FOOL settlement confirmed

Brother None

This ghoul has seen it all
We can consider the FOOL settlement to be confirmed, but we're still waiting for details. Doc 167 made its way to NMA's hands, though its contents are sealed for now, so what's actually in it won't be revealed until later.<blockquote>"Full docket text for document 167:
-SEALED-Joint MOTION to Seal to Temporarily Seal Joint Motion to Dismiss With Prejudice by Bethesda Softworks LLC Responses due by 1/23/2012 (Attachments: # (1) Joint Motion to Dismiss With Prejudice, # (2) Exhibit 1, # (3) Text of Proposed Order)(Stahl, Howard)</blockquote>To explain: it's a joint motion, so this is coming from both companies. The seal is temporary, so the joint motion will make its way to us eventually. And finally, "dismiss with prejudice" means the case is dismissed permanently, neither company is able to bring it to court again with the settlement concluded.

"Responses due by 1/23/2012" means what you would expect it to mean, that is the deadline for both companies to respond. According to our source, Interplay first response is due on the 9th.
I would be fairly surprised if Interplay's FOOL continues from this. Interplay barely had a leg to stand on in their financing argument since Masthead was basically blocked out as evidence, I would assume Bethesda simply bought out the rest of the argument, and Interplay can continue its MMO as a non-Fallout, as per the contract.
Brother None said:
and Interplay can continue its MMO as a non-Fallout, as per the contract.

I guess Bethesda can finally start work on their own Fallout MMO, following the example of WoW and The Old Republic.
After I have seen/tried to play Mastheads lame IMO failed MMO, I would rather see Bethesda working on FOOL personally. I feel that left in Interplays hands it would probably end up either horrible or not get finished ever anyways.
Guess it's FINALLY over.

Thank god.
Sarla said:
After I have seen/tried to play Mastheads lame IMO failed MMO, I would rather see Bethesda working on FOOL personally. I feel that left in Interplays hands it would probably end up either horrible or not get finished ever anyways.

Bethesda would probably realise that running an MMO requires you to actually address bugs and glitches. Much easier to take a one-time $60 payment and then drop support for the game after six months.
The Dutch Ghost said:
Brother None said:
and Interplay can continue its MMO as a non-Fallout, as per the contract.
I guess Bethesda can finally start work on their own Fallout MMO, following the example of WoW and The Old Republic.

I don't think they're in a hurry. They're working on TES Online as far as anyone knows, and I doubt Fallout Online would follow quickly on it.
The Dutch Ghost said:
Brother None said:
and Interplay can continue its MMO as a non-Fallout, as per the contract.

I guess Bethesda can finally start work on their own Fallout MMO, following the example of WoW and The Old Republic.

Hell no, I would rather whatever pathetic piece of trash Interplay is planning to shit out than another goddamn fucking WOW clone like The Old Republic, Champions Online, or another of the endless cavalcade of fucking WOW clones.
This will get my money no matter what if it ever comes out. I am looking forward to this. I hope the news is good.
I'm in between on this one, I'd like a fallout online game, but I'm not sure Interplay could deliver a satisfactory product.
TheBearPaw said:
I would be fairly surprised if Interplay's FOOL continues from this.

Poor Chris Taylor in such case. Interplay fucked another veteran Fallout dev over... again!!

As long as he's getting paid, he's not really getting ****ed. It's pretty likely that they knew that they probably were not making a Fallout game.
Brother None said:
The Dutch Ghost said:
Brother None said:
and Interplay can continue its MMO as a non-Fallout, as per the contract.
I guess Bethesda can finally start work on their own Fallout MMO, following the example of WoW and The Old Republic.

I don't think they're in a hurry. They're working on TES Online as far as anyone knows, and I doubt Fallout Online would follow quickly on it.

Are they really? What's the name.

As far as FOOL is concerned, I'm honestly interested in what it will turn out to be. Probably like most MMOs, but there's always a chance, slim one though. Even SWTOR, with all the commotion it made, wasn't able to deliver anything past a usual MMO experience with the only difference of having voice actors. The real problem will occur when Guild Wars 2 comes out. It doesn't look like they're recycling the genre like the rest are doing.
Also I wonder how will all these law suits affect Bethesda in the future. They got a Minecraft lawsuit tag, a Fallout lawsuit tag, what's the next move of making idiots of themselves in the public?
LinkPain said:
Are they really? What's the name.

I don't believe there's any actual real news on the game itself, mostly rumors. It's known that Zenimax opened a studio called Zenimax Online which claims to make "world-class massively multi-player online games." Considering how hard pressed a company would be to try and make an MMO based on a completely unknown IP (i mean seriously, name one fresh IP MMO that didn't crash and/or go free to play) it's assumed that the game they'd be working on is TES Online.

Also I wonder how will all these law suits affect Bethesda in the future.

Don't they have an F rating on the Better Business Bureau?

Their homepage doesn't reveal much too. Only the so called big shots behind some past MMO titles. SWe know that the X game is in the production at least.
LinkPain said:
Brother None said:
The Dutch Ghost said:
Brother None said:
and Interplay can continue its MMO as a non-Fallout, as per the contract.
I guess Bethesda can finally start work on their own Fallout MMO, following the example of WoW and The Old Republic.

I don't think they're in a hurry. They're working on TES Online as far as anyone knows, and I doubt Fallout Online would follow quickly on it.

Also I wonder how will all these law suits affect Bethesda in the future. They got a Minecraft lawsuit tag, a Fallout lawsuit tag, what's the next move of making idiots of themselves in the public?

Ultimately the number of consumers that regard the lawsuits as negative will be far, far outweighed by the number of consumers who would probably think less of the Fallout IP after an MMO that will differ vastly from the look and feel of FO3 is released.

That's all this has ever been about - they need to preserve that positive brand associations. That's something they do very well, for better or worse. At this stage I doubt Beth/Zenimax has any real interest in making a Fallout MMO. TES is the much stronger option, especially given Skyrim's performance so far.
Lawsuit is irrelevant to consumers, it's more on whether or not it'll influence relations with investors and business partners, which it won't really.
warsaw said:
LinkPain said:
Are they really? What's the name.

I don't believe there's any actual real news on the game itself, mostly rumors. It's known that Zenimax opened a studio called Zenimax Online which claims to make "world-class massively multi-player online games." Considering how hard pressed a company would be to try and make an MMO based on a completely unknown IP (i mean seriously, name one fresh IP MMO that didn't crash and/or go free to play) it's assumed that the game they'd be working on is TES Online.

Also I wonder how will all these law suits affect Bethesda in the future.

Don't they have an F rating on the Better Business Bureau?

Yes they do.
To be quite honest, I am actually kind of hoping this Fallout MMO gets killed, for two reasons:

a) The idea of a Fallout MMO is abhorrent to me. I don't want to see Fallout reduced to some stupid fucking grindy raidfest.

b) I want Interplay to fucking die already after all they did to ruin Fallout, closed Black Isle, and other fucked up shit.