Is Brian Fargo working for Bethesda too?

Dionysus said:
Public said:
I believe there are two theories for these guys' behavior.

1. They decided to say bye bye to quality design and say hello to easy money.
2. They want to kiss Beth's ass and then conquer when the bitch is not looking.
I don't think you know much of anything about the developer or publisher in this story.

I don't think you know much of anything about having a sense of humour and not being serious at the net.

Go to your room.
Crni Vuk said:
I would prefer if games would return to smaller projects and budgets again with a focus on projects that are realistic and can be realised aiming with their product at a target or audience not with "sales in the millions".

If a game is big in development it has to be a big financial success. That means it has to sell millions of copies to all platforms. And I guess we know how such things tend to look in the end ...


With saying that I dont have any issues with games for the casual gamer as I see my self in that level as well. Games like Diablo will always see more success compared to games like F1 or F2. But that doesnt mean those games are inherently better. They just achieve a different idea in design. Diversity is key in my eyes.
I agree. Hell, Dwarf Fortress is a very fleshed out game, and it's being made by ONE guy. Bigger isn't always better.
iridium_ionizer said:
Is it at all possible that this could be a publisher switch to Bethesda for Hei$t or all all the rights tied up with Codemasters even though they pulled the plug?
Anything's possible. Bethesda did pick up Wet after it got canned by Activision. But he says that it's been in development for a couple years, so it probably is something else as long as he's not just joking around.
Mad Max 4: A ZeniMax Media Production.
A Boy and His Dog and His Cat, directed by Todd Howard.
I Have no Mouth and Must Scream: The Radio Play (as performed in its entirety by Wes Johnson).
Crni Vuk said:

I never get tired of looking at that "thing"... it's hipnotically horrible.

I don't know about InXile, for all which Fargo said about the new Wasteland, actions speak more than words, and while it was a somewhat entertaining game, The Bard's Tale remake was not RPG-ish at all. And now Bethesda enters the picture.
I think the big point that completely destroys any argument for a mobile Fallout game is the fact that Fargo is on a European press tour for the mystery game. There's no way that anyone would ever do an expensive press tour just for an iphone app. It's also probably to assume he won't be doing a press tour for a game that everyone already knows about (Hei$t).
Probably the same reason that we didn't hear anything about New Vegas until after the press stuff already took place - Bethesda's PR schedule.

We'll undoubtedly learn soon enough what actually is going on. Lots of press have done stuff with Fargo. One journalist apparently wore a Bard's Tale t-shirt that said "I am the chosen one" or something like that on it to meet Fargo at the airport in London (I think it was London), but airport security didn't like what his shirt said and interrogated him. I guess they thought chosen one=terrorist or something.

I found all of the information on Fargo's facebook wall - which was public until I posted the story about Bethesda and Inxile. He's since gone and changed his privacy settings so that you can't see his wall anymore.
King of Creation said:
I found all of the information on Fargo's facebook wall - which was public until I posted the story about Bethesda and Inxile. He's since gone and changed his privacy settings so that you can't see his wall anymore.

Talking about an unnanounced game like that is a pretty big nono, not just for Bethesda but any big gaming company. But especially for Bethesda since they like to keep the PR under control more. I actually always kind of appreciated their "we'll show it when we're ready" attitude.
Brother None said:
King of Creation said:
I found all of the information on Fargo's facebook wall - which was public until I posted the story about Bethesda and Inxile. He's since gone and changed his privacy settings so that you can't see his wall anymore.

Talking about an unnanounced game like that is a pretty big nono, not just for Bethesda but any big gaming company. But especially for Bethesda since they like to keep the PR under control more. I actually always kind of appreciated their "we'll show it when we're ready" attitude.

Well, it's better than the "I'll tell you something epic and interesting about my game even though it won't make it into the final product" strategy, otherwise know as the "Peter Molyneux" strategy