naked mod

Well - I've got all the models ready to go... just need the export tools and information as to how to get it into the game...
I've always wanted to see the mutants' jewels... which they don't have a use for anyway.
why settle for just a naked mod when you can make Vaults 69 and Vault 70 (yah I know 70 was probably in Utah)
Well, it's much easier, but also a simple smooth mesh is a very useful base for more complex figures and skinning projects. It's a useful foundation to build on.
Oh comne now, I'm sure Bethesda has a hidden nude mesh file hidden in one of the BSAs, just as it did with Oblivion. At least I hope so.
The second I manage to get my hand on info and the vanilla meshes I'll create a nude mod for it. I have modelling and texturing experience from oblivion, So making some naked chick's shouldn't be that hard :wink:
SudenKaamos said:
The second I manage to get my hand on info and the vanilla meshes I'll create a nude mod for it. I have modelling and texturing experience from oblivion, So making some naked chick's shouldn't be that hard :wink:

But if you have experience modeling Oblivion textures that probably means you lack experience with naked girls?

Also this is ridiculous why would they be walking around naked in the wasteland
I meant to remove the underwear, Ofcourse armor will still be avaviable. And:

Any game mod site should have a naked mod. Afterall we are nerds!

And I've made many body textures, believe it or not. And no one's saying we want to put a real woman in a video game, I'm not that type of making 'em sex objects, well okay it depends how you see it. And it's completely optional: use it or leave it if I get it done.
banshee911 said:
SudenKaamos said:
The second I manage to get my hand on info and the vanilla meshes I'll create a nude mod for it. I have modelling and texturing experience from oblivion, So making some naked chick's shouldn't be that hard :wink:

But if you have experience modeling Oblivion textures that probably means you lack experience with naked girls?

Also this is ridiculous why would they be walking around naked in the wasteland

Well at the least I'd like to see different underwear for non vault dwellers, why the hell do raiders have the same government issued undies as vault dwellers?
It bugs me the most when there are the female raiders who are wearing the metal bikini top armour, and you take there armour all of sudden there wearing under.
KillerBee256 said:
It bugs me the most when there are the female raiders who are wearing the metal bikini top armour, and you take there armour all of sudden there wearing under.

Not just that they're wearing clean underwear.

To quote a character from Jeremiah "Who the hell in this day and age has the time and resources to make new, clean underwear?"
Okay, I havn't dared to open this in blender just yet. But I Retextured the underwear and trying to get it ingame, I changed the .ini file to not load them from the BSA and load it from the folder. I'll see when I get to package it into a bsa.

And yes the underwear was pissing me off, the females had a transparent cup on their breasts. But when I took the armor suddenly there was an clean nice underwear, freaky. and the guys should have a smaller underwear and not something covering the whole body, But I'm just a bit unsure abut all the properties in this one. Completely different from Oblivion.

I'd used some existing meshes form oblivion, but the skeleton on this one is completely different, More like poser. But I did borrow some textures from exnem as these textures had some similarities.
It was just alot of recoloring and so on to get the right tone.

But as people talked abut a hidden mesh, I found a topless mesh. under an armor. But nothing for the lowerbody, and the topless one needs some meshwork to get nipples for it. And I'm really gonna do a Re-UV on this one. But there will be needed Fallout 3 supporting .nif scirpts for blender. Otherwise I'm lost with extra data and properties.

BTW when is the CS coming out for this one? That would ease the job here. Has bethesda been talking any about it?
Last I read they said they weren't interested in releasing one this time, as it was hassle they could do without. Joy.
SudenKaamos said:
BTW when is the CS coming out for this one? That would ease the job here. Has bethesda been talking any about it?
Nothing yet. At time of writing there isn't even a Modding Section on the official forums :-(