Melee Builds... Extremely Powerful


First time out of the vault
I recently created an elite melee character. I can sneak attack the Legendary Deathclaw in 1 hit... It is by-far the best character I have ever made. I am suprised the developers paid more attention to melee/unarmed. The perks roll perfectly with the set attacks that have been included. Has anyone else made a melee/unarmed character? Im only level 9 atm but I 1 or 2 hit most everything I run into. I am interested in what you guys have made and want to know how I can improve. </p>
If you can 1-hit kill the Legendary Deathclaw, then there's not much room for improvement. On my first melee focused character, I went for the Oh Baby! Super Sledge, and the Knock Knock fire axe as my primary weapons... but then I discovered a good way to get the Shishkebab. And on my next character (balancing melee and guns) I raised up my explosives skill enough to unlock the pyromaniac perk -- which makes the Shishkebab the strongest melee weapon.
I'm making a melee/guns/survival character. I looked up melee builds and learned that criticals make it way to easy, so I picked heavy handed and left my luck at 5. Its more fun to have a strong weapon and have to 3-4 shot most things than to just one shot everything. I picked up Chances Knife at level 1 and that made the beginning easy.
Atomkilla said:
Could you post his SPECIAL and other stats?

S - 9 (with implant)
P- 7 (with four eyes, and implant)
E - 10 (with implant)
C - 2 (with implant)
I - 4 (with implant)
A - 7 (Small frame trait, and implant)
L - 10 (with implant)

Im am currently using the Ballistic Fist, and the Oh, Baby!
Wearing Combat Armor, with a DT around 32 with perks. I also have the two special implants which heal and raise DT. Overall it was an expensive character, which took hours of gambling to make.
FoxHua7 said:
Overall it was an expensive character, which took hours of gambling to make.
I know the money glitch works on xbox360 and PS3, does it not work on PC?

If done properly, the money glitch can get you enough money for all the implants in 2 hours.
outofthegamer said:
FoxHua7 said:
Overall it was an expensive character, which took hours of gambling to make.
I know the money glitch works on xbox360 and PS3, does it not work on PC?

If done properly, the money glitch can get you enough money for all the implants in 2 hours.

Well, I know there is a glitch at the Vicky & Vance casino, but it requires removing the online patch... anyways, getting 50k for implants doesn't take that much gambling at all.
Melee's gained a huge amount of flexibility with the latest DLC Perks. In all honesty, even a standard Combat Knife can be as effective as Oh, Baby, when backed by Perks like Cowboy and Grunt.

Chance's Knife is actually tremendously powerful, and you can pick it up very early in any run. Compared to Oh, Baby, it has a higher critical hit rate (x2 vs x1), and costs half as much AP to swing in VATS (17 vs 35). The only problem is that it's got a much lower damage statistic, so breaking through Damage Thresholds can be an issue until you unlock Piercing Strike at 12 (at which point, you essentially turn into a Deathclaw).
How do you guys spend hours gambling? Unless you mean you're breaking the bank at every casino, I just get around a thousand chips, max bet blackjack, and mash Y and until they interrupt me. Rinse, repeat. Takes, like an hour or so? I dunno, I wasn't paying attention.

What's this 'money glitch'?
Wintermind said:
How do you guys spend hours gambling? Unless you mean you're breaking the bank at every casino, I just get around a thousand chips, max bet blackjack, and mash Y and until they interrupt me. Rinse, repeat. Takes, like an hour or so? I dunno, I wasn't paying attention.

What's this 'money glitch'?

You have to complete "That's My Kind of Town" in Primn. (Where you get Primn a new sherif) Then you remove the Title update #4 from your HDD. Go to the Vicky and Vance casino, and encounter the thugs wanting to take over the town. Deal with them howerer you want, then leave Primn completely, and wait 3 full days. Go back and buy chips from the casino person. When you transfer your chips for caps, she will give you the caps, but you keep the chips as well. So you can keep asking for chips, and you will always get more.

tl;dr - youtube "Best infinite caps glitch"
Oh, that. Lazy, boring, etc. Man the fuck up and gamble. If you don't wanna play cards, get the fuck out of vegas, ya dig?
milk ducks said:
Melee's gained a huge amount of flexibility with the latest DLC Perks. In all honesty, even a standard Combat Knife can be as effective as Oh, Baby, when backed by Perks like Cowboy and Grunt.

Chance's Knife is actually tremendously powerful, and you can pick it up very early in any run. Compared to Oh, Baby, it has a higher critical hit rate (x2 vs x1), and costs half as much AP to swing in VATS (17 vs 35). The only problem is that it's got a much lower damage statistic, so breaking through Damage Thresholds can be an issue until you unlock Piercing Strike at 12 (at which point, you essentially turn into a Deathclaw).

One reason I prefer Oh Baby! (and weapons like Rebar Club) is that is the large swing radius makes it much easier to hit enemies, especially fast ones. Mauler is also a much better special attack than one on the knives. Finally Oh Baby! has such high base damage, putting points into unarmed for piercing strike is completely unnecessary, allowing yourself to have a much more diverse skill set you and use the perks elsewhere.

It is good that multiple styles of melee combat are viable though. Both DLCs also greatly increased the quantity of thrown weapons which is nice and provide more access to poison as well.
Best weopon is the Laser rifle with all the mods with a high sneek skill. The best close combat skill is unarmed due to the piercing strike perk, melee sucks.
Quagmire69 said:
Best weopon is the Laser rifle with all the mods with a high sneek skill. The best close combat skill is unarmed due to the piercing strike perk, melee sucks.

Because 15 points of DT matter when you're doing over 100 points a hit. The added tactical flexibility of thrown weapons and poison apparently don't help either.
ramessesjones said:
Quagmire69 said:
Best weopon is the Laser rifle with all the mods with a high sneek skill. The best close combat skill is unarmed due to the piercing strike perk, melee sucks.

Because 15 points of DT matter when you're doing over 100 points a hit. The added tactical flexibility of thrown weapons and poison apparently don't help either.

Yeah, I don't get all of the focus on Piercing Strike for melee builds. Raising unarmed all the way up to 70 just for that one perk does not seem like a great use of points, especially when Knock Knock is doing 60+ damage per swing without even being the top melee weapon.
Geech said:
ramessesjones said:
Quagmire69 said:
Best weopon is the Laser rifle with all the mods with a high sneek skill. The best close combat skill is unarmed due to the piercing strike perk, melee sucks.

Because 15 points of DT matter when you're doing over 100 points a hit. The added tactical flexibility of thrown weapons and poison apparently don't help either.

Yeah, I don't get all of the focus on Piercing Strike for melee builds. Raising unarmed all the way up to 70 just for that one perk does not seem like a great use of points, especially when Knock Knock is doing 60+ damage per swing without even being the top melee weapon.

There are 4 copies of Pugilism Illustrated in New Vegas (5 if you've got Dead Money), and if you've got the Comprehension Perk (most people do), you'll only actually need to raise your Unarmed up to 50ish to qualify for Piercing Strike; that's not much.

And, to be fair, skill points really aren't even an issue: you could nearly max out every skill back when the level cap was 30; now it's 40 (and it's going to continue to raise alongside the next 2 DLCs). You can easily afford to drop points into Unarmed to pick up Piercing Strike without deviating from any "core builds" you might be working on.

The benefit of doing so is that you essentially ignore Damage Threshold, which suddenly makes a number of easily-overlooked weapons extremely viable and effective. The main drawback of a weapon like Chance's Knife is that it's got a relatively low damage rating, and that's completely negated by Piercing Strike. Chance's Knife's AP-cost is less than half that of Oh Baby's, even while its crit-rate is twice as high, and you can almost squeeze out 6 attacks per second with it (compared to Oh Baby's 2 and a half). The damage-per-second on Chance's Knife can easily rival, or even exceed Oh Baby's.

Which is quite a feat, considering it only weighs 5% as much, has 50% of the requirements, and can be acquired essentially the moment you leave Goodsprings.

And it's a holdout weapon.