Merry Christmas from Bethesda

Brother None

This ghoul has seen it all
Seems a bit early...VE3D presents a Fallout 3 Christmas card they got from Bethesda, and include what I think is a stab at us but I'm not sure (it's pretty badly aimed).
<blockquote>To quote Andy: "OMG, THEY REDESIGNED THE CHRISTMAS CARD AND NOW IT ISN'T AUTHENTIC AND TRUE TO FALLOUT!!111 BETHESDA HAVE RUINED CHRISTMAS!!!" Happy Holidays from Bethesda!</blockquote><center></center>
Merry Christmas to you guys too!

Link: Fallout 3: The Christmas Card.
The card itself is fine, but the bobblehead next to it should be burned for firewood. What good is Christmas if bobbleheads are not stoking the flames? :D
so who's scrotum do you have to orally imbibe to get sent a christmas card from the company with the least interest in what gamers think about them or their misbegotten products?

really. the world needs to know.
Don't think those cards are meant for us. You'd clearly know the difference because Vault Boy has his thumb and not his middle finger up. :)
Well you do have to send cards out before Christmas, so its not really early. It shouldn't be a surprise that PIPboy is on there, they are going to be putting him on a lot of things for the next year I figure, PIPboy toilet paper anyone?

Question 1: Who is Andy?
Question 2: Who did they pay to paint those bobble heads..horrible?

I really find that behaviour as immature as what they accuse us of.
But then again, I find it rather expected now.
Heh, it was a joke via IM. Wasn't aware he was going to post it, and it's definitely not serious. We <3 NMA.
AndyB said:
Heh, it was a joke via IM. Wasn't aware he was going to post it, and it's definitely not serious. We <3 NMA.

Well, we <3 VE3D too.

I kinda figured it was a friendly jab since VE3D doesn't exactly have a history of raging anti-NMA maniacs, unlike, say, GameSpy's "All Fallout Fans Should Die" Delsyn.

In light of it being a joke, this thread is comedy gold in itself :mrgreen:
Damn it, you tricked us BN

Okay people, we need to convene on how to get back at our friendly moderator.
I suggest we sneak up on him from behind and lock him up in the trunk of a car.
The Dutch Ghost said:
Damn it, you tricked us BN

Okay people, we need to convene on how to get back at our friendly moderator.
I suggest we sneak up on him from behind and lock him up in the trunk of a car.

No, then we'd have to drive somewhere with a guy in the trunk and if movies and TV have taught me anything, that always ends badly.

What we should do is act like we're going to take him to Disneyland and then drive out into the countryside. Once there we ull-pey out a hovel-sey and mack-sey him over the ead-hey with it-ey. Then we can find the real Brother None.

I suspect he's locked away in a dungeon somewhere underneath Bethesda HQ, so we might need a Dark Wizards help with this...
generalissimofurioso said:
Then we can find the real Brother None.

How dare you? I'm the real Brother None. The same BN that's always loved Fallout 3. Everyone knows Bethesda knows Fallout way better than those stupid guys who "made" the game. wtf? As if that means anything, so what if they made the game, Bethesda bought it, hence Bethesda > BIS. lol BIS is bankrupt anyway. If they made good games like Bethesda they wouldn't be bankrupt.
wow, that's a low blow and i do think it's aimed at us. btw love your fing sigline i never realized they made a crpg out of paranoia jiggly!
draeke said:
i never realized they made a crpg out of paranoia jiggly!
They didn't as far as I know, just found that gif floating around somewhere and liked it. Bit more enjoyable than the standard eyeball Friend Computer.
sounds like they were making fun of the whole stay-true-to-original-Fallout-games-attitude more likely than just making fun

or explain me how this could not be meant that way, please.