Fallout 2 mod FO2 Engine Tweaks (Sfall)

Heh, just got into my mind:

If you use a flamer, have a critical fail and it explodes in your hands and you die from it... Would it be possible to play the flame death animation in this case?

It happens only very rar, but I think it would be worth the addition. :>
hey ive managed to solve the problem but now i have a new problem when i extract using z-zip to fallout 2 it comes up with

can not open output file c:\program files\blackisle\falloutclient.exe
can not open output file c:\program files\blackisle\ddraw.dll

can anyone help me im using windows vista
this may not be something that sfall can do, but what about full combat control over your companions like in tactics?
Lexx said:
If you use a flamer, have a critical fail and it explodes in your hands and you die from it... Would it be possible to play the flame death animation in this case?
If that triggers either of the death anim hook scripts then you could script it, but I suspect that it wont, because if it was hitting that code then it should be playing the flamer animation already. It would be worth a test though. (Scripting every critter to have 1hp and every attack to be a critical miss would speed testing up a bit, as well as potentially causing a small amount of amusement.)

expansion80 said:
hey ive managed to solve the problem but now i have a new problem when i extract using z-zip to fallout 2 it comes up with

can not open output file c:\program files\blackisle\falloutclient.exe
can not open output file c:\program files\blackisle\ddraw.dll

can anyone help me im using windows vista
Already answered very recently. I've highlighted your mistake, in case you needed a clue.

Shiozaki said:
this may not be something that sfall can do, but what about full combat control over your companions like in tactics?
You mean, something similar to what you get if you turn on the ControlPartyMembers option? :P Check the existing features before asking for new ones. (Warning: was pretty darn buggy when I implemented it, and I doubt it's got any better since. I advise avoiding doing anything other than walking around and shooting things while controlling anyone other than the player.)
Shiozaki said:
this may not be something that sfall can do, but what about full combat control over your companions like in tactics?
You mean, something similar to what you get if you turn on the ControlPartyMembers option? :P Check the existing features before asking for new ones. (Warning: was pretty darn buggy when I implemented it, and I doubt it's got any better since. I advise avoiding doing anything other than walking around and shooting things while controlling anyone other than the player.)[/quote]

Mind = blown. what about having control over their lvling up and characters screens then missy?
Timeslip, two questions if I may,

1) Where or how did you learn ASM well enough to do projects like this?

2) Can you think of a way to allow tracking of when the player blinds an already-blinded critter?

In Fallout 1, blindness is a boolean and reduces Perception by 5. I'd like to find a way to allow it to stack, (i.e. "being blinded in both eyes") but i'm not sure how. General idea:

if (critter got hit with a blinding shot) then
{ if (critter_is_blind) then
reduce perception again }
Timeslip said:
2.16 is up.
>Added an option to limit inventory by space as well as weight

Yes, that was me who requested this, and yes, as Pixote suggests it was to try to curb the player carrying a silly arsenal of guns around the wasteland.

So thanks Timeslip, it's good to see you're still boldly modding where no man has modded before in trusty USS Sfall :wink:
BTW - did you like your character in the RP easter egg?

And yeah, I second the previous question: where the hell did you learn
the mysteries of assembly?
Sduibek said:
1) Where or how did you learn ASM well enough to do projects like this?
Can't remember exactly... The first project I did that needed me to learn asm was exe optimizer, at some point between 2003 and 2005, and my memory isn't that good. :P

It's self taught in any case. The intel x86 reference manual, the nasm manual, and a few tutorial websites were enough.

Sduibek said:
2) Can you think of a way to allow tracking of when the player blinds an already-blinded critter?
In fallout 2 it would be easy with a hook script. For fallout 1, there's no clean way I can think of. The best I can come up with is to check the eye damaged status of each critter from time to time, and if they have eye damage heal it and set_critter_stat their perception down a bit. You'd have to keep track of the effected critters somewhere though, and it would screw up doctors (whose scripts could be changed relatively easily,) and the doctor skill (which couldn't.)

Josan12 said:
BTW - did you like your character in the RP easter egg?
Oddly enough, I'm still yet to play the RP. There's forever a new version on the way, which I'm silly enough to keep waiting for. :P
Something that is bugging me since a while:

Would it be possible to improve the scanner a little bit? As example, I find it highly annoying that you must have the scanner in one of your hand slots to make it work on the map screen. It would be good, if the scanner function on the map screen would work, if you have the scanner item simply in your inventory. I mean, who ever used the scanner? It's so unhandy to use... open inventory, move the item to your hand slots, close inventory, open map screen, press scanner button....

Also maybe someone got any other ideas to improve this item, to give it some more sense? I mean, you can see all npcs on the map anyway. Especially with higher resolutions, the map function is totally useless and I would love if it would get some sense again.

In worst case, would it be possible to enable the item highlighting (via button press) only if you have a scanner in your inventory? This might feel a bit artifical, but at least it gives a use to it.
Lexx said:
I mean, who ever used the scanner? It's so unhandy to use...
Obviously not lazy people like you. SNAP!

I agree that it has always been silly/annoying that it has to be held to work, but it's ridiculous to say that means no one uses it. i ALWAYS use one when playing an evil character - only way to be sure that you've slaughtered 100% of the town's innocent denizens.

Oh and Timeslip I know you've been asked but I forget the answer, why did you never develop this for Fallout 1? Do you dislike the original game or something? Just doesn't make sense to me. It seems so wasteful to not do it with all the knowledge / experience / groundwork you already have, because that means whomever eventually does it has to re-do all your work...
i ALWAYS use one when playing an evil character - only way to be sure that you've slaughtered 100% of the town's innocent denizens.

But that's hardly a good argument.
Could we somehow go around the 40 encounters per table limit?

Because if you type in more than 40, it will result in a critical error of fallout2.exe while trying to run the game

no exceptions, too
Sorry I've not been around much lately. Blame these guys for giving me a job... I'm unlikely to ever be spending considerable amounts of time on sfall again.

Lexx said:
Would it be possible to improve the scanner a little bit?
Done, and in svn. There's separate options to allow the motion scanner to be used while not held in a hand, to make the item highlight require one, and to give them infinite charges. (Default is to allow them to be used while not held, but the other two settings are off.) As a slight caveat, if you have multiple scanners in your inventory it'll try to use whichever one is on top, even if it has no charges. (that problem exists in the base game, although there triggering it would have required you to have one motion scanner in each hand, which would have been a little silly...)

This adds two extra strings to the translations ini; the console messages that are displayed if you try to item highlight without a scanner, or with an uncharged scanner.

Sduibek said:
Obviously not lazy people like you. SNAP!


Oh and Timeslip I know you've been asked but I forget the answer, why did you never develop this for Fallout 1?
This is a forum. Old posts don't just vanish. If you know it's been asked, then just look up the old post...

I guess that SNAP was as in the card game, right? ;)

DForge said:
Could we somehow go around the 40 encounters per table limit?

Because if you type in more than 40, it will result in a critical error of fallout2.exe while trying to run the game

no exceptions, too
It might be possible. I'll have a look. You can certainly script around the problem though; with force_encounter you can have as many different encounter types as you like.

Edit: Done and commited to svn, although I've not tested that the new encounters actually work, just that they don't cause anything to crash.
Surf Solar said:
Congrats for getting a job at GoG (or directly CDProject?) - :clap: Timeslip.
Agreed. I assume this was for the recent job hunt they had going? (started like late Oct / early Nov if I remember correctly?) I applied as well and have been communicating with them, but I don't think I know enough about things like DirectX to have it work out :(

EDIT: Yes it's through CD Projekt if it's the same job posting that I replied to.
Timeslip, is there any way to check what level (stage) your party members are on from a script? I would like to fix the stat problems caused from leveling up while on drugs, and also maybe make the Jet Antidote useful on party members. Comparing the stats from their different stages doesn't really work.
Darek said:
Timeslip, is there any way to check what level (stage) your party members are on from a script?
Yeah they use variables in the VAULT13.GAM file under DATA/DATA
Sduibek said:
Darek said:
Timeslip, is there any way to check what level (stage) your party members are on from a script?
Yeah they use variables in the VAULT13.GAM file under DATA/DATA
Say whaat? :question:
Never seen nor heard that before.
Are you sure, cause I can't seem to find anything like that.
Care to point them out to me, please.
Surf Solar said:
Congrats for getting a job at GoG (or directly CDProject?) - :clap: Timeslip.

Nice news indeed, btw, working on GOG wouldnt give you access to the source codes of all games including all Fallouts? ;) If the answer is yes you could ask your boss at GOG and the guys of Interplay to change/fix all the annoyances in the source. :)