New Radiation Warning Logo

Brother None

This ghoul has seen it all
After the recent retiring of the civil defense logo, the UN has decided to introduce a new supplementary radiation warning logo, which I can only describe as "radiation warning FOR DUMMIES":
</center><blockquote>With radiating waves, a skull and crossbones and a running person, a new ionizing radiation warning symbol is being introduced to supplement the traditional international symbol for radiation, the three cornered trefoil.

The new symbol is being launched today by the IAEA and the International Organization for Standardization (ISO) to help reduce needless deaths and serious injuries from accidental exposure to large radioactive sources. It will serve as a supplementary warning to the trefoil, which has no intuitive meaning and little recognition beyond those educated in its significance.</blockquote>Still, it's almost Fallout-style dark irony that after 50 years and great strides in human development, "duck and cover" has been replaced by "run away".

Link: New Symbol Launched to Warn Public About Radiation Dangers on IAEA

Thanks, Killian.
This is an insult to the original graphist that had been inventing the first symbols. It sucks, badly
Well, there goes recognisability.

Also, the previous one may not have been intuitive, but what the hell is this? Run away from the sunny dead?
The scull could have actually been OK, had it been implemented properly (no freaky MSWord-spell-checking-underline type arrows). But the Arnold just ruins everything. Probably was only added because otherwise they could be sued by some USA dumbass for "insufficient warning of danger due to neglicence to inform about course of action to be taken in case of exposure". Sheesh.
damn you HANS BLIX !

It will serve as a supplementary warning to the trefoil, which has no intuitive meaning and little recognition beyond those educated in its significance.
ok so instead of a simple easy to see from afar sign .. i'll have to get up close (to the radiation) to read this thing ... and if i'm really so dumb as the quote suggests i could read it as:

• sunny sperm is attacking the jackass logo better run

_seriously_ they shouldnt have combined it with preexistent symbols (poison,deadly, exit sign) as i think it leads to confusion
I think it's aimed at illiterate people. It makes the message "there's imminent danger" easier to understand: A skull and bones sign, a red background, a running person. Pretty universal, unlike the trefoil which can be interpreted in many ways for a person who never heard of radioactivity.

So yeah. I agree that it doesn't look as good as the simple trefoil, on the other hand it's more functional.

And functional is what it's *supposed* to be. You can take care of design and aesthetics when the thing in front of you isn't going to melt your intestines into a pulp.
I doubt that this is so 'universal', though. As I said: it looks more like a 'run away from the dead' sign than a 'danger in here!!!' sign.
heh it's hard to define what really it means... any chances that they change this funny sign ?
2 thoughts:

- Isn't red the color for happyness in China? Hence, is this a plan to render as many chinese sterile as possible?

- Since the old symbol is very clear from afar, and this one obviously isn't, is this perhaps meant to draw in the poor illiterates so they have to look closer to understand what the sign is about (hence killing or rendering them sterile)?
DirtyDreamDesigner said:
If I were an archaeologist from the future and I found this I'd think that it is some sort of a religious symbol.

It looks like an early Christian symbol, to me.

Three representations of the holy Trinity; (triangle border, trefoil, three principal glyphs).

Some sort of power from heavens above (from a Trinity sign?) hits dead people, and makes them live again.

Its pretty obvious that the dead become living, and not the other way around, because other archaeological evidence shows that these people used overwhelmingly a top-to-bottom and left-to-right script language.

i.e. Rays from the Trinity -> death -> running away (salvation?)

More provenance data requested:
The Red color could indicate fear (specifically, fear of death) in the western hemisphere, and in western europe; but it may signify beauty (eastern europe), or good fortune (east asia).
SuAside said:
2 thoughts:

- Isn't red the color for happyness in China? Hence, is this a plan to render as many chinese sterile as possible?

- Since the old symbol is very clear from afar, and this one obviously isn't, is this perhaps meant to draw in the poor illiterates so they have to look closer to understand what the sign is about (hence killing or rendering them sterile)?

Red is also a homophone for "beautiful" in Russian
Don't double post.

Also, whether or not red is a homophone for beautiful in Russian is hardly the point when it's a symbol, and not spoken words.
there should be just "get the f...k away" instead that all symbols

I don't know how you managed to miss that's *exactly* what the symbol says, in pictures.

The Red color could indicate fear (specifically, fear of death) in the western hemisphere, and in western europe; but it may signify beauty (eastern europe), or good fortune (east asia).

"Red traffic light! Good fortune/beauty!" *steps on gas*

We're all in awe of your erudition on the matter of cultural color codes.

Although, you know, there's a difference between interpreting the meaning of a color on a woman's dress, and we-ell, having it printed on a sign that has a running man and oh, a skull-and-bones symbol.

There's also a reason why warning signs are red all around the planet. The "mines" sign, the "stop" sign automobile stop lights, traffic lights are bright red, and that's because red attracts eye-focus instantly.
Hmm, so something that looks like the 'weird' symbol emits some kind of squiggly lines that makes pirates appear and make people run away.
I think they should just post a picture of a man with thining hair and a cancerous growth on his face with missing teeth.
Would be more clear to me.