Fallout 2 mod Fallout: Yesterday

It could also be due to Windows 10 latest updates.
I've started experiencing crashes in Fallout 1 Steam version in the last month or so.
Previously that was never happening. It does use an old sfall version though so it might have run its course.
or perhaps it's a system memory issue. for example if one has 4GB system memory 2GB is reserved for system and 2GB to application space. if one sets graphic's cache memory to 1GB there's only 1GB of mem left for application. perhaps the game engine can't allocate virtual memory, but only phisical emory ? beats me...
Minor bugs/thoughts:
- Eugene probably has one bugged buffout. It is a ''reserved item'' that looks like a regular buffout.
- Using repair on Corrections Officers bots may be slightly bugged. I tried it on the first one near the lift on the Metro bar level and text said that I healed hp. Other than that it works fine :)
- Hermit in a random encounters sells fly charm for 0. Charms are very interesting, could you make more of them?
- Not a bug, but komodos are really easy to kill. Maybe they could poison and radiate the player like slugs?
- Badgers die when hit for 5 dmg and give a lot of XP. Probably a bug, but you may want to leave it like that for some time, because it lets gain xp quickly.
- Maybe we could use that mine from Smuggler to really blow something up or throw it at the enemies?
- Dunno if it's a bug, but during the simulation I got access to the armory very easily with 0% Speech. I'm always for nerfing Speech because it's op, but here I see an oportunity for Charisma/Diplomacy boys. Could you make a speech/charisma check for armory access? With xp and flavour text if possible.
- I must take an in-depth look at that, but I'm fairly sure that the penalties for choosing either Ghoul or Supermutant (losing agility) are too severe when combined with getting perks every 4 levels. Agility is everything in this game, sadly, and playing with less than 8 AG is very unpleasant. (on a side note I find it hilarious that since Fallout 1 to this day - age of decadence, atom rpg etc - agility still dominates in most playthroughs. ''The agility problem'' remains unresolved). I predict that the players will complain about lowered agility.
- It is awesome that you can find energy weapons in Tibbets (at least 3 pistols I guess) and that you made Energy builds viable from the start. I have 3 minor concerns. What about big guns? (maybe you could use grenade launchers from Economy and Combat Rebalance?) Won't they make early game too easy/make the player swim in cash? Laser pistols are strong, but they can be balanced by ammo scarcity, but I think that I've found at least 80 cells. A lot of players complain(ed) that in Fallout 2 you quickly start to swim in ammo, I agree. Everyone knows that pipe rifle sucks, but it makes sense in early game and it has cheap, common ammo.
- I'd love to see more random encounters that will help to tell a story or to learn about the area. More robots around Tibbets, Powder Gangers, various tribes (like Hangdogs warriors?). Even simple floats can be meaningful. And I'd love to see different caravans from various settlements (with special goods that make sense).
- I'd love to see more crafting. How will it work? Will NPCs be required to learn new recipes?

Tibbets is awesome. I hope it will get even bigger in the future (I guess it has a ''robofactory'' part or a tech treasure rooms where only robots are allowed). I think it is great for the player to see a locked door that seemingly can't be opened - and the player will return one day and unlock that damn door and feel rewarded! Fallout 2 did it nicely with Toxic caves.
It is awesome that you can find energy weapons in Tibbets (at least 3 pistols I guess) and that you made Energy builds viable from the start. I have 3 minor concerns. What about big guns? (maybe you could use grenade launchers from Economy and Combat Rebalance?) Won't they make early game too easy/make the player swim in cash? Laser pistols are strong, but they can be balanced by ammo scarcity, but I think that I've found at least 80 cells. A lot of players complain(ed) that in Fallout 2 you quickly start to swim in ammo, I agree. Everyone knows that pipe rifle sucks, but it makes sense in early game and it has cheap, common ammo.

In order to get Miniguns in Tibbets One needs a repair check (or at least i think so) so they're not available from the get go and for anyone. Besides miniguns are the only source of decent firepower once one get's out of tibbets, and I only found one upgrade in one of the special encounters. besides ammo is scarse as fuck, and miniguns eat them like it was candy, and so far, the only option to get more ammo, is to choose & rob mysterious stranger. i mean 1600 5mm bullets from total 11 or 12 miniguns from Tibbets is not going to last for long, and laser pistol aginst cazadores is just meh..
Yes, I know about those miniguns - it's cool, but I was thinking about early game weapons for different builds. Right now we can easily get 10mm pistol (small guns skill), sharpened spear/combat knife (melee) and laser pistol (energy). My point is that you won't get a Big Gun so easily, so Big Guns enjoyers may feel a little discouraged (this was the case in Fallout 2 - no early viable big guns).

I respect your decision about fighting cazadores so early, I just run away. It is impressive to kill them early, but they are designed as a big threat and I guess that the majority of the players will run away too, at least before level 10 and maybe getting companions. So laser pistol may be meh against them, but you are still early in the game and you are a veteran player, not a newbie. I always try to imagine how a new player would think in a certain situation. Who usually plays mods? Veteran pr0-players, who know the game very well, have optimized builds and are able to ironman though game without any problems. So they want to play *hard* mods, they want to kill powerful enemies early through superior planning and using everything they have on their disposal. But such mods/games are not for everybody - that's the reason I vastly prefer Fallout 1.5 over Nevada.

With BOS on the horizon we may probably safely assume that the player will be able to get more energy - or even end game - weapons quite early. I hope that the best stuff will be hard to get, locked behind high checks and/or quests (like gain trust to get access to armory/shop etc).


Yes, my mutated brothers and sisters, the third coming of Van Buren is here!!! Share it, spread it around, play it!

- MEGA: https://mega.nz/file/QtVCTRQJ#bu8_AwBYoTdjhSFx5I8dNm5B52iXZUH-t8whVBwunsg

If MEGA asks for a decryption key it's bu8_AwBYoTdjhSFx5I8dNm5B52iXZUH-t8whVBwunsg

- Google Drive: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1mfSAE4ssVXqk6wO-Cdyj8AGFmz-CZyh6/view?usp=sharing

- Installer password is winter 2021 (Space between included too.)


- Added 6 new world map locations.

- Added 3 new Special Encounters.

- Fixed new Perks not showing up.

- Fixed wrong dialog for some random encounter trapper groups.

- Reduced number of human encounters on the world map.

- Numerous smaller changes and fixes.


- Added new music to the game.
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There's a bug where a certain NPC will fight anyone (including himself LOL). Here's the fix, just unzip it to data/scripts

Nice! What can you tell us of the six new locations?

The Brotherhood is there, plenty of Fort Abandon and Reservation, 2 smaller areas and one teaser area :)

EDIT: Updated installer for 2 bugs found


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Yes, my mutated brothers and sisters, the third coming of Van Buren is here!!! Share it, spread it around, play it!

- MEGA: https://mega.nz/file/QtVCTRQJ#bu8_AwBYoTdjhSFx5I8dNm5B52iXZUH-t8whVBwunsg

If MEGA asks for a decryption key it's bu8_AwBYoTdjhSFx5I8dNm5B52iXZUH-t8whVBwunsg

- Google Drive: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1mfSAE4ssVXqk6wO-Cdyj8AGFmz-CZyh6/view?usp=sharing

- Installer password is winter 2021 (Space between included too.)


- Added 6 new world map locations.

- Added 3 new Special Encounters.

- Fixed new Perks not showing up.

- Fixed wrong dialog for some random encounter trapper groups.

- Reduced number of human encounters on the world map.

- Numerous smaller changes and fixes.


- Added new music to the game.

Just heard the news. Just out of curiosity do you have a guess how many versions until the final release? I assume you have alot ahead of you, but i'm sure you can get this finished based on what i've seen so far.
Just heard the news. Just out of curiosity do you have a guess how many versions until the final release? I assume you have alot ahead of you, but i'm sure you can get this finished based on what i've seen so far.

Yes, I have a timetable and it's lots of releases... it won't be done for the next 3 or 4 years.
But if I find dedicated help, it will get out sooner than that.
Can't blame him. Guy already worked on years on mutants rising and from what I seen the mapper is a pain in the ass.
The mapper is not the worst tool we ever worked with. After using it for a while it's pretty straight forward and not a big deal.