Fallout 2 mod Fallout: Yesterday

sure, only I see it as folks who are attached to tb in fo2 are attached to it not cuz it's a central part of the game, blah-blah, but just cuz they haven't tried or haven't developed an acquired taste to rt. Very simple and no vague rationalizations :)
The lack of real time combat is precisely why I love Fallout 1 & 2. Similarly the fact that time advances in real-time during normal play - it's rare for me to be in a hurry in game. I can take my time and play and the pace I want.

It's not that I can't play fast-paced games. I'm pretty good at them. But I like to explore the wasteland at a pace of my choosing.

I don't think all combat should be turn-based but the way combat works in the later games is very much to their detriment in my eyes. If you've played enough variants to develop a taste for things done differently that's fine and good but recognise that it's your tastes that have changed, not that everyone else is lagging behind.
Sorry I'm new here so apologies if I've missed a newer link.
But are there still any viable download links to Fallout; Yesterday?
I went through the pages and none of the links work anymore.
sooo the download got taken down cuz the dev got pissy cuz warlockery talked a little shit about it? jesus christ and this actually looked kinda good.
How far into the development is Yesterday? Between this and Sonora, Sonora's translation's eta is, optimistically speaking, somewhere early 2023, thanks to the expansion it's apparently getting. What is Yesterday's?
How far into the development is Yesterday? Between this and Sonora, Sonora's translation's eta is, optimistically speaking, somewhere early 2023, thanks to the expansion it's apparently getting. What is Yesterday's?

There isn't much going on in this thread anymore since updates are no longer public, you have to go to hexer's patreon and toss him some cash if you wanna follow the game's development.

I played through Sonora with the Google translate patch and it worked just fine for me. Maybe you could try that too if you don't want to wait for the real translation.
I looked for a while but I can't find any active download link to the newest version.
Is it not possible anymore to get Fallout Yesterday in english?

Thanks in advance!
There isn't much going on in this thread anymore since updates are no longer public, you have to go to hexer's patreon and toss him some cash if you wanna follow the game's development.

Poker Stars sell 'free' poker chips so why shouldn't this guy sell a free Fallout conversion.

Now petrol/gasoline filling stations give away free stickers for your car every time you fill the tank.

The one I got just simply said MUG.
I was also looking for the 4.2 but miserably failed. Anyone with a link? Thank You in advance!
R4.2 u2
At the moment, the development has a "private" status and versions newer than R4.2 nonexistent\are not publicly available.
- sFall5 by Mr.Stalin.
- sFall2 by Crafty.
- sFall Configurator &
- HiRes edges and PatchXXX.dat are packed in dat.
- Added stubs for missing videos.
- Books.ini are registered.
- Added HR Mainmenu.
- Global Shaders, so as not to break your eyes.
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