Interplay announces Fallout 3 licensing deal with Bethesda

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This ghoul has seen it all
Interplay announced today that they have made a deal with game developer Bethesda Softworks, who are best known for the Elder Scroll games, to develop and publish Fallout 3 and any future Fallout sequels on PC, console or handhelds. Here is the full announcement from Yahoo:<blockquote>IRVINE, Calif., July 12 /PRNewswire-FirstCall/ -- Interplay Entertainment Corp. (OTC Bulletin Board: IPLY - News) today reported it has entered into a licensing agreement that will allow Bethesda Softworks to develop and publish Fallout 3, a sequel to the highly popular Fallout role-playing game franchise. The deal awards Bethesda exclusive worldwide rights to publish the title for PC, console, and handhelds with the rights to develop and publish future sequels. Interplay retains all online gaming rights for the Fallout franchise, as well as ownership of the Fallout intellectual property. The company announced last month its intent to enter into Massively Multiplayer Online Gaming with titles including Fallout.

Commenting on the announcement, Interplay Chairman and Chief Executive Officer Herve Caen said, "This is a good agreement for both companies and for gamers. Although we had a high level of interest in licensing Fallout among several parties, we are most impressed by Bethesda's execution of role-playing titles. Bethesda is an ideal steward of the Fallout franchise."

"We're extremely excited about this opportunity and what it means both for Bethesda and for Fallout fans around the world," said Vlatko Andonov, president of Bethesda Softworks. "Fallout is one of the great RPG franchises. Millions of Fallout games have been sold worldwide, and fans have been eagerly awaiting the release of a Fallout 3 title.</blockquote>Link: news on Yahoo
Bethesda rapsheet on mobygames

Thanks orionquest
This is possibly the worst news I've heard since FOBOS.

Actually, it's worse than FOBOS.

"Fallout 3 will be developed by Bethesda along with the next chapter of The Elder Scrolls, both under the direction of Todd Howard, executive producer of The Elder Scrolls."

I suggest that Todd Howard be made the new Chuck Cuevas.
I *liked* Arena and Marrowind. I think they could do it well, *IF* they don't butcher some sorta mutated Marrowind: SciFi edition thing.

Seriously, what's the problem with Bethesda?
Spazmo said:
This is possibly the worst news I've heard since FOBOS.

Actually, it's worse than FOBOS.

"Fallout 3 will be developed by Bethesda along with the next chapter of The Elder Scrolls, both under the direction of Todd Howard, executive producer of The Elder Scrolls."

I suggest that Todd Howard be made the new Chuck Cuevas.

I agree, are there even any former BIS staff working at Bethesda?
Can't possibly see a proper sequal unless it's developed by the fire-spirits of old BIS.
Bethesda is crap. Morrowind was one of the worst games I ever played.

The combat was terrible. The dialog was non-existent. The quests were silly and uninvolving. The skill system was violently stupid. The game in general wasn't fun.

I don't want to go listing developers I think should have gotten it, but I'd rather Fallout had stayed dead than gotten into Bethesda's hands.
It seems to me(from the press statement) they will not be acquiring the progress of the old *attempt and that they will be working sideways with the same game engine as for their upcoming Elder Scrolls game - how will turn-based combat, S.P.E.C.I.A.L and everything else fit into that??
I can't but be skeptic to this as a die-hard fanatic..
We need organization people, and talk this through.
Everybody post their opinion, and head for #fallout. Spazmo Dhruin knows the entire story, Troika almost got it.
Kinda surprised by the developer choice. Morrowind was decent, though. I mean, if you like pointless safari-type games. If the AI and dialogue didn't suck (or wasn't missing altogether) the game would have been great. Kinda interested to see what they come up with.

Hell, at least Bioware or some other halfassed cookie cutter game developer didn't get their hands on it. But you know it'll still suck in the end.
My first reaction: Wooohoo! they finaly decided to do somthing with the licence!

My second reaction: To who!?.. Why??

My conclusion, after thinking it through a bit:
Although i can't stand the dungeon and dragons style world which so many RPGs set themselves in, morrowind had the ability to hold my attention, so i am confident that with a bit of help from the fans (Who Bethesda i'm sure will be happy to listen to, unlike Interplay), We might get a game worth waiting for..
and i'm not in the mood to get all doubtfull about it now that we know Interplay are not going to try and destroy the fallout name again with fallout online.
Briosafreak said:
Spazmo Dhruin knows the entire story, Troika almost got it.

Ack, what do you mean Troika almost got it!?! That sucks, I didn't even think they were in the running. What are the chances of Bethesda farming it out to them?
My guess is Troika couldn't offer Herve Caen as much money as Bethesda so even though they have former BIS team members it was sold to the guys with no FO affiliation for greater financial
I refuse to judge this.

Bethesda has done some pretty good games in its history, nothing to indicate whether they will fuck it up completely or make a decent Fallout 3. There's no way of telling

I'm not sure about this whole "developing alongside Elder Scrolls"-thing, but we'll see.

It's a matter of wait and see, y'know
This is the part that scares me

... publish the title for PC, console, and handhelds...

They have the rights to market it on both, and we all no what console RPGs are like.

Other than that as long as the liten to the FO fan base I dont have a problem. Maybe its time to go and flood the Bethesda forums (if they have forums that is :) )
Montez said:
Ack, what do you mean Troika almost got it!?! That sucks, I didn't even think they were in the running. What are the chances of Bethesda farming it out to them? NONE
Lighten up guys, Morrowind was not that bad of a stand-alone PC title. At least it was more creative than Dark Alliance, and less buggy that Lionheart.

At the very least, the former employees can now get paid and Interplay might reopen and we can go back to work.
I'm more like Kharn on this, we have to wait and see. But if they don't keep the TB combat and isometric view then they are asking for it..
"We're extremely excited about this opportunity and what it means both for Bethesda and for Fallout fans around the world," said Vlatko Andonov, president of Bethesda Softworks. "Fallout is one of the great RPG franchises. Millions of Fallout games have been sold worldwide, and fans have been eagerly awaiting the release of a Fallout 3 title."

I suppose this kind of shows he knows what is expected of the game then, With any luck they will have, or are planning to play the first two games to get an idea.. and you never know, they are still hiring new staff so maybe some ex-fallout developers will find their way there.. maybe.. :)

Also, with Bethesda being a fairly well known company within RPG'ing, this could be the start of a new life for the Fallout series, with the prospect of wider publicity and such. Also if they implement the modding ability Morrowind had, we could see the community and game getting bigger and better.