[FO1] Adytum mayor...alive?

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Adytum mayor...alive?

Is there a way to save the mayor of adytum when you attack the regulators? He always gets shot for me...
signed: skidog
RE: Adytum mayor...alive?

To my knowledge, there isn't a way to keep him alive.


Nunc ut nunquam
RE: Adytum mayor...alive?

[font size=1" color="#FF0000]LAST EDITED ON Dec-18-02 AT 08:00AM (GMT)[p]You can manage to keep him alive when the Blades are invading the adytum but then you wont be able to finish the quest, because not before the Mayor is dead Razor will appear.

RE: Adytum mayor...alive?

I tried using Phycho on him, and it looked like he survived the shot but there was a pre-programed explosion or something.Maybe its all in my head.

I enjoyed running around and planting explosives on all the guys before the skirmish
you can in theory. you can super-stimpack the guy who shoots him (i never used super stims in FO1, so I just used 4 to be sure, but fewer should be enough). wait an hour, the guy will be dead.

you can the show him the tape and he will threaten to kill them, but no combat mode would start. if you afterwards start combat mode, he will be on your side, BUT as soon as you end the combat, he will start another one to try to kill u. i haven't really been too persistent, so i haven't tried running out of the map and coming back, etc, maybe that would work?

also i think that if you get the gunrunners to give the weapons to the blades, the mayor lives. but i'm not sure, i didn't check - i wanted the guns to myself so i just reloaded :-D
I once tried to stand behind Mayor and in front of the guy who shoots him- so in any case, I'd get the bullet (hey, PA, I'd survive... right?).
Well, I took the bullet. For ~500 damage, it wasn't even critical.
Seems like they want him dead badly.
it is possible to keep him alive. (engage combat early or stuff like that)

but i seem to recall that doesnt help you one bit.
Of the few times I managed to save him from being shot, once he was killed by Dogmeat, another time he was killed by a Blades member, another time he attacked me and I had to kill him and lastly he panicked, ran out into the street and got shredded by the crossfire.

Man, the Overseer has better karma than this guy.
just echoing what's been said: if after you give him the tape and he says he'll 'kill them all' and exits dialogue, you can force combat and kill all the regulators with him on your side; but as soon as combat ends it starts up with Jon being hostile.