Game Informer Fallout: New Vegas preview scans

Brother None

This ghoul has seen it all
Here are the scans of the Game Informer Fallout: New Vegas preview mentioned earlier, with all-new screenshots and information.


Thanks MKSaibot.

Fuuuuuuuuuuuuuck yeah! :)
Yes. First take: they look really silly.

But I never liked Caesar's Legion, not in Van Buren and not here.
I am sort of starting to warm up to the Caesar's Legion, they represent a different form of power to compete with the NCR.
does not look very post apocalyptic to me. way too friendly, way too bright. even though the city wasnt hit directly by nukes...
lordcrome said:
does not look very post apocalyptic to me. way too friendly, way too bright. even though the city wasnt hit directly by nukes...
Well, isn't Vegas ran by character that is inspired by Howard Hughes? Perhaps he makes the robots clean everything all the time. :|
Ausir said:
Dumb dialogue is back (in a way)!
We knew that from the first round of previews.

And Caesar's Legion does look pretty silly. I'm a little surprised that Sawyer decided to go all the way with them.
They confuse luck "stat" with "skill" in that preview. :>
I've never liked the visual idea of the Legion either (whether from Van Buren or this), having the roman thing going on using remains of football uniforms and all that.

But it does sound like it could be an interesting faction. I really, really hope they manage to go beyond the "evil slavers" mask.

Vegas seems really clean and well-run. Not sure how it will play out, but I like the limited look we get based on the screenshots. If done right, it could be an interesting juxtaposition against the desert outside, sorta like Vault City.
lordcrome said:
does not look very post apocalyptic to me. way too friendly, way too bright. even though the city wasnt hit directly by nukes...

Remember, though, that this game is set more than 200 years after the nuclear destruction. That's plenty of time to rebuild. Just look at the condition of NCR or Vault City in Fallout 2.
My belief is that to judge a given piece of Fallout design, you have to ask yourself : would that fit in Fallout 1 ?

Now...What does that tell you about Caesar's legion ?

EDIT : Those would fit in Fallout 2 though. I kinda like the vibe that I'm getting from those new screenshots. However, I wish they'd make a Fallout 1 prequel someday. Get rid of themed towns, modernity, cultural references, immershun, BOS etc...

Now that would be interesting.
My belief is that to judge a given piece of Fallout design, you have to ask yourself : would that fit in Fallout 1 ?

Now...What does that tell you about Caesar's legion ?

Are they that much different from the Khans?