FreeFT: open source Fallout Tactics engine


First time out of the vault
FreeFT is an open-source isometric, multiplayer action game engine which uses Fallout Tactics assets (original copy is required if you want to run the demo). This is still work in progress, some major features are missing (scripting, dialogues, game UI, AI) but also a lot of stuff has been done. You can check out the videos on vimeo, or you can download the executables from sourceforge and run it yourself.

I was writing this for the last few months. Development was done under Linux (windows executables also), using gcc, vim and git for version control. Whole project is approaching 20K lines of code (more than 500 KBytes).
I'm posting it just now, because I'm sure that something interesting might come out of it.

Latest executables for windows can be found here:

Before running game.exe you have to convert the resources to native FreeFT format by running:
convert.exe -p c:/path_to_fot all
It should take no more than few minutes. After that you can run the game or the editor.
If you wan to run it under linux you can compile it yourself, or use Wine.

Source code:

Controls in the game:
LMB: move / interact
RMB: attack
Middle mouse dragging: change view
keypad + / -: change stance
t: teleport
up / down: select item
up / down + CTRL: select item in container
left / right: move item to / from container
shift: walk

I hope you guys like it :).
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Excellent stuff n_adult, now I'm not a Tactics expert, but I'm eager to see how this project develops. Please finish it. :clap:
Impressive - no more, no less.

I can only join Pixote in anticipation of new releases and features :D
Wow, this looks absolutley stunning, the game runs so fluid. I really hope you'll continue working on this, this is exactly what Fallout Tactics needs (and some serious rebalancing but there's Redux for that :)).
I'm moving onto menus. Made one to view the debug booleans that were in the game.cpp' safe_main function.

I can also now exit by menu. Close all the menus by pressing the button entitled menu or close the currently open menu like DEBUG by clicking again on DEBUG button of the main menu.
Hi now I have save/load working. My system saves every map and the entities in them. It only saves the map you're on and you must press save the button. The loading is automatic. I'll add a startup screen to choose what game to start with or start a new.

The saves are stored at a location like so:

I got a bit distracted and the project stalled, but I'm back on track :), although my main goal has changed a bit.
Now I'm focused on making a simple multiplayer game and after that, we'll see.

For the last two months i was working mostly on multiplayer, but I've also added sounds and some gameplay.
I've created a webpage for the project, where you can find more information about it:

And the newest video and some screens:

screen2.jpg screen1.jpg
With this being a new engine. Would that mean more of the game can be modded? The GUI green portraits and whatnot have needed removal for some time now.
And if more aspects of the game can be modded, will the editing system remain the same?
I am also very interested in this; just how moddable is this new engine? And thank you for your very impressive contribution to the community thus far.
phillon & xxxRedMetalxxx:
Easy modding is a priority. Although for now there is now in-game UI, I'm planning to write it in a month or two (I'm working on gameplay now). And when I write it, each UI element would be defined in a XML script, so it would be completely customizable. Also, the source code will be available, so if you know how to program, you can really change anything.

I'm also creating a new editor, because for me, the old one was kinda hard to use. Main goal with the editor is to make it as easy to use as possible. For example: In my editor there is a tool for quickly placing randomized floor tiles, where the editor will automaticly place correctly matching tile between those already placed (so that you have nice transitions). I've uploaded a video on vimeo demonstrating this feature:

You're welcome :grin:.
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:0 Dude that is the coolest thing i have ever seen!

Hmmm, i am having a hard time getting the demo to work, its not letting me convert anything.
You should run it from a console and pass a path to FT as an argument like this:
convert.exe -p "c:\gog\ft" all
And wait a few minutes.

I'll try to make a completely automatic version of this convert program, so there shouldn't be any more problems running the demo.
Dude it looks great! i can't wait to see what it will look like in the future, keep up the good work man!
Yeah, keep going with this man. The engine looks great. And if you can 'clean up' all the messy stuff from FOT modding tools and the engine itself that would be awesome. Having access to source code, well there is no limit to what we can do. Will definitely be keeping an eye on this and rooting for you. Thanks again, this is wonderful work you are doing for us FOT (and classic Fallout) fanatics.