Mutants Rising - June update


Vault Fossil
<center>So... it's almost the end of quarter two and we haven't finished making our precious baby. (shocked?) We could release the game as is, but we understand that the Fallout community has high standards, and we do not wish to disappoint you all. Ardent who is famed for his excellent mod (at least among us modders) joined us earlier in the year and has been systematically ripping apart our work and putting it back together in a shinier form for your pleasure. A different perspective on things has been refreshing, and considering the core team has consisted of a handful of people over the years, it was much needed. Chris Parks, our resident ubber modder unfortunately has a life (plus the problems that go with it), and as much as we would like to chain him up in a basement (fed on fish heads exclusively, of course), we can't do that.

We are working very hard to finish the scripting, and in the mean time our artists - Sharae, .Pixote. and Equilerex (who is safely back from the army) have produced some new artwork, most of which we prefer to keep under the blankets to have some surprises for you when the final build is released. Also, our writers, Jinx and Ghouly89, are working on new content for the expansion pack. We have been collaborating as a team to write a dialogue tutorial for FO modders and we hope that you will find this a positive reflection of the mod to come (Read it here). The modding community can expect more tutorials when we release the game and have the time to spend on them. We hope that new tutorials and the assets we will be releasing will encourage more modders to come out of hiding, as we have seen with the latest release of Killap's excellent project.

And we have some eye candy for you:


Link: Mutants Rising website.
Wtf at the first screenshot. :eyebrow:

And loving the Mad Max: Beyond Thunderdome reference in the third one. :)

Lookin' good.
Still eagerly awaiting the release.

have produced some new artwork, most of which we prefer to keep under the blankets to have some surprises for you when the final build is released.

I think that in-game, the new art gets noticed much harder than in screenshots. What I mean is that revealing your new artwork (and not keeping it as a surprise) is not a bad strategy IMO. I may be wrong.
Can we get the description for that karmic perk before the mod...pardon game gets out? Cause I really wanna know what it is :)
Do we get new animations with epic aspl0sions? Are you using the original Fallout 3 super mutant models, or the ones from Fallout 1/2? It is true that it's going to be turn-based?
If only I had some talent, I'd offer to hinder your fellow's progress. Well, maybe after this semester finishes . . .

By Scott, does this look fine . . . Better propaganda then New Vegas, even.

You can tell us, though. Or at lease me. Is this an elaborate hoax? Does any of this truly exist?

[Obligatory Correction Skill] In the second screenshot, dont' should be don't.
don't think its too much. It looks good. Boobs are always positive, and slave whores got to do what slave whores got to do.
Amazing. :clap: Boobies, Rambo-puppeteer and stuff. I have noticed that MOD PROGRESS bar on didn't changed. Will you change it?
Heinz said:
don't think its too much. It looks good. Boobs are always positive, and slave whores got to do what slave whores got to do.

Nah, I mean the response. Over-written.
Stanislao Moulinsky said:
A Vault 77 Perk? :D

It must be powerful Rambo perk! :o

Jay Null said:
If only I had some talent, I'd offer to hinder your fellow's progress. Well, maybe after this semester finishes . . .

By Scott, does this look fine . . . Better propaganda then New Vegas, even.

You can tell us, though. Or at lease me. Is this an elaborate hoax? Does any of this truly exist?

[Obligatory Correction Skill] In the second screenshot, dont' should be don't.

[Obligatory Correction Skill]Than New Vegas, not then. Also, hinder means to slow down, make things harder to accomplish and I don't think that's what you meant.

:mrgreen: Couldn't help myself.
So... it's almost the end of quarter two and we haven't finished making our precious baby. (shocked?) We could release the game as is, but we understand that the Fallout community has high standards, and we do not wish to disappoint you all.
Sounds like bullshit, or maybe even horseshit to me.

But the BLOOD screen actually saves everything - my fav.