Lexx shall shatter thy destiny...


With his release of a Fallout 2 mod called Shattered Destiny. Lexx 's modification introduces a completely new story, with the protagonist not having any relations to the Vault Dweller or the Chosen One, twelve maps to explore, new quests, 3.500 lines of text, 80 dialogue files and over 100 new scripts. In the words of the creator:<blockquote>The Fallout modification "Shattered Destiny" is the first of three chapters, that (I hope) will bring back the old Fallout feelings. In this mod, the player isn't the vault dweller or a chosen one, the player is just a guy like you and me in a post apocalyptic world that has been tortured over the years... </blockquote>The mod is available for download in german and english.

Link: Fallout 2: Shattered Destiny website
Link: Shattered Destiny Discussion
verwandlung said:
(by the way your site seems to be down)

Yap, saw it already and I don't know why. Some of the older screenshots are still working. Maybe it's the traffic.. I don't know. (it's not directly my webspace. The domain, etc. is from a friend.) The download links are still working -- they are on my own webspace without traffic limitation.
Let the bashing begin.

After beating the crap out of the COCks I can no longer talk to Bene and since there are no accessible exit grids on the map, I can't even wander around in the desert.

When trying to talk to this guy, this happens.

And the huge amount of tiny english mistakes (a few times the english is gone entirely and germans shows up instead) get annoying quite fast.

The story line seems a bit too heavily lended from Fallout 1... CoC + Master, Radscorpion caves, broken Water chip... would enjoy an original storyline much more.

Overall though, I appreciate the amount of work put in and quite enjoyed the hour of reminiscent play. :)
Well I think the Storyline is quite original and I can't wait for the 2nd part of the mod...

the ratscorpion cave was much more interesting than in FO2

I didn`t like how you handled the CoCs ... they were pathetic
Fahrplan said:
I didn`t like how you handled the CoCs ... they were pathetic
Not all CoCs branches were the same. Some were administrated well, other sloppily.
Interesting mod.

Bit short. The writing is atrocious and seriously needs some spell-checking from someone who masters the English language a bit more.

I liked it, though. Combat seemed a bit easy, with some hyper-powered allies in there (how many times do they have to shoot that old guy before he goes down, anyway?)
In the first patch (I try to get it finished this weekend) I will try to fix most errors as possible.. some are also easy to fix. There will be also a better english, I hope.. Jacen has read about the files. If there is still bad english inside.. someone else can also read about it.. :)

@Brother None: This thing is... an old one.. for a year or so, it was planed, that this will be the only way to get through the game.. but because some of the beta testers say, that he died everytime, I made him stronger and the enemys more weak. Then, a few month later I included an alternate way to get to the caves, and forget to change the guys back... but you can tune the grade of difficulty in the options more highly... then it shouldn't be so easy. The game will also change a little bit, if some of the "good guys" are dying. (Bene, Steve,..)
Bit short. The writing is atrocious and seriously needs some spell-checking from someone who masters the English language a bit more.
Yeah:) Start playing today and was in shock - reminds me characters from San Andreas - "Grove Street baybe!", "No shit, maaan!".
Well... I didn't test it. But if you can install a mod on the mac version, you could also use this mod... I think.
instalation problem

i got "shattered_eng.dat" after extract files, and what next?

-run fallout2.exe not work (i see whole old game)
-also tryed using dat explorer extract files to data folder (but only see different intro, other stuff not work)

tell me how should work this instalation and do you have any alternate? (for example classic "data" folder)