Mutants Rising - June update

Ravager69 said:
[Obligatory Correction Skill]Than New Vegas, not then. Also, hinder means to slow down, make things harder to accomplish and I don't think that's what you meant.

:mrgreen: Couldn't help myself.

Quiet Worm! . . . Allow me to google then vrs. than, uno momento.

Drat, failure!

Most assuredly, my presence would be a hinderance. I guarantee it. :) Bu wah ha ha
Very nice as usual... though i have to agree with the person who said that the dialog line was a bit overwritten; perhaps the specific body part description would be better left for the message window (with a certain perception or awareness perk requirement)?
Thanks for comments, everyone!

Reconite said:
And loving the Mad Max: Beyond Thunderdome reference in the third one. :)

Thanks! Put it in there myself :wink:

Panker_u_sakou_starom said:
Can we get the description for that karmic perk before the mod...pardon game gets out? Cause I really wanna know what it is

Sorry to disappoint all the Rambo fans out there, this is the karma title of "Kahgan's Hand":

You're the second most deadly and fearsome warrior among the Khans. You have the open bar and you get to hang out with Kahgan's women if you're not afraid of veneral diseases...

The description is still WIP though.

Blackened said:
Do we get new animations with epic aspl0sions? Are you using the original Fallout 3 super mutant models, or the ones from Fallout 1/2? It is true that it's going to be turn-based?
1. Yes, explosions now take half the screen and may blind you on bright monitors.
2. Of course, the classical and coolest ogre (i.e. super mutant) models from F3!
3. No, we've made it real-time with pause.

Heinz said:
Boobs are always positive, and slave whores got to do what slave whores got to do.

That's what I call a healthy approach! :wink:

X'il said:
Very nice as usual... though i have to agree with the person who said that the dialog line was a bit overwritten; perhaps the specific body part description would be better left for the message window (with a certain perception or awareness perk requirement)?

The guy who wrote this is not in the team anymore (Bwahahaha! :twisted: ) and is being hunted by Leon the Professional. We'll consider rewriting this part, though I'm not promising anything.