Mount & Blade: Warband

Brother None

This ghoul has seen it all
Anyone else tried out the beta of multiplayer Mount & Blade yet.

It's...different. Not just in combat tweaks, but in the way you don't really have a character (it's thus more of a combat simulator and less of an RPG than M&B itself). It's also very difficult compared to M&B, since now armies actually properly use appropriate tactics relative to their faction and where you're fighting, and a lot of people playing it are just really good at combat.

Fuckers are specialized in de-horsing cavalry. It's funny how underpowered cavalry is, though that might just be this version's tweaking.

Any NMAers got it? Can we gather enough people for all-NMA sessions on empty dedicated servers?
I installed it, but I have yet to play it. I'm going to tweak it with mods first.
Looks really interesting but I don't have access to the beta since I don't own the original. Probably going to pick it up on release.
Brother None said:
It's...different. Not just in combat tweaks, but in the way you don't really have a character (it's thus more of a combat simulator and less of an RPG than M&B itself).

Taking the game in that direction is the opposite of what I want, unfortunately. The multi-player hordes ruin everything good. :D