Issue with Wasteland Merc 2

Brother Nev

First time out of the vault
In certain areas I can't seem to scroll my screen. Specifically the BoS base, the iron mine, and the homestead combat areas. If I enter the mine I can't move my screen to see the exit grid, so I'm stuck. The BoS base I can't get to the quartermaster or any quest givers. The homestead combat areas I cant see myself when I first enter the map.

I've searched for a few hours now and I can't seem to find anything on the issue(maybe I'm just not wording my searches properly). I know the mod is a bit old at this point but any help is appreciated.

I'd say install the high res patch and play at a higher resolution. Other than that, I don't know. That's such an old mod...
Thanks for the quick reply killap.

I tried upping the resolution, had it low for nostalgia value. Now I basically have giant black borders on the sides of my screen, the area I can move around in hasn't changed. Could it be a corrupt map file or something? I have no clue when it comes to modding.

I think Haris forgot to put a blocker here and there, or he put enough of them, but in the wrong place(s). That's at least what I can read from the description of your problem. Unpacking the map (and other content of the mod) and checking it in the mapper could help, I guess.