to side with the Brotherhood.. so when you say "A" You also have to say "B" when going one route of the plot you have to be consquent, so if you chose either the fate of slavery to the Rangres who also milk Villa dry for protection but provide no technological support like the BoS, or if You decided for villa to be independet, Flagpool slavers, with their uranium mine, and Garage City which flocks around Watts Electronics factory, are also a threat, and are underling parts of BoS faction.

However depending on the decisions made in garage city you can persuade with Garage City leader to trade food for weapons manufactured at watts elecronics factory, as for the Flagpool mines there may be a chance to speak with Roy Faber about this, if you fixed the digging machine faber says that he does not need that much slaves anymore since the mine is machinized. if you have those options you can present them to villa elder.
I tried talking with Roy, but it doesn't give me that option despite repairing the machine. As a result I blew up the mine in Flagstaff and the factory in Garage City, but the game still doesn't end. I assume that i'm supposed to find Chris at the Villa, but I can't find him anywhere. Is that what i'm supposed to do?
I tried talking with Roy, but it doesn't give me that option despite repairing the machine. As a result I blew
the mine in Flagstaff and the factory in Garage City, but the game still doesn't end. I assume that i'm supposed to find Chris at the Villa, but I can't find him anywhere. Is that what i'm supposed to do?

Have You spoken to the elder after You've destroyed the entrance to the flagstaff mine and the wattz electronics factory machine?

it is after that your final mission is to be taken. you must pick a side, and at this point there should only be rangers left for You, since siding with BoS might not be an option after destroying Flagstaff and Garage City, and since You took down Garage City there shouldn't be an option for "no gods no masters" option either. so the only way is to blow up the BoS destroyer, if you haven't already, and inform the elder.
This is one of the best games ever, it sucks that the Magnetic Personality perk isn't working for me though. Anyone else have this problem? Is there any way to manually set the companion limit?
I assume that i'm supposed to find Chris at the Villa, but I can't find him anywhere.
It took me forever to figure out how to do that, if you want to find Chris:
Go to VIlla, find his brother and stand next to him, wait until evening in the pipboy, then follow his brother. When he stops, talk to him and you will have the option to follow him to where he goes.